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Petrino Threads Merged

Elephant Tipper

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Most football oriented schools are pretty tolerant of stuff like this AS LONG AS THE GUY IS WINNING but they may want to re-do his contract and remove any buy-outs if he gets canned later when the W-L records is not so good. 

I'm sure it's probably happened but who was the last major coach to immediately get fired over personal transgressions.  Most schools waith until he started losing or the NCAA comes calling?

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I doubt the Officer will get fired.  What crime was he covering up?  A man and a woman had a motorcycle accident.  Nobody else was involved and no property was damaged.  

Part of his duty is to protect Petrino.  Apparently, Petrino called him and asked for help.  He helped by taking him to a public hospital.  If he was trying to cover it up, I am sure there are doctors in Fayetteville who would have treated Petrino and kept it quiet.      

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Petrino is toast - no way Arky keeps him around...they would not be able to fire another employee for anything morally related without a big law suit. Plus I am sure some attorney has reached out to Blondie and said..you have a case, you can get paid...like I said its a wrap for Bobby P..

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Agree with A4E, it is kind of impossible to hide in Arkansas while taking Pigtrino to a hospital. The officer had no more info than what Pigtrino had told him. I'm sure he tried his best to help, but I see no grand consipracy on the officer's part.

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Agree with A4E, it is kind of impossible to hide in Arkansas while taking Pigtrino to a hospital. The officer had no more info than what Pigtrino had told him. I'm sure he tried his best to help, but I see no grand consipracy on the officer's part.

Here is a story from an Arkansas newspaper: http://arkansasnews.com/2012/04/06/trooper-faces-state-police-query-about-role-in-petrino-wreck-aftermath/

I think they want to investigate to find out if there is anything else to this or any other incidents or going-ons that the police have any involvement with concerning Petrino that could embarrassment them if the media start digging and uncover something.  Basically if the police have been involved in any cover ups concerning Patrino they want to know about it.

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Remember Rick Pitino  @ L'ville ?

It is not going to happen, too much money to be had in a one trick pony state. 

Large legal fees, cover ups, contract penalites,  buy offs and meal culpas to follow, film @ 11.

Once a cheeter always a cheeter.  Just wait until they get to his other cover ups...  Like Other women... Or covering up drug tests for athletes? ... or covering up payments to football players? .. Covering up of athletes' arrests?

we just do not know what this will lead to.  Either does AD Jeff Long.   Can Long really take the risk of having the NCAA come snooping around in the future to find Petrino was hiding something else?

This is a giant risk. He would be gambling the University's and his own character and reputation on a known lier.  They will forever be known as the school that raises men without character or honor.

Of course we are talking about Arkansas here.  They already sold their soul to Petrino.  How much lower can they get.

How does him cheating on his wife have anything to do with the NCAA investigating them? cheating on a spouse has no correlation to cheating in sports. thats a stretch for wishful thinking.

It's not the cheating they would be interested in, it's the lying.

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Agree with A4E, it is kind of impossible to hide in Arkansas while taking Pigtrino to a hospital. The officer had no more info than what Pigtrino had told him. I'm sure he tried his best to help, but I see no grand conspiracy on the officer's part.

Here is a story from an Arkansas newspaper: http://arkansasnews.com/2012/04/06/trooper-faces-state-police-query-about-role-in-petrino-wreck-aftermath/

I think they want to investigate to find out if there is anything else to this or any other incidents or going-ons that the police have any involvement with concerning Petrino that could embarrassment them if the media start digging and uncover something.  Basically if the police have been involved in any cover ups concerning Petrino they want to know about it.

My friend, if there are any previous incidents or present incidents of inappropriate behavior on the part of his state security detail, I am all for nailing them to the nearest wall and leaving them there. No question, among powerful people, there are abuses of power or position. I'm just not a member of the gossip family or the TMZ school of posting. If there are facts that support it, nail them down. If not, no point in ruining another person's reputation to enjoy the misery of others. I'm not opposed to discussing it, I posted it the moment I saw the police report being released.
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A signed police report naming a former volleyball player at Arkansas as having been a passenger on Pigtrinos motorcycle, has surfaced. Probably not going to be a good thing.

Gotta link?  I have some hog fans that I would love to send it to.

found one...


That picture of Petrino reminds me of the look on Redd Foxx face, when the IRS came callin.

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Two important things to consider.

One if Arky made a move for Malzahn this season, they would look just as bad if they were to keep Petrino. They really can not afford to keep Petrino, and they sure don't want to compound their existing problem, by crippling another school in their own State.

