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Petrino Threads Merged

Elephant Tipper

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it is interesting to go to other sites, such a this, and see the perspective other fans bring.

Many, should i say most... are simply enjoying the fact that BP is having such difficulty, that another SEC school is again broiled in controversy.

there are a few who realize that at any moment they could be in the same situations....

We would all like to think that there is no way in the world our coach would do such a thing, but look around folks...It is everywhere.  Lying, cheating, scandals, on and on....

Yes, i find it sad as a hog fan... and found it sad during the Tommy tubberville accusations a few years ago as well, the Tressell stuff, on and on.. it is simply sad that we live in such a world where we hold our coaches to such a standard that most of us never reach ourselves.

yet, here we are....

the latest rumors... Jessica was pregnant by coach petrino's son... the reason she broke off the engagment two weeks ago with the swimming instructor at arkansas... and it keeps going like the energizer bunny

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Yes, anyone who takes comfort in another's problems is an idiot.

We've had plenty of our own around here too.

But it is human nature.

I've seen you post here for awhile and  you seem to be up and up.

Others  here have posted the same.

It says something that you are willing to do so and be both informative and  civil about what you say.

Good luck to one Southerner dealing with a mess.

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You guys are actually right about the whole if they can prove that the relationship predates the hire, Petrino is toast, which is a very bad thing for Arkansas. As much respect as I have for Tommy Tuberville, I think he is past his prime. Also, he's an Arkansas man born and raised, so if they hire him, then it is likely he will retire there whenever he decides to retire. The biggest problem there is that another Arkansas guy is just a few years away from having the head coaching experience necessary to take over the Arkansas job, and not only does he have an extremely hot name in college football, he has a devoted following within the state, and he has an extremely gifted football mind.

IMO, if Petrino doesn't survive, either it gets dragged out long enough that they can justify making the OC or DC an interim and determining to look for a coach next offseason (which might be enough time for them to decide they like what they see out of Malzahn), or they hire a good character candidate who will keep the program from dropping too low while Gus breaks in his wings at ASU. :dunno:

You seem surprised...   :tease:

LOL, not surprised as much as I just hadn't thought about it that way. If it weren't for that little tidbit, I don't think there's a chance that Petrino gets fired because I think the PTB at Arkansas wanted him to stick around for another 2-3 years while Gus got his mojo up.

Haha, no worries.

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I think that he's gone, it's just a matter of time. I think Patrino made his own hanging noose. Arky is probably inches from pushing him over the side of the cliff.

This close to Season starting, I don't see them hiring a new HC just yet, but going through the season with the current interim and staff. This gives Gus a year as HC at Arky St. It also gives Arky a year to watch Gus and to see how the interim HC works out. As soon as the season is over look for Arky to make a new hire. wither it's Gus, the interim, or someone completely different we will have to wait and see. I don't see Tubbs anywhere on Arky's radar.

From what arkie people are saying on hog boards.....they don't want Gus on their staff ever again.....

Hmm, interesting. I have some friends from Arkansas who were talking about how they wanted Gus to be the man to take over whenever Petrino left, and this was during the 2010 season while Arkansas was having a pretty good year. They seemed convinced he would move on relatively shortly, and Gus was their first choice. A couple of them said they wished Gus had been named head coach following the debacle between him and Nutt, even though he was only a year removed from coaching in high school.

So to hear that the Hogs are not so keen on him rejoining their staff is interesting to me. Maybe some just have sour grapes?

I agree Rednilla, I haven't heard anyone from Arky say they didn't want them, Razorback Rev. was even on one of these threads earlier saying that a lot of the boosters there want Gus. Reading fans on a message board say they don't want him isn't very creditable info considering none of them have any way to influince the outcome.

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While I am on record saying I do not think Petrino will be fired am I still think he will not be fired,  I think a lot of CGM and I think many schools who passed him over will regret it one day. 

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No one is perfect, but if you are going to participate in monkey business do it in a car with tinted windows,  not on a motercycle with out a helmet. 

