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News broke today that embattled Auburn beatwriter Evan Woodbery is leaving the Auburn beat to take a similar position in Knoxville covering the Tennessee Volunteers.

There is no need to rehash the Never to Yield Foundation’s issues with Woodbery and his coverage of the Tiger program.  Our position on that is clear.

We will also decline the opportunity to play Paul Revere for our Volunteer friends.

Instead, we choose today to renew our call for the newspapers that make up the al.com publishing family to do the right thing.

If the al.com family of newspapers, specifically the Birmingham News, Huntsville Times and Mobile Press-Register, intend to replace Woodbery on the Auburn beat this is a prime opportunity to repair a damaged bridge between the news organizations and a large segment of Auburn fans.

We don’t want a sunshine pumper as our beatwriter.  We don’t want a cheerleader in print.  What we do demand, however, is that the next Auburn beatwriter bring an objective outlook.

We demand that our next beatwriter seek out the positive just as hard as he or she seeks out the negative.

When Tommy Tuberville left Ole Miss, leaving Rebel fans less than pleased, Auburn was assigned a beatwriter who came over from the Ole Miss beat.

That beatwriter was replaced by the former sports editor of the Crimson White, the campus newspaper of Auburn’s primary rival, a writer who also spent time covering the Alabama beat for another state daily.

Journalists can preach objectivity and absence of bias all day every day, but people are people. We are all subject to our own private emotions, prejudices and history.  It is the basic human condition.

In the past few months we’ve seen our state newspapers take a significant hit.  The state’s three largest papers have reduced their production schedule and are no longer delivered on a daily basis.  Major cuts have been made to the staff at al.com, the online home for those three newspapers.

There is no question that the perception of anti-Auburn bias that permeates al.com and the three major newspapers has driven Auburn fans to other venues.

By doing the right thing Alabama’s major newspapers can take a positive step toward bringing those readers back.  We aren’t demanding a superhero to rally the Auburn cause.  All we’re asking for, all we demand, is a beatwriter who’s willing to look at any story with an objective, rational eye.

In today’s shrinking marketplace can the state media afford to give us any less?

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You like that? You should see my jaded bloviating suit :laugh:

Don't hit me, you know I'm playing :P

I'm thinking I have seen it.  :laugh:

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Well you can't have a suit like that and not show it :tease::laugh: ESPECIALLY to some people :trampoline::hellyeah::happydance:

One of the better pieces written by NYT imo. I'm not always a fan, not just the articles, for the most part they are fine. They preach to the choir, us :dunno:. No problem there. They have to get a better more effective platform to get that out in my opinion. It would be a wonderful world if the person writing that could get an editorial spot on a radio show somewhere. In the past, they have taken on broadcast media folks from a written platform. There is one time you can win doing that. Never. The other people can respond and do it on less than a dime's space to turn in, NYT is one dimensional from a "getting the message out" standpoint and that is not always effective.

thanks for posting ;D

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Definitely need a bigger platform.  Hopefully this is the beginning of good things to come. They are off to a good start.  May they soon be a big beast.  ;D

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I wish I had a few cool hundred million just taking up space, we'd have an AU network by about 3pm this afternoon.

Something caught my eye the other day in the local fishwrap. Mike Hubbard, a politican from Opelika, has a position as prez of some kind of AU network. Gee, that's effective<<<<<<<<<<consider that yellow. Like his political career :-X:laugh: I just haven't had time to research what the heck that is and figure it out. I'm still going to though.

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Affiliated with the university? Yeah,yeah rhetorical question, I know. Call the maid service, time to clean the house, the one in Montgomery too.

My goals and their mission statement aren't the same thing I'm sure, BUT............ :rolleyes: We need the largest radio network/tv coverage possible for any and all game broadcast possible. WHATEVER the sport. If it is the tiddlywinks or polo team, it needs to be broadcast so we can get interest from the people and family members interested in ALL sports.

We have to somehow produce more content and Barn will know of what I speak here, but SEO(search engine optimization) is not an art, it is a science. Any idiot on the planet with a dictionary( a slight joke) can make positive articles with the right word/phrase to get at the top of almost any search engine. Doing that, in turn, will start to turn public image/knowledge/opinion our way. If people read the negative, they believe it. If people read the positive, it is a start to get them to believe it. Our PR effort is PATHETIC.

I hope against hope, that statement by RF yesterday, is a sign that there is a new employee hiding behind the scenes somewhere.

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Preaching to the choir.  Little brother is growing up.  Winds of change?  Let's hope.

Can I use any other cliches?  :P

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Preaching to the choir.  Little brother is growing up.  Winds of change?  Let's hope.

Can I use any other cliches?  :P

Yeah, I got one, screw um!  :laugh:
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I BEG, BEG, BEG that it is a wholesale change in the way we do everything. When respect isn't given to the people who have earned it, you continue to earn it but you start to demand it. It's time. Past time.

Preaching to the choir.  Little brother is growing up.  Winds of change?  Let's hope.

Can I use any other cliches?  :P

Yeah, I got one, screw um!  :laugh:

They're too ugly for me :tease:
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I BEG, BEG, BEG that it is a wholesale change in the way we do everything. When respect isn't given to the people who have earned it, you continue to earn it but you start to demand it. It's time. Past time.

Preaching to the choir.  Little brother is growing up.  Winds of change?  Let's hope.

Can I use any other cliches?  :P

Yeah, I got one, screw um!  :laugh:

They're too ugly for me :tease:

True, but it might raise their IQ to a second digit. Come on, take one for the team.  :laugh:
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Raising their IQ is about as improbable as raising the long dead.  Only possible by the Lord and he saw fit to make them stupid.

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In the past, when in this state, where they went to school was in the top 5 questions asked when trying to gauge my interest. Some answers are instant disqualifiers. NEXT!!!!!!!! :hellyeah:

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In the past, when in this state, where they went to school was in the top 5 questions asked when trying to gauge my interest. Some answers are instant disqualifiers. NEXT!!!!!!!! :hellyeah:

I take it you don't like easy women.  :laugh:
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In the past, when in this state, where they went to school was in the top 5 questions asked when trying to gauge my interest. Some answers are instant disqualifiers. NEXT!!!!!!!! :hellyeah:

I take it you don't like easy women.  :laugh:

I thought he was talking about employees.  :laugh:

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You were right 62!

We’re simple creatures.  ;D

I forget that sometimes.  ;)

TT’s more complicated; most of only have three questions.  :laugh: Gotta run as well, back soon though, I hope. 
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