Two, Since this investigation, review will take a few weeks, they are almost certainly going to go through the upcoming season with an Interim Coach at the helm, sort of like North Carolina did. They could tell him it's an interview, to help insure that he really gives it his all. In this case we have Taver Johnson, the named interim at this time.

All of this is conjecture of course, and not really a fun subject.

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Two important things to consider.

One if Arky made a move for Malzahn this season, they would look just as bad if they were to keep Petrino. They really can not afford to keep Petrino, and they sure don't want to compound their existing problem, by crippling another school in their own State.

Two, Since this investigation, review will take a few weeks, they are almost certainly going to go through the upcoming season with an Interim Coach at the helm, sort of like North Carolina did. They could tell him it's an interview, to help insure that he really gives it his all. In this case we have Taver Johnson, the named interim at this time.

All of this is conjecture of course, and not really a fun subject.

I can't imagine Arkansas would take the publicity ramifications of "stealing Ark St.'s coach" into consideration when deciding whether or not to pursue Malzahn, nor do I think that they should.

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Two important things to consider.

One if Arky made a move for Malzahn this season, they would look just as bad if they were to keep Petrino. They really can not afford to keep Petrino, and they sure don't want to compound their existing problem, by crippling another school in their own State.

Two, Since this investigation, review will take a few weeks, they are almost certainly going to go through the upcoming season with an Interim Coach at the helm, sort of like North Carolina did. They could tell him it's an interview, to help insure that he really gives it his all. In this case we have Taver Johnson, the named interim at this time.

All of this is conjecture of course, and not really a fun subject.

Unlike other cases, this investigation shouldn't take very long since Pretrino has already admitted to everything. The key word is "shouldn't". Petrino has several problems on this, but I think his biggest problem is that he used State funds to hire his mistress. I just don't see how Arky can keep from making a move on this.
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Two important things to consider.

One if Arky made a move for Malzahn this season, they would look just as bad if they were to keep Petrino. They really can not afford to keep Petrino, and they sure don't want to compound their existing problem, by crippling another school in their own State.

Two, Since this investigation, review will take a few weeks, they are almost certainly going to go through the upcoming season with an Interim Coach at the helm, sort of like North Carolina did. They could tell him it's an interview, to help insure that he really gives it his all. In this case we have Taver Johnson, the named interim at this time.

All of this is conjecture of course, and not really a fun subject.

Unlike other cases, this investigation shouldn't take very long since Pretrino has already admitted to everything. The key word is "shouldn't". Petrino has several problems on this, but I think his biggest problem is that he used State funds to hire his mistress. I just don't see how Arky can keep from making a move on this.

You're right in identifying the biggest problem. If Petrino's inappropriate relationship predated Dorrell's hiring, then he's done. No questions asked. To this point though, the timing on all of that is still a bit fuzzy. He admitted to the relationship, but hasn't indicated how long it had been going on. In all likelihood, it did predate her hiring; but for the Athletic Department, it's all a matter of dotting their i's and crossing their t's. They'll make sure they have the proof the need to fire both of them without setting themselves up for a lawsuit before they make any make any move.

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This state will come unglued if they fire sCBP.  Most Arkansas fans do not care about the rest of the university as a learning institution,  and openly state they are willing to sell out the integrity of the university for a chance at a MNC. 

Wow, sounds like another SEC school we know and "love," doesn't it?

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IMHO,  No way Petrino gets fired.  He had a very good year (I am sure Ark. fans feel they were the 3rd best team in the nation last year),  and there is no other out there who could run the offensive system as well as Petrino. 

If Petrino Arkansas takes a large step back and they know it.  He is safe. 

Rick Petino kept his job for the same reasons and UL fans are glad he did. 

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Alright RAZORBACK REV, I noticed you lurking ;D Do you have any actual info to add to our little cluster thread here?

Simply to add that there is much more to the story than most know.... Rumors galore.

Supposedly, Jessica was invited to the lakehouse with the rest of the family by one of Petrino's sons.... he picked her up at her car for the ride up to the lake.  petrino was giving her a ride home, she broke up with her boyfriend 2 weeks ago.... The previous relationship part is confusing, as to who exactly... Most believe it we jessica who is now in hiding in Texas and in "safe mode"...

