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Thanks for all the bday wishes.  62, I'm 21.  ;)

I'm starting to have doubts about the cheer coach.  She told me that she told her husband that she wanted to have Nick Saban's baby. (Golf can you put the puking emoticon here?)  I just looked at her incredelous and asked "Why on earth would you want to spawn with Satan?" Dang, this place kills brain cells.  :beatmullet:

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In other news I'm almost down to 1 1/2 more days in this hell hole.  I'm not the only one complaining.  The other adults are all unhappy with the way this camp is running.  :laugh:  It's  Tuscalousy, what do you expect? :thumbsup:

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Thanks for all the bday wishes.  62, I'm 21.  ;)

I'm starting to have doubts about the cheer coach.  She told me that she told her husband that she wanted to have Nick Saban's baby. (Golf can you put the puking emoticon here?)  I just looked at her incredelous and asked "Why on earth would you want to spawn with Satan?" Dang, this place kills brain cells.  :beatmullet:


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I would like to ask all you guys to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. My grandmother, who has been ill for several years, has taken a turn for the worse. Hospice called the family in yesterday, and while nothing is at all definite, we have been told it could be a matter of days or week or more.

Just keep thinking/ praying for us and her, and I thank you all. 

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Thanks for listening to all my rants.  I'm back in the dorm for the night.  One more full day tomorrow and a 1/2 day tomorrow and I'll leave this wretched place.  I'm trying to be objective as I can, but this place is just disgusting.  It is not even close to being as beautiful as the loveliest village on the plains.  And they say that Auburn stinks, well I'm here to tell you that this place stinks. Literally.  Yuck.  I hate this place and have no desire to ever return.  I'll be sporting the O&B tomorrow. May be my last day on earth.

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WE4E, God Bless you and your family.  I'll be praying for your courage and peace.

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Any of it at all doesn't take effect for 2 years, SO any unemployment is EXTREMELY premature and designed to affect an election. FAR from the last court case and most will make it to the Supreme Court. Medicaid mandates were ruled AGAINST. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, that gives every state an out to decide their own level of participation.

Almost any family in America is one catastrophic illness away from total monetary ruin. That is not and will never be the country I want to live in. Every day in this country people die, because they are completely priced out of the healthcare system. Cooper Green Mercy Hospital in the Ham is a prime example of how the uninsured strain a system mismanged by those, who  actually have insurance. Life ruled by the mighty 1% sucks. I'm amazed that people are distracted by claims of morality while allowing people to die, yet that isn't immoral?!?!?! HUH????????

I will always believe that when this century of American life is reflected upon, healthcare and insurance companies will be one of the greatest scams ever perpetrated against the people in this country.

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Wusss :laugh::tease:

Yes it was great. Beautiful and with the exception of the pups, I can't really think of a reason to come back, but we did :'(

GREAT!!  Glad yall had a good time.  You do know the pups would like the beach too if you wanted to stay.  

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Thanks you guys.  I'm doing alright right now, but I'm mostly worried about my mom and aunts. As some of you know, it has been a long, hard road.

TT,   ;D

Or....is it Mrs. L. now?   :tease:

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Wow, facts and rhetoric never seem to match.  :rolleyes:

No Barn Alabama doesn't pull me back, MAYBE some people in Alabama do, but so not Alabama.  :laugh:

I don't know if it is Mrs. L now, I'll ask. I'm sure I need permission, but I'm still reading the rule book :'( :laugh::tease:

How are things in Drac world this morning? How's mom?

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That rule book will probably take you a while.   :laugh:

I haven't seen mom this morning, yet. She seems to be holding up well, but when she finally got home last night she was dog tired. I hope she got at least a little good rest. She's the stronger of the 3 sisters. I believe she will be okay if the other two don't drive her batty.

My sister came up Tuesday after work, but had to go back yesterday.

Oh....we got her moved....finally.  The movers brought her stuff last Thursday, and pops and I went down there for a few days to help out. The moving company (the front office, anyway) was terrible. Poor communication, poor management of payments/billing, poor organization. However, the actual movers were top-notch pros. We have no complaints about them, whatsoever.

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This is the first example of why it is a good thing she is closer now.  :dunno: Trust me, that becomes more important as time does march on. In a storm, one man is a lonely outpost. Kind of sad, but true. Keep us updated please and know you guys are in our hearts. Tough road to walk.

There is a new doghouse in the backyard. It is way big for Spike or Watson. It's an uneasy feeling. On the bright side, it is being built in the shade. :laugh:

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