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I'm just picking on you about the joke, but the damn thread....... :rolleyes:

Good gravied goat man, prediciting magnum and weegs in the same tussle from thread to thread is so nap worthy it is unreal. SHADDUP already :laugh:

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:laugh: I thought it pretty funny.

Looks like you have a new member in the TT fan club!  ;)

I'm thinking magnum isn't such a great label.  Tom Selleck was hot and smart, a very good mind.  I'm not feeling it with this one. I'd suggest Barny Fyffe, but I don't want to insult our Barn-Barn.

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Ok, I never really understood the Selleck thing but hey, I'm guessing you never understood my Keira Knightly thing :cool:

So I'll go with Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. It's the same post over, over, over, over and over. Did I mention over?

If you have seen one, you have seen them allllll. Dig my eyes out with a shovel would you :banghead::laugh:

Side note :happydance: My aunt and uncle got here at 2:30, taking a nap. Boston butts on the smoker. It was soooooooooooo cool to see them :'(

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Oh, I understand the Keira Knightly thing. If I batted that way, I'd have the hots for her. Which makes me think of Orlando Bloom, another hottie.

over and over, I get it.

And I'll skip the shoveling, you need those baby blues (just guessing here) to see that beautiful lady of yours.

Glad the fam made it in safely!  :yay: Boston butts sound good!

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Good guess.......scared of you.........What am I wearing? ;D:laugh:

Yep it was cool, gotta tell you, It's been about a year since I was in Iowa, saw my cousin in Colorado Springs fairly recently, but my other cousin, his son, I've not seen in 2 years now.

Ms. Knightly, well there is that.......... :hellyeah:

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Boxers and shorts?

Colorado Springs?  Does your cousin live there?  My friend in Guam lived there before moving to Vegas.

Yep, you definitely got yourself a new member of the fan club.  :laugh:

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:o:-X What color?!?!?!?! :laugh:

No, cousin, wife and 2 kiddies live in Denver. They came up and spent a night in Colorado Springs when we went there several stops after Austin. I rode back to the Denver airport with them.

Fan club isn't taking anymore apps right now, shut the website down. :laugh:

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The 26th, which is my bday.  Crappy way to spend that day, huh? I'll be in that hellhole on my bday and anniversary.  :banghead:

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I told the Chief to look on the bright side. . . we won't be needing any souviner money on this trip!

Ya dang skippy, I better!

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Must remove the pig parts from the smoker and help L with the rest of dinner ;D Have a great night.

Enjoy the family time!  ;D

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I'm thinking a pair of shorts in camo is not really camo.  :dunno::laugh: We'll have to ask the resident hunters.

You better get a good present from that trip/punishment :laugh:

Not even close. I'm sure you are relieved  :laugh:  Dang today sure is dragging by. Can't imagine why

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FINALLY!  After 143 starts and over 1400 days DALE JR. HAS WON!  :yay::partey::trampoline::hellyeah:


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Pretty dang good.  I rolled out of bed at 4 this morning and have gotten more work done in 4 hours than I have all summer.  There are some benefits to not being able to sleep.  :laugh:

How are you? Laura?  The aunt and uncle? and the dogs?

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All are fine, some are still asleep. Lucky people or maybe it's tired people. Getting work schedules ironed out for the next little while :rolleyes: We stayed up a little late, talking and laughing. Really, really good times. He brought me some pics of my mom and dad from back in the day. :'(

When everyone comes to, we are going to go out for some breakfast.

What got chu up so early? Wish I'd known you were up, I woulda distracted you from your work :laugh:

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Aww!  That was so sweet.  It's nice to look at pics form back in the day.  Were they before they had you?

Where we eating breakfast?

No clue, may have been that late nap on the couch before bedtime.  Got to talk to my Guam friend.  I know you would have distracted me from my work.  That's why I didn't turn on the computer.  :laugh:

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