Rumors are that there will be a huge loss of salary, a certain number of games of suspension, an apology publicly to the fanbase, and he will remain under much tighter control ala Pitino at Louisville.  He asked for a 2nd chance, we shall see.  there are also some big money booster wanting him gone and Gus hired ASAP!  yet, IMHO Christy is NUTTS....

I believe there are other names I would call first if he is gone.  As for recruiting, we are not known as a great recruiting school as is, we recruit to a system and coach up.  we are in line for another 10 win season imho and that would be 3 in a row... not many can say that, ended the season in the top 5...

so im not sure what will happen, but have prayed for all involved, him, his family, jessica, her family, her ex fiance, and our university/players....

All schools go through embarrassment at one time or another... Humanity at is worst is often remembered the most....


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I would say welcome to the world of Cam Newton style gossip, BUT, it isn't worthy of much of a welcome is it? IMO, it may be too early to call on Gus if CBP is removed. However, stranger things have happened. I will say he is probably among the better fits for the recent offensive style you guys have been hitting on all cylinders with. I do think it could adapt to him and him to the offense. Hope that doesn't happen, frankly.

I became less a fan of the wife unit as she became more public and vocal. Some of that was manipulated in many opinions to make it look worse than it was. I'm of the opinion that she didn't need to put herself in the position to be so highly scrutinized and that mistake is on the both of them.

Wish the best for you guys in the end, not a fun road.

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Alright RAZORBACK REV, I noticed you lurking ;D Do you have any actual info to add to our little cluster thread here?

Simply to add that there is much more to the story than most know.... Rumors galore.

Supposedly, Jessica was invited to the lakehouse with the rest of the family by one of Petrino's sons.... he picked her up at her car for the ride up to the lake.  petrino was giving her a ride home, she broke up with her boyfriend 2 weeks ago.... The previous relationship part is confusing, as to who exactly... Most believe it we jessica who is now in hiding in Texas and in "safe mode"...

Rumors are that there will be a huge loss of salary, a certain number of games of suspension, an apology publicly to the fanbase, and he will remain under much tighter control ala Pitino at Louisville.  He asked for a 2nd chance, we shall see.  there are also some big money booster wanting him gone and Gus hired ASAP!  yet, IMHO Christy is NUTTS....

I believe there are other names I would call first if he is gone.  As for recruiting, we are not known as a great recruiting school as is, we recruit to a system and coach up.  we are in line for another 10 win season imho and that would be 3 in a row... not many can say that, ended the season in the top 5...

so im not sure what will happen, but have prayed for all involved, him, his family, jessica, her family, her ex fiance, and our university/players....

All schools go through embarrassment at one time or another... Humanity at is worst is often remembered the most....


If it was as innocent as one of his sons asking her to a family outing you can bet that it would have been known with the first 911 call that he didn't allow. I can understand a fan base hoping and believing for the best but come on don't be nieve.
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Alright RAZORBACK REV, I noticed you lurking ;D Do you have any actual info to add to our little cluster thread here?

Simply to add that there is much more to the story than most know.... Rumors galore.

Supposedly, Jessica was invited to the lakehouse with the rest of the family by one of Petrino's sons.... he picked her up at her car for the ride up to the lake.  petrino was giving her a ride home, she broke up with her boyfriend 2 weeks ago.... The previous relationship part is confusing, as to who exactly... Most believe it we jessica who is now in hiding in Texas and in "safe mode"...

Rumors are that there will be a huge loss of salary, a certain number of games of suspension, an apology publicly to the fanbase, and he will remain under much tighter control ala Pitino at Louisville.  He asked for a 2nd chance, we shall see.  there are also some big money booster wanting him gone and Gus hired ASAP!  yet, IMHO Christy is NUTTS....

I believe there are other names I would call first if he is gone.  As for recruiting, we are not known as a great recruiting school as is, we recruit to a system and coach up.  we are in line for another 10 win season imho and that would be 3 in a row... not many can say that, ended the season in the top 5...

so im not sure what will happen, but have prayed for all involved, him, his family, jessica, her family, her ex fiance, and our university/players....

All schools go through embarrassment at one time or another... Humanity at is worst is often remembered the most....


If it was as innocent as one of his sons asking her to a family outing you can bet that it would have been known with the first 911 call that he didn't allow. I can understand a fan base hoping and believing for the best but come on don't be nieve.

Exactly, where would there have been a need for a request for no 911 call, a call to the protection officer, and having her dropped off instead of being checked out at the hospital. His injuries dictated he should have had an ambulance there asap. It just doesn't add up IMO.

