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Today, I'm thinking outside the box.  Instead of serving punch (bleh) at a bridal shower hosted at my church, I'm serving peach tea and lemonade instead. I may never be allowed to help with a shower again.  ;D

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Or, you may be asked to provide refreshments for every event at the church.

Either way, I figure it's a win-win for me.  Everyone will love it and I'll be adored by the masses or no one will like it and I'll be left alone.  Yep, win-win.

Good Morning to you too!

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It's very good.  We served it at my Grandmother's 80th bday party and it was a hit! They have it at Sonic now, too.

How was your holiday?  I haven't spoken with anyone here.  I've missed you all.

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It's been good.  Spent the last three days at the lake, working mostly.  We've had a little play time though.  How has your's been?

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Very nice.  My mom's side of the family came up in shifts, so we've had company since last weekend.  We did the pool, Point Mallard, and the mall this week.  Had lots of good food, steak, ribs, grilled chicken, hamburgers and hotdogs. They are headed back home today.  Except my grandmother, she's staying with my mom for 2 weeks.  ;D

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Morning folks ;D Lake? Good for you, have some fun, you deserve it. :cool:

Eff ;D Fun visits? Haven't seen you since you went to Point Mallard, thought you got caught in a wave and still surfing. Peach tea sounds good. Yum.

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I bet...... our last dog, Casey, another mixed Terrier love to take baths or showers. All we had to say was you want to get pretty and off she goes to the shower or jump into the bathtub. Now Heidi hates baths but after the bath she is a joy to be around.

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