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Petrino Threads Merged

Elephant Tipper

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"I agree that he handled himself with class and did the right thing by firing Petrino, but lets not forget that Long is also the one who hired Petrino to begin with even after Petrino had secretly flirted with AU while coaching at UL, and then the way he left the Falcons hanging in mid-season....

Would you really want an AD at Auburn who is willing to hire people of 'questionable' character just for the sake of winning? That said, I saw the press conference, and I think Long handled the situation very well, but he was simply cleaning up a mess that was caused by a risky employee who he chose to hire. "

THIS X 1000

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I can't imagine that if the shoe had been on the other foot that this board would have had all the negative to say about the AD that hogville did.

I feel like Long tried everything within his power to find a way to keep BP. I may be wrong. If BP were to stay there had to be some serious consequences. He hired his mistress over 159 other applicants. She may have been the most qualified, but it was still a huge conflict of interest. Arkansas is now opened up to a large discrimination suit from some of the other applicants I would assume. That in itself is grounds for termination. You wouldn't even have to bring the moral turpitude clause into it.

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Mega props. The AD could have stood up there and read some politically correct statement. Instead he raked Petrino over the coals and spelled out each and every instance of his wrongdoing. He didn't pull any punches and he earned my respect.

Cannot agree more with the above statements......The ARK AD got a lot of respect last night for his actions!!!   And our AD is now shown as the 'genius' he is when he choose our coach!!!!   War Eagle everyone!!!

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I like to imagine that Jeff Long simply told Petrino to "hit the road", and then laughed quietly to himself at his own double-entendre.

For the bammer lurkers: double entendre means a word or expression capable of two interpretations.

**Are you trying to make their turd minds explode? They can't handle tough words like that.  ;D

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exactly. This guy went and hired petrino like a thief in the night. He rolled the dice knowing what he was getting and to me does not deserve praise, but some of the blame. He is cleaning up a mess that he helped create by bringing in such a shady individual in the first place. Let arkansas keep him.

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That didn't take as long as I thought it might take. I give huge props to the Arky AD for doing the right thing and doing it in a reasonable time frame.

There have been many discussions back and forth about wither a coach is just a coach or a teacher/role model. On the college level he is a role model. There was one statement that was made in the linked article that upholds my thoughts on this.

"Our expectations of character and integrity in our employees can be no less than what we expect of our students," Long said

These are still impressionable young men, Coaches at the colligate level are not just there to win, but to turn young men in to respectable men and leaders. You can't do that by making horribly wrong decisions and abusing your power. Unfortunately it seems that with power comes corruption.

The other thing that got me was part of Patrino’s statement.

"My sole focus at this point is trying to repair the damage I've done to my family. They did not ask for any of this and deserve better. I am committed to being a better husband, father and human being as a result of this and will work each and every day to prove that to my family, friends and others."

He should have been working on his family instead of a 25 yr old girl. I have been married for 17 years and have 2 teenage daughters. It’s never easy but dedication, commitment and the thoughtfulness to remove one’s self from temptation sure makes life a lot easier. It’s obvious that his commitment to his family isn’t there.  This is a really sad fact obvious by the events that transpired. I hope he can heal his relationships with his family and honor the commitment he made when he got married. I doubt it will ever be the same though. I feel somewhat sorry for him and very sorry for his family.

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That didn't take as long as I thought it might take. I give huge props to the Arky AD for doing the right thing and doing it in a reasonable time frame.

There have been many discussions back and forth about wither a coach is just a coach or a teacher/role model. On the college level he is a role model. There was one statement that was made in the linked article that upholds my thoughts on this.

"Our expectations of character and integrity in our employees can be no less than what we expect of our students," Long said

These are still impressionable young men, Coaches at the colligate level are not just there to win, but to turn young men in to respectable men and leaders. You can't do that by making horribly wrong decisions and abusing your power. Unfortunately it seems that with power comes corruption.

The other thing that got me was part of Patrino’s statement.

"My sole focus at this point is trying to repair the damage I've done to my family. They did not ask for any of this and deserve better. I am committed to being a better husband, father and human being as a result of this and will work each and every day to prove that to my family, friends and others."

He should have been working on his family instead of a 25 yr old girl. I have been married for 17 years and have 2 teenage daughters. It’s never easy but dedication, commitment and the thoughtfulness to remove one’s self from temptation sure makes life a lot easier. It’s obvious that his commitment to his family isn’t there.  This is a really sad fact obvious by the events that transpired. I hope he can heal his relationships with his family and honor the commitment he made when he got married. I doubt it will ever be the same though. I feel somewhat sorry for him and very sorry for his family.

Nice post, Stripe.

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I like to imagine that Jeff Long simply told Petrino to "hit the road", and then laughed quietly to himself at his own double-entendre.

For the bammer lurkers: double entendre means a word or expression capable of two interpretations.

**Are you trying to make their turd minds explode? They can't handle tough words like that.  ;D

This board is Auburn only. Turds view at their own risk. Logic confuses them, basic counting skills are completely unknown to them, and third grade vocabulary is over their head. If we pander to them with all of our posts, how then can we express the nuances that mold each singular perspective into the force that is the Auburn Family? ;)

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Im not one to root for injuries or bad things to happen at the schools of Auburn's rivals, however, i do have to say that Petrino getting fired is great for Auburn. Even though i think the guy is a jerk, on the football field, he has proven to be an offensive whiz and the guy was putting together a very good team in the SEC West that had a top tier offense. I dont mind not having to deal with him annually.