If you are Gary Hart and you are going to participate in monkey business do not do it on a boat named "Monkey Business"

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Petrino was thinking with his Johnson and not his brain.  Sounds like a man that threw chance to the wind and was caught up in the adoration of a 25 yr old that made him feel young again.  Riding around in broad daylight on a hog without a helmet with a 25 yr old blonde chick that you are snaking around with will send your head spinning I suppose. :laugh:

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it is interesting to go to other sites, such a this, and see the perspective other fans bring.

Many, should i say most... are simply enjoying the fact that BP is having such difficulty, that another SEC school is again broiled in controversy.

there are a few who realize that at any moment they could be in the same situations....

We would all like to think that there is no way in the world our coach would do such a thing, but look around folks...It is everywhere.  Lying, cheating, scandals, on and on....

Yes, i find it sad as a hog fan... and found it sad during the Tommy tubberville accusations a few years ago as well, the Tressell stuff, on and on.. it is simply sad that we live in such a world where we hold our coaches to such a standard that most of us never reach ourselves.

yet, here we are....

the latest rumors... Jessica was pregnant by coach petrino's son... the reason she broke off the engagment two weeks ago with the swimming instructor at arkansas... and it keeps going like the energizer bunny

Uh...no, it's not "everywhere." Most people have morals.

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it is interesting to go to other sites, such a this, and see the perspective other fans bring.

Many, should i say most... are simply enjoying the fact that BP is having such difficulty, that another SEC school is again broiled in controversy.

there are a few who realize that at any moment they could be in the same situations....

We would all like to think that there is no way in the world our coach would do such a thing, but look around folks...It is everywhere.  Lying, cheating, scandals, on and on....

Yes, i find it sad as a hog fan... and found it sad during the Tommy tubberville accusations a few years ago as well, the Tressell stuff, on and on.. it is simply sad that we live in such a world where we hold our coaches to such a standard that most of us never reach ourselves.

yet, here we are....

the latest rumors... Jessica was pregnant by coach petrino's son... the reason she broke off the engagment two weeks ago with the swimming instructor at arkansas... and it keeps going like the energizer bunny

Uh...no, it's not "everywhere." Most people have morals.

yep, everywhere.... Please dont tell me you think Auburn is immune to such disheartening actions... Wherever human beings exist, so does sin...

Churches have molesters... football teams has cheaters, schools change testing results, and it is almost tax time.. how many people do you think will leave off a few bucks of income....  and yet... "there go i but for the grace of God"....

It is extremely sad to say the least, and immoral period...

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it is interesting to go to other sites, such a this, and see the perspective other fans bring.

Many, should i say most... are simply enjoying the fact that BP is having such difficulty, that another SEC school is again broiled in controversy.

there are a few who realize that at any moment they could be in the same situations....

We would all like to think that there is no way in the world our coach would do such a thing, but look around folks...It is everywhere.  Lying, cheating, scandals, on and on....

Yes, i find it sad as a hog fan... and found it sad during the Tommy tubberville accusations a few years ago as well, the Tressell stuff, on and on.. it is simply sad that we live in such a world where we hold our coaches to such a standard that most of us never reach ourselves.

yet, here we are....

the latest rumors... Jessica was pregnant by coach petrino's son... the reason she broke off the engagment two weeks ago with the swimming instructor at arkansas... and it keeps going like the energizer bunny

Uh...no, it's not "everywhere." Most people have morals.

yep, everywhere.... Please dont tell me you think Auburn is immune to such disheartening actions... Wherever human beings exist, so does sin...

Churches have molesters... football teams has cheaters, schools change testing results, and it is almost tax time.. how many people do you think will leave off a few bucks of income....  and yet... "there go i but for the grace of God"....

It is extremely sad to say the least, and immoral period...

It is sad, indeed.  Your post brought Romans 3:23 to mind.  None of us should be so proud to think that we are immune from temptation in one form or another.  Bobby Petrino fell prey to a temptation that many men in positions of power have fallen to (including the 'wisest man who ever lived' and his father, 'a man after God's own heart').   

I don't post this to condone or excuse Petrino's actions.  But it would be a bit shameful for us to gloat and revel in his (possible) downfall and the associated rumor-mongering so close on the heels of our own colonoscopy over Cam Newton's recruitment. 

