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50/50 between east and north central parts of the state. Got to have something bigger if we go east. We keep ending up with more pieces of the puzzle. :laugh:

How you is?

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I don't like to know people, they are.......... well..........people :dunno::laugh:

The nephew is aging out of the TT babysitting program, so we have talked about leaving when that happened for 2 years now, I NEVER came here with intentions to stay, this is my idea of hell on earth and I'm a native. That can't come as a shock to anyone :dunno:

We made the decision over the weekend to go ahead and start getting some info. If the numbers do not come back right on the appraisals, it's all a moot point anyway. We may need to wait out the market for a little while. Who knows :dunno:Way early for anything but excitement and I got that part covered :cool:

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Either a larger place in the hills or back to Nash. Nash would make certain things easier and more productive. Hills would make things less easy and less productive, although still close enough. I'm good either way :laugh:

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Which hills?  :laugh:  There are lots of hills around me.  Rocky Hill, where I grew up (also in KWT's 13 Alabama Ghosts and Jeffrey, I think I mentioned this)  there's the Hill ( you don't want to live there), and LaGrange, the site of some rumored devil worshipping, which was most likely a ploy by the Dawson Gang to keep people off the hill where they did their business, if you know what I mean.  ;)

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These hills are closer to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg.

The Dawson crew, wow haven't thought about them in a long time. Real life worthy of "Justified" writing. They were uhuhuhuh interesting.

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So you've heard of them?  :-X  Definitely interesting stories around these here parts.  :laugh:  I went up there, to the mountain once and there was a little something something going on. It was enough to scare me.

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They were somewhat infamous as well as all the publicity surrounding that time.

Sometimes when a band is playing music, it is best not to hear the music, much less dance to it. The best place to be was away from all that. Invitation to death or disaster. Maybe both.

But I would like to hear from all those folks on the board who proclaim how sweet and inncocent good ol Alabama is. :rolleyes:

Here is a little hint folks, all the football gambling in the major cities in Alabama, that would be organized crime, capice? You don't think so? Try losing and not paying, see how that works out for you.

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Sweet and innocent, yeah right.  I live in one of the most rural counties in the state and would you care to guess how many murder victims I know? Six too many.

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Without getting too political,social or religious ;D the hallmark of repressed societies like the south is in each of those ways, is that a repressed society will do it anyway and simply deny it. Hate me a hypocritter.

Oh no we're church going folk, while the girls still walk East Lake Blvd and burn up the internet looking for all those non participatory customers. Hate me a hypocritter.

Just because someone claims moral participation, doesn't make it true, it is just as often a smokescreen as it is a fact.

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Preaching to the choir, baby.  :laugh:

Smokescreen is an excellent word choice.  Unreal what people will hide behind.  But I guess it's easier to believe the lie than it is to believe the truth.

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Easier to tell you the lie than it is to tell themselves the truth.

Stay out of Minnesota airports if you are North Dakota senator, just saying :laugh: taptaptap

Probably not a good idea to tell someone your name is Jimmy Swaggert if it is JS at particular moments, just saying.....

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Like my friend says. . . dumb arses.  ;D

Just when I think I've finally accepted that people are stupid, BAM someone does something even more stupid.  I wonder when I'll stop being amazed.  :dunno:

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I doubt you will, people keep going to more extreme lengths to find things that will fill up that empty hole inside and it is bottomless. Always five minutes away from the next moment of amazement :dunno:

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So, how are you and the wife celebrating the 4th? I like getting to say that to you. .  . "the wife."  ;D

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