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Not so good for me. I have an out of control yard that is gonna take about 5 hours of my day to tame.  :banghead:

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Didn't see as much as a news story about it,  :laugh: Kinda like Evil Knievel Sr, Jr,1,2,3 or how ever many there are now. zzzzzzz. Wish them safety but doesn't interest me at all.  :dunno:

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My parents will be at the Falls today.  They missed getting to see the "walk" live, but did watch it on tv.  Gives new meaning to "a day late."

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:beatmullet:    Yard done. Now I need to find a way to kill time till the US Open comes on.. This is the first Saturday in about 2 months I havn't been on the run somewhere  :dunno:  Don't know what to do
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Chill!  I mowed the lawn and thats what I decided to do until the wife gets home.  Then we are heading to the lake.  :cool:

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Chill!  I mowed the lawn and thats what I decided to do until the wife gets home.  Then we are heading to the lake.   :cool:

Great day for that,  not so hot and better humidty, enjoy sir. :cool:
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Sounds like a plan. Already sprawled out on the couch  :thumbsup:

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OK guys and girl, I'm lake bound!!  I'll check in later, nonono.gif  :laugh:

Yall have a great Father's Day or Sunday or both, whichever applies. 

AA, a special Happy Father's Day to you!!    ;D

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Grilled lots of hotdogs and hamburgers at the car show. Talked to lots of friendly people. All this was done in the shade with a nice breeze blowing. All the cold water that I could drink.  Perfect day for doing civic duty. WDE

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Happy Father's Day to all of my friends here in the asylum.  I hope your day is great and filled with lots of love, good times with family, and happiness. You guys are very special to me and I wish all of you, fathers or not, much happiness. You all are the best kind of men-Auburn Men.  ;D

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Thanks eff! So happy to know that I will fit into this very soon!

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Morning and Happy Father's day to all you dad people around here. Sure as heck miss mine.

and a special one to the soon to be daddy person around here. :cool: So happy for you and H, best things are yet to come for you guys.

Agree with Eff, you are all special folks. Weird ;D but special.

All perfect examples of what children and people need in their lives.

(so will someone finish rearing Drac and me please?) :D

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Undecided face to you, cutting my eyes at you, to me :tease:

Wow the silly bammers thread...........scratching post................really? :-\

It is amazing the personal baggage everyone throws at a post without even reading or understanding the damn thing........magnum,weegs and good grief. For someone with even a moderate understanding of the English language, no comment in my post spoke about anything except the bammer rumor and the lunatics who started it..............dogs...

btw,  :tease:

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