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it is interesting to go to other sites, such a this, and see the perspective other fans bring.

Many, should i say most... are simply enjoying the fact that BP is having such difficulty, that another SEC school is again broiled in controversy.

there are a few who realize that at any moment they could be in the same situations....

We would all like to think that there is no way in the world our coach would do such a thing, but look around folks...It is everywhere.  Lying, cheating, scandals, on and on....

Yes, i find it sad as a hog fan... and found it sad during the Tommy tubberville accusations a few years ago as well, the Tressell stuff, on and on.. it is simply sad that we live in such a world where we hold our coaches to such a standard that most of us never reach ourselves.

yet, here we are....

the latest rumors... Jessica was pregnant by coach petrino's son... the reason she broke off the engagment two weeks ago with the swimming instructor at arkansas... and it keeps going like the energizer bunny

Uh...no, it's not "everywhere." Most people have morals.

yep, everywhere.... Please dont tell me you think Auburn is immune to such disheartening actions... Wherever human beings exist, so does sin...

Churches have molesters... football teams has cheaters, schools change testing results, and it is almost tax time.. how many people do you think will leave off a few bucks of income....  and yet... "there go i but for the grace of God"....

It is extremely sad to say the least, and immoral period...

It is sad, indeed.  Your post brought Romans 3:23 to mind.  None of us should be so proud to think that we are immune from temptation in one form or another.  Bobby Petrino fell prey to a temptation that many men in positions of power have fallen to (including the 'wisest man who ever lived' and his father, 'a man after God's own heart').     

I don't post this to condone or excuse Petrino's actions.  But it would be a bit shameful for us to gloat and revel in his (possible) downfall and the associated rumor-mongering so close on the heels of our own colonoscopy over Cam Newton's recruitment. 


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I think that what the back and forth boils down to is that Many Arkansas fans had the best time in joining their lsu/bama/ugay brothers in rumor mongering that continues to this day(even after Auburn having been cleared). Now that the shoe is on the other foot, Arkansas fans want understanding and a break. I wouldn't bet on getting that understanding.

I don't know Petrino personally but the man is a lying POS and that was before the motorcycle incident.

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it is interesting to go to other sites, such a this, and see the perspective other fans bring.

Many, should i say most... are simply enjoying the fact that BP is having such difficulty, that another SEC school is again broiled in controversy.

there are a few who realize that at any moment they could be in the same situations....

We would all like to think that there is no way in the world our coach would do such a thing, but look around folks...It is everywhere.  Lying, cheating, scandals, on and on....

Yes, i find it sad as a hog fan... and found it sad during the Tommy tubberville accusations a few years ago as well, the Tressell stuff, on and on.. it is simply sad that we live in such a world where we hold our coaches to such a standard that most of us never reach ourselves.

yet, here we are....

the latest rumors... Jessica was pregnant by coach petrino's son... the reason she broke off the engagment two weeks ago with the swimming instructor at arkansas... and it keeps going like the energizer bunny

Rev I can tell that you understand about what our natures are by birth and choice and only one Person can remedy that! I also understand that you weren't subscribing to the rumors that you alluded to. I just wish that folks would use their heads. When the truth does come out and real forgiveness is asked for I know that good people who know their own failings will forgive.I know God will! Every person needs more than a second chance, I know because the number of my second chances could be in the 10's of thousands by now. I hope and pray that the hurt that this has brought upon the coach, family and all concerned will be washed away as mine have been. My best to the good people of Arkansas!
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I am torn on this Bobby Petrino thing (full disclosure, I am not a Bobby Petrino fan). Granted the guy is a jerk, a bad guy, immoral, whatever you want to call it (and he always has been), but at the end of the day he was hired to coach football, and football coaches are paid to win football games. Bobby Petrino is very good at winning football games. Preferably, your coach would be a moral-driven, respectable gentleman who could lead his team and teach his players to become good men, but if he can't win...he won't be coaching very long. Bobby Petrino is a bad guy who is a good coach. He was hired by the University of Arkansas to coach the football team, not teach Sunday school. He'll look like an ass in the media and wear his scarlet A (see what I did there), but, as all SEC football fans know, winning cures everything.