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I can't imagine that if the shoe had been on the other foot that this board would have had all the negative to say about the AD that hogville did.

I'm feel like Long tried everything within his power to find a way to keep BP. Imay be wrong. If BP was to stay there had to be some serious consequences. He hired his mistress over 159 other applicants. She may have been the most qualified, but it was still a huge conflict of interest. Arkansas is now opened up to a large discrimination suit from some of the other applicants I would assume. That in itself is grounds for termination. You wouldn't even have to bring the moral turpitude clause into it.

I agree and I think it is worst that that.  He also recently hired his brother as OC, which on itself is not unusual but in this situation it could be the straw that broke the camel's back.  Sometimes a lot of little things can add up to being just too much to deal with.  Like when everywhere you turn there are issues or potential issues you should not have to deal with... hiring mistress, hiring brother, etc.  I have a hunch as the Arkansas folks looked around and looked under the rocks, they didn't like what they were seeing.

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I may get bashed for stating this, but what about the woman he was messing around with?  Petrino got what he deserved, as he should be held to a high standard as a "teacher" of these young men.  However, I saw somewhere that the girl he was messing around with is still employed by the university.  I don't remember reading anywhere that she was forced to have an affair, or that she was forced to accept $20,000 from BP.  She is the fiance of another coach in the Arky athletic department.  I think she deserves some blame in this situation, as it takes two to tango.

All of the above is what I have read on the situation, so I do not have first-hand knowledge about the money or the fact that she is engaged to another coach. 

Thank God that our coaches seem to realize that they are not above the law, and that they are not merely coaches, but mentors and role models to these kids.  This is why I would not trade Coach Chizik for Saban.  Coaches like saban and petrino feel entitled to everything, and that rubs off on the kids they coach.  They feel above the law, because the universities and boosters back them without question, and cover up wrong-doings on a daily basis.  These coaches should not be allowed to warp the minds of young athletes.  It's a shame that so many parents only care about the future money-making potential of their kids, and not how their kids will turn out as members of society.

War Eagle, Coach Chizik and staff.  Keep leading our boys to great heights, on and off the playing field.

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I've read everywhere that he tried to keep Petrino, but with new stipulations in his contract. Petrino said no and only then did Long fire him. Don't think this guy is quite as "stand up" as some here do, but still glad he fired Petrino in the end.

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I like to imagine that Jeff Long simply told Petrino to "hit the road", and then laughed quietly to himself at his own double-entendre.

For the bammer lurkers: double entendre means a word or expression capable of two interpretations.

**Are you trying to make their turd minds explode? They can't handle tough words like that.  ;D

This board is Auburn only. Turds view at their own risk. Logic confuses them, basic counting skills are completely unknown to them, and third grade vocabulary is over their head. If we pander to them with all of our posts, how then can we express the nuances that mold each singular perspective into the force that is the Auburn Family? ;)

The comedic aspect of my post just flew straight over your head didn't it.  It was a joke.  ;D
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I like to imagine that Jeff Long simply told Petrino to "hit the road", and then laughed quietly to himself at his own double-entendre.

For the bammer lurkers: double entendre means a word or expression capable of two interpretations.

**Are you trying to make their turd minds explode? They can't handle tough words like that.  ;D

This board is Auburn only. Turds view at their own risk. Logic confuses them, basic counting skills are completely unknown to them, and third grade vocabulary is over their head. If we pander to them with all of our posts, how then can we express the nuances that mold each singular perspective into the force that is the Auburn Family? ;)

The comedic aspect of my post just flew straight over your head didn't it.  It was a joke.  ;D

:laugh: No, I got it. You missed it in mine though, apparently.

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I like to imagine that Jeff Long simply told Petrino to "hit the road", and then laughed quietly to himself at his own double-entendre.

For the bammer lurkers: double entendre means a word or expression capable of two interpretations.

**Are you trying to make their turd minds explode? They can't handle tough words like that.  ;D

This board is Auburn only. Turds view at their own risk. Logic confuses them, basic counting skills are completely unknown to them, and third grade vocabulary is over their head. If we pander to them with all of our posts, how then can we express the nuances that mold each singular perspective into the force that is the Auburn Family? ;)

The comedic aspect of my post just flew straight over your head didn't it.  It was a joke.  ;D

:laugh: No, I got it. You missed it in mine though, apparently.

Oh no, I got it. It just had a certain "corrective" type tone to it. No worries.
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Hiring his brother to the staff was no issue imo. He is a coach and it has proven itself on the field. There are plenty of coaches that have hired family. Joe and Jay Paterno at Penn State come to mind right off the bat.

Hiring your mistress is on a WHOLE different level.

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I expect Long was going to remover all of Petrino's protection in the contract...basically fire him "at will" with no buy-out, etc.  Not a bad plan to put the decision in BP's hands...stay under our conditions or move along.

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I may get bashed for stating this, but what about the woman he was messing around with?  Petrino got what he deserved, as he should be held to a high standard as a "teacher" of these young men.  However, I saw somewhere that the girl he was messing around with is still employed by the university.  I don't remember reading anywhere that she was forced to have an affair, or that she was forced to accept $20,000 from BP.  She is the