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TT, Remember my wife's brother in law, the drummer in Honeychyld?  They are playing the side stage at Oak Mountain before and after the Kiss and Motley Crue concert.  That's pretty cool for them.  And remember I told you he didn't like country music?   Well, he is now the drummer for Tonya Watts.   :dunno:

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The wife was very happy although she wanted a girl I'm pretty sure

And you're right, a hunting and golf partner! I'm having dreams of a US Open champion  :laugh:

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I'm worried!!  You're dreaming of Webb Simpson?  :o 

How about the clown during the interview?  :laugh:  How does he get that close? 

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The chicken man...........oh good grief. :laugh:

So this is "Cumberland Angel" Tonya Watts? Good for him. She has a little bit of an edge as compared to the" formula" :laugh: Touring, session, what's he gonna be doing? If he chooses to move on in the future, she'll look good on the "resume".

Tell him I'm impressed. Lot of people do PR work, she is very serious about the community work she does..

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I've already seen Kiss sans makeup. Speaking of Rock, Rock of Ages bombed at the box office. The whole world has already seen Tom Cruise jumping around on a stage, why on earth would they pay $7+ to see it?

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Yeah can honestly say that I had no interest in that movie, saw an interview that said if they could get the script right, they/he would do a "Top Gun 2".  :rolleyes:

Somebody please write something new.......... :(

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I'm thinking the time limit on doing a sequel is way passed expired.  :laugh: TC is very strange, if you ask me. I'm still mad at him for disrespecting Brooke Shields and Matt Lauer.

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The chicken man...........oh good grief. :laugh:

So this is "Cumberland Angel" Tonya Watts? Good for him. She has a little bit of an edge as compared to the" formula" :laugh: Touring, session, what's he gonna be doing? If he chooses to move on in the future, she'll look good on the "resume".

Tell him I'm impressed. Lot of people do PR work, she is very serious about the community work she does..

Apparently she isn't doing an extended tour.  She is playing clubs and small shows.  He has played the last three shows with her, including a club in Nashville.

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She has the potential to be an opening act for someone in a smaller setting kinda like Catlin and Hayes did. She is well respected, and if nothing else , in the long run. It is a good foot in the door to be seen by other people who record, tour and hire musicians. Good for him. That's not always the easiest place to get a shot.

Who have you played with? Well, I can't hire you until you've been known and I can't be known until you hire me. :laugh:

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FWIW, I just checked Pet Meds and F&S for prices on pet medication.  Not at all cheaper than the vet.

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Prolly not!  :laugh: Are you happy with Frontline? How often do you give it?  I've been using Comfortis, but it's over $90 for a 6 month supply.

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Didn't you hit the lake this weekend?  How was it? 

WONDERBULOUS!!!  I didn't fish any and only did a minimum amount of work.  We just played all day Sunday.  The water was nice, the temp wasn't too bad, we had a nice breeze blowing.   It was very relaxing.  

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We just decided it was happy hour ;D L and my aunt sorta rolled their eyes, but they'll be ok :laugh:

Don't really know about the differences in Frontline and Comfortis, first time we've used it. It's for 90 days and is slightly cheaper than Comfortis, our vet really didn't express preference, they were temp out of Comfortis, they do a volume you wouldn't believe.

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Didn't you hit the lake this weekend?  How was it? 

WONDERBULOUS!!!  I didn't fish any and only did a minimum amount of work.  We just played all day Sunday.  The water was nice, the temp wasn't too bad, we had a nice breeze blowing.   It was very relaxing.  

The whole temp thing has me concerned.  It's the middle of June for crying out loud and we havn't had many 90 degree + days.  I'm thinking this whole global warming thing is a sham.   ;)

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