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I am torn on this Bobby Petrino thing (full disclosure, I am not a Bobby Petrino fan). Granted the guy is a jerk, a bad guy, immoral, whatever you want to call it (and he always has been), but at the end of the day he was hired to coach football, and football coaches are paid to win football games. Bobby Petrino is very good at winning football games. Preferably, your coach would be a moral-driven, respectable gentleman who could lead his team and teach his players to become good men, but if he can't win...he won't be coaching very long. Bobby Petrino is a bad guy who is a good coach. He was hired by the University of Arkansas to coach the football team, not teach Sunday school. He'll look like an ass in the media and wear his scarlet A (see what I did there), but, as all SEC football fans know, winning cures everything.

It does, but the question that should always be asked is "At what cost?".

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I think that what the back and forth boils down to is that Many Arkansas fans had the best time in joining their lsu/bama/ugay brothers in rumor mongering that continues to this day(even after Auburn having been cleared). Now that the shoe is on the other foot, Arkansas fans want understanding and a break. I wouldn't bet on getting that understanding.

I don't know Petrino personally but the man is a lying POS and that was before the motorcycle incident.

I'll give them absolutely no break or understanding for this.  After what they've said and insinuated about Mike Dyer/Dakota Mosley/Kodi Burns, I'll not give them one ounce of understanding.  I don't turn the other cheek so easily.

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I was watching "Mike and Mike in the Morning" earlier today, and the question arose as to whether or not coaches are considered "teachers." Mike #1 said that he felt a coach was simply there to coach, that he was not a teacher. The guy substituting for Mike Golic said that if this had been an English professor, there would be no discussion and that he/she would be terminated. I don't know how things are in Arkansas, but I do believe in Alabama college coaches are basically employed by the State of Alabama as they are able to qualify for teacher retirement if they serve at least 10 years (remember xCTT hanging on longer than he should have to the old BBQ Gang so they could qualify for Alabama teacher retirement). There used to be, and may still be, a clause in teacher contracts that was referred to as the "moral turpitude" clause. The Univ. of Ark could be in a catch-22 situation. If they decide to keep Patrino but decide that this girl was not qualified for the position for which Patrino hired her, are they going to insist she be terminated and face a legal issue there? My own personal thoughts are that Patrino has coached his last game at Arkansas, and that girl will be terminated from her job. I could be wrong, but I don't see any way around this for U of Ark.

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I am torn on this Bobby Petrino thing (full disclosure, I am not a Bobby Petrino fan). Granted the guy is a jerk, a bad guy, immoral, whatever you want to call it (and he always has been), but at the end of the day he was hired to coach football, and football coaches are paid to win football games. Bobby Petrino is very good at winning football games. Preferably, your coach would be a moral-driven, respectable gentleman who could lead his team and teach his players to become good men, but if he can't win...he won't be coaching very long. Bobby Petrino is a bad guy who is a good coach. He was hired by the University of Arkansas to coach the football team, not teach Sunday school. He'll look like an ass in the media and wear his scarlet A (see what I did there), but, as all SEC football fans know, winning cures everything.

It does, but the question that should always be asked is "At what cost?".

I agree totally, but lets not pretend that this hasn't gone on since the beginning of time.  Whether it be coaches, politicians, CEOs, etc...  There are campuses all over this nation decorated with statues, dedicated buildings, and playing fields bearing the names of former coaches and alumni who were well known drunks, womanizers, cheaters, liars, etc...  Petrino was hired to win, and he does that...once his off the field fiascoes outweigh his on the field performance, they'll get rid of him.  As long as he's winning and they're making money, he'll have a job. 
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I believe the issue here is not that he is immoral. It is not that he is a cheater and a liar. The University could technically get around that and give him 'one more chance' but he is 'on a short leash'.

I think the real issue is him hiring Miss Dorrell to his staff. It will be next to impossible to keep either of them if they determine that she was not qualified for the position she was hired for. If they find that she was, then she will most likely be allowed to keep her job or offered a settlement to step down and not sue. On the other hand, either way, Petrino hired his mistress to his staff, that will be hard to overlook for the AD and Univ pres imo.

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I believe the issue here is not that he is immoral. It is not that he is a cheater and a liar. The University could technically get around that and give him 'one more chance' but he is 'on a short leash'.

I think the real issue is him hiring Miss Dorrell to his staff. It will be next to impossible to keep either of them if they determine that she was not qualified for the position she was hired for. If they find that she was, then she will most likely be allowed to keep her job or offered a settlement to step down and not sue. On the other hand, either way, Petrino hired his mistress to his staff, that will be hard to overlook for the AD and Univ pres imo.

Yeah, but she was hot, and blonde, and 25 yrs old.
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I am torn on this Bobby Petrino thing (full disclosure, I am not a Bobby Petrino fan). Granted the guy is a jerk, a bad guy, immoral, whatever you want to call it (and he always has been), but at the end of the day he was hired to coach football, and football coaches are paid to win football games. Bobby Petrino is very good at winning football games. Preferably, your coach would be a moral-driven, respectable gentleman who could lead his team and teach his players to become good men, but if he can't win...he won't be coaching very long. Bobby Petrino is a bad guy who is a good coach. He was hired by the University of Arkansas to coach the football team, not teach Sunday school. He'll look like an ass in the media and wear his scarlet A (see what I did there), but, as all SEC football fans know, winning cures everything.

It does, but the question that should always be asked is "At what cost?".

I agree totally, but lets not pretend that this hasn't gone on since the beginning of time.  Whether it be coaches, politicians, CEOs, etc...  There are campuses all over this nation decorated with statues, dedicated buildings, and playing fields bearing the names of former coaches and alumni who were well known drunks, womanizers, cheaters, liars, etc...   :zapbama:

That part of your post reminds me of Mike Dubose's tenure at Bama.

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I believe the issue here is not that he is immoral. It is not that he is a cheater and a liar. The University could technically get around that and give him 'one more chance' but he is 'on a short leash'.

I think the real issue is him hiring Miss Dorrell to his staff. It will be next to impossible to keep either of them if they determine that she was not qualified for the position she was hired for. If they find that she was, then she will most likely be allowed to keep her job or offered a settlement to step down and not sue. On the other hand, either way, Petrino hired his mistress to his staff, that will be hard to overlook for the AD and Univ pres imo.

The other part of that is were other candidates considered/interviewed for the position?  If so, were their credentials better than hers?  Is this a newly-created position?  If not, who occupied that position previously?  And why is that person no longer in that position?   

There is a lot to this that we don't know.

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I believe the issue here is not that he is immoral. It is not that he is a cheater and a liar. The University could technically get around that and give him 'one more chance' but he is 'on a short leash'.

I think the real issue is him hiring Miss Dorrell to his staff. It will be next to impossible to keep either of them if they determine that she was not qualified for the position she was hired for. If they find that she was, then she will most likely be allowed to keep her job or offered a settlement to step down and not sue. On the other hand, either way, Petrino hired his mistress to his staff, that will be hard to overlook for the AD and Univ pres imo.

The other part of that is were other candidates considered/interviewed for the position?  If so, were their credentials better than hers?  Is this a newly-created position?  If not, who occupied that position previously?  And why is that person no longer in that position?   

There is a lot to this that we don't know.

Also, is there a committee or board who oversees this type of hire, or was Petrino the only one who was providing input? (hey look, a pun!)
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Let them keep the sorry low life. and this is waaaay beyond his cheating on his wife and lying about no one else with him. He is proven to be a scum bag, so let them keep him on as their HC and be heckled by the fans of other schools when they play football.We saw some Arkansas  fans in PCB during spring break and they saw my hubbys Auburn cap and t shirt. They couldnt wait to run their mouths. I sure wish all this happened before we saw those guys. I guarantee you they wouldnt have been so cocky. I know he  wasnt hired to teach Sunday school, but he was hired to coach a major university and with that come a lot of responsibilities and you are supposed to be a role model. Keep him on.. I would love for some coach with his reputation to come and visit me in my home and try and recruit my son. Id have a field day with him.

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