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We just decided it was happy hour ;D L and my aunt sorta rolled their eyes, but they'll be ok :laugh:

Don't really know about the differences in Frontline and Comfortis, first time we've used it. It's for 90 days and is slightly cheaper than Comfortis, our vet really didn't express preference, they were temp out of Comfortis, they do a volume you wouldn't believe.

So have you used Comfortis in the past?  I really like it, but geez it's expensive. I know you can't put a price on their health, but if I can get the same from Frontline at a lower cost, I may have to switch.

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Sham? Right yeah uh huh. The sham is the very reason we had a Chilton County peach crop in April. :laugh: like you know, for the first time ever.

Later a4e..... ;D

Before you get all soap boxy on me, I was just joking about GW.  :tease: But it has been a cool summer.  Not so cool winter for that matter.

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One is for 90 days and one is for 6 months. By the time you buy it two times to one, not much of a price differential and if you get it 2x's, it is now slightly more expensive.  :laugh:

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I'm generally not in favor of online meds of any kind. So many fakers in the world. HOWEVER, a DR. I had a previous doc/patient relationship with when he lived in Nashville moved to Ft. Lauderdale/Palm Beach when his wife got a huge hospital admin job there. He has a pharmacy that does online stuff, but he is seriously above board. Don't have a lot of faith in many others though. :dunno:

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Everyone gone?  I'm trying to weave through the idiots so I can start my happy hour

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