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Yes ma'am that is it, it is long ago I forgot what they called it back in Bedrock :tease:

That thing used to draw huge crowds and right beside the river, must be the highest humidity ever known to man. You would lose actual weight by the end of the night. :laugh:

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Well, in their defense, it was started before global warming was invented.  ;)  I remember as a kid going by houseboat to watch their fireworks.  Getting in by car was a nightmare.  the beauty pagent has become the big draw now.

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In St. Louis they have a Labor Day blues festival at LeClede's Landing, a Ms River waterfront entertainment district.

Huge crowds and the air is so thick you can walk on it. The Bud Light is really good and fresh though :cool:

The last time I was there, it was 4 pm and it was 104 dang degrees. Sure is fun though.

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Good times by the waterfront are hard to beat!

Subject change- a few weeks ago I took the church kids to a movie on a Wed. night.  Earlier that afternoon I went and got the church van and gassed it up for the trip.  While out and about I noticed a State Trooper stopping people left and right.  He pulled over three people in the time it took me to get to the van, get gas, and get it back to the parking lot.  So on the way to the movies that night I called the Chief to let him know that 101 was being patrolled and to watch out. Guess who got a ticket?  Yep, the Chief, for not wearing his seatbelt.  I have to go pay it today.  :laugh:

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Ruh roh..... :laugh:

I understand the need for public safety, but the holiday highway program that a not to be named state enforcement group handles smacks of profiteering. You dare not speak that of course or you're accused of being un merican. :rolleyes:

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I appreciate what they do.  I sure wouldn't want to approach a strange car. BUT. .  101 is mostly local traffic and is rarely patrolled.  Remember we don't have our own police force here.  I couldn't help but feel he was meeting a quota.  He even got on the bullhorn and yelled at the lady who works at the tanning salon/gym, telling her to pull over because he thought she wasn't wearing a seatbelt, which she was. Some are little men on power trips.

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Hank Hill is not a cartoon character ,is alive and well and lives in Alabama with two million of his identical brothers.

and no ,that is not a comment about LEO's.

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No clue who Hank Hill is, remember I'm only 21.  ;)  :laugh:

The Cheif and crew were working an accident where a truck carrying chicken parts to the kitty food plant had overturned spilling said load into the road and embankment.  They blocked the eastbound lanes and ran traffic both ways on the west bound lanes, placing cones out to mark two way traffic.  Some chick comes along hanging out her window making pictures and takes out about 2 or 3 cones.  The Chief had to make the trooper run her down.  He said, " Well how much do those cones cost?"  The Chief pointed out that that wasn't the issue, that could have easily have been one of them as it could have been a traffic cone.  Dumb arse.  :banghead:

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So clues are not a a part of training? Don't think I would've been able to manage that one.

Hank Hill is a Fox TV animated character that is a right wing, billy bubber from Texas, that is about as old school as you can get. That is not meant as a compliment.

Fox recently formned seperate companies for "news" :rolleyes: and entertainment. STELLAR idea. :laugh:

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Oh, you mean as in King of the Hill? My cartoon watching is limited to Scooby Doo.  :laugh:

Yeah, got to keep that conservative reputation, don't they?

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After a certain recent court decision of some kind, I made a point to watch it just for the nuclear meltdown :-X

Ahhhhhhhhh, good times. :laugh: Much frothing, spitting and drooling. Spinning tasmanian devils. I thought they needed an EMT on set for a while. Funny how the recent $3 Billion fine against a drug company didn't get the same coverage. Must've been a really busy news day. :-\

Considering the point of view of their "news", their prime time programming does everything except hold up those stated values.

Scooby is light years better anyway.

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After a certain recent court decision of some kind, I made a point to watch it just for the nuclear meltdown :-X

Ahhhhhhhhh, good times. :laugh: Much frothing, spitting and drooling. Spinning tasmanian devils. I thought they needed an EMT on set for a while. Funny how the recent $3 Billion fine against a drug company didn't get the same coverage. Must've been a really busy news day. :-\

Considering the point of view of their "news", their prime time programming does everything except hold up those stated values.

Scooby is light years better anyway.

Gee, you're the only person I've ever met who sees it that way too. Nice to meet you.  For a while there I thought I was alone.  ;D

I hate I missed the meltdown. . . was having one of my own in turdistan.  You'll have to give me play by play later.

Gotta run.  My mother has had my child call me and tell me to "get on the stick." I guess she's ready for some peace and quiet.  :laugh: I think I'll insist she go with us.

You have a good day.

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