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IMHO,  No way Petrino gets fired.  He had a very good year (I am sure Ark. fans feel they were the 3rd best team in the nation last year),  and there is no other out there who could run the offensive system as well as Petrino. 

If Petrino Arkansas takes a large step back and they know it.  He is safe. 

Rick Petino kept his job for the same reasons and UL fans are glad he did. 

Was Petino with a former student-athlete he had just hired?

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Also of note... Her wedding registry account was shut down sometime prior to 6pm today

That's because other messageboards found it and posted some hilarious stuff in the guestbook.

From the wedding guestbook:

Bobby, I hope you lasted longer than 15 seconds!

from: Rick Pitino

I'll be there to. For the finger food of course.... Call me...

from: Bill Clinton

Not so fast my friend!

from: Lee Corso

Give him head and the body will die

from: Gregg Williams

4/5/2012 5:51:11 PM

Stay away from Gus, Jessica!

from: Kristi Malzahn

4/5/2012 5:49:42 PM

I knew I should have taken that Arkansas job!

from: Tommy Tuberville

4/5/2012 5:48:21 PM


from: Gene Chizik

4/5/2012 5:47:19 PM

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Also of note... Her wedding registry account was shut down sometime prior to 6pm today

That's because other messageboards found it and posted some hilarious stuff in the guestbook.

From the wedding guestbook:

Bobby, I hope you lasted longer than 15 seconds!

from: Rick Pitino

I'll be there to. For the finger food of course.... Call me...

from: Bill Clinton

Not so fast my friend!

from: Lee Corso

Give him head and the body will die

from: Gregg Williams

4/5/2012 5:51:11 PM

Stay away from Gus, Jessica!

from: Kristi Malzahn

4/5/2012 5:49:42 PM

I knew I should have taken that Arkansas job!

from: Tommy Tuberville

4/5/2012 5:48:21 PM


from: Gene Chizik

4/5/2012 5:47:19 PM

Pahahahaha. Classic.

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IMHO, No way Petrino gets fired. He had a very good year (I am sure Ark. fans feel they were the 3rd best team in the nation last year), and there is no other out there who could run the offensive system as well as Petrino.

If Petrino Arkansas takes a large step back and they know it. He is safe.

Rick Petino kept his job for the same reasons and UL fans are glad he did.

Was Petino with a former student-athlete he had just hired?

Nope, he definitely wasn't, which is of course significant because if it's proven that the inappropriate relationship predated the hiring, then that will be the rope they hang Bobby with. People also seem to forget in the Rick Petino incident, that in many ways Petino was seen as the victim. His hands were certainly not clean, but his situation came to light far after his brief "relationship" had ended and only because he was being blackmailed. There is no such duality to this situation unfortunately for Petrino.

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You guys are actually right about the whole if they can prove that the relationship predates the hire, Petrino is toast, which is a very bad thing for Arkansas. As much respect as I have for Tommy Tuberville, I think he is past his prime. Also, he's an Arkansas man born and raised, so if they hire him, then it is likely he will retire there whenever he decides to retire. The biggest problem there is that another Arkansas guy is just a few years away from having the head coaching experience necessary to take over the Arkansas job, and not only does he have an extremely hot name in college football, he has a devoted following within the state, and he has an extremely gifted football mind.

IMO, if Petrino doesn't survive, either it gets dragged out long enough that they can justify making the OC or DC an interim and determining to look for a coach next offseason (which might be enough time for them to decide they like what they see out of Malzahn), or they hire a good character candidate who will keep the program from dropping too low while Gus breaks in his wings at ASU. :dunno:

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You guys are actually right about the whole if they can prove that the relationship predates the hire, Petrino is toast, which is a very bad thing for Arkansas. As much respect as I have for Tommy Tuberville, I think he is past his prime. Also, he's an Arkansas man born and raised, so if they hire him, then it is likely he will retire there whenever he decides to retire. The biggest problem there is that another Arkansas guy is just a few years away from having the head coaching experience necessary to take over the Arkansas job, and not only does he have an extremely hot name in college football, he has a devoted following within the state, and he has an extremely gifted football mind.

IMO, if Petrino doesn't survive, either it gets dragged out long enough that they can justify making the OC or DC an interim and determining to look for a coach next offseason (which might be enough time for them to decide they like what they see out of Malzahn), or they hire a good character candidate who will keep the program from dropping too low while Gus breaks in his wings at ASU. :dunno:

You seem surprised...  :tease:

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