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Trotter speaks on why he didn't stay


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A lot of us will never have a clue how hard being a D1 players (especially qb) is. What kind of commitment it takes , and the time they invest. I appreciate BT's effort and the time he put in at AU.

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What starting QB/player for any team wouldn't be a little bitter?  BT is a class act and I'll always appreciate the effort he gave on and off the field.  Considering the situation, he had nothing to gain by coming back.


That's correct, any player who was a starter, especially a QB, who gets benched is going to be disappointed and some will even be mad. If an Auburn QB didn't have those emotions, I don't think you would want to have him on the roster. I read it as it wasn't as much the benching but "his" feeling that he didn't get a second chance until CM went down. But that is all part of the deal in sports, along with getting the glory you have to put up with the disappointments too. It happens on some college or pro team almost every week at several positions. Deep down inside he knows that too. 
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One other thing, Quit jumping on the guy because his opinion differs from yours. It is a message board. your opinion is no more valuable or correct than his. I see the guy’s point of view. I also see yours. Learn how to have a discussion and stop jumping on people when their opinion doesn’t paint that perfect sunshine pump that you want all the time. Learn how to have a discussion and quit blasting each other. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s like a bad sewing circle here some times.

I haven't really seen anyone "jump" on anyone in this thread. The majority just wanted clarification on what a poster has said and with some things people have said in this thread, the posters definitely deserve clarification.

Baselessly saying that Trotter "quite" on this football team is wrong and deserves to be called out. That isn't an opinion. That is a statement that can and should be proven false.

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What starting QB/player for any team wouldn't be a little bitter?  BT is a class act and I'll always appreciate the effort he gave on and off the field.  Considering the situation, he had nothing to gain by coming back.


I think this is it.  He's a competitor.  The coaches didn't like what they were seeing.  From BT's point of view, we were 5-2 with him and 3-3 without him.  He appreciates Auburn, but in his view the coaches had made their choice about him.

FWIW, I was never so sure he was the problem.  He didn't make tons of mistakes, and the playcalling (probably a result of blocking and receiver play) did him no favors.  Would love to know what the coaches really thought, but it would have taken a superb QB to rise above the conditions he faced.

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Guest jrljr

Three times he said he "quite"...which presume means he quit.   Whether you kept your mouth shut or not, surely you know that was not true.  The coaches let him be the team spox for a good part of his last season and I don't think Chiz would put him out as the starting QB at the beginning of the season if there were concerns about his commitment or leadership.   

He bailed an AU team out in the bowl game at a time when it looked like UVa was going to beat us.  He came in cold and took over the game at QB.   I accept that all I know about him is what I read, but what I read bears no resemblence to the negative stuff posted above.

Yea it was a little harsh to say he "quite" (quit). I'll just leave it alone. Trotter has moved on for whatever reason and we are moving on.  :we:

^^^THIS^^^^  People; the horse is dead. Stop beating it!

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He has his reasons. He played hard while he played. Didn't always work out. Went out on a high note. He has his education and that will serve him well for the rest of his life. Wish him nothing but good things.

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After reading the first few questions i couldn't read the rest. in the first three questions his answers sounded like a spoiled brat. why did the coaches not give him another chance? Did he work like he was suppose to? He quite when it got tough. I had high hopes for him, but he quite. i always thought he would be a good qb behind a good line, but he quite. i wish him the best, but if he always runs from adversity i don't see him being successful

Dude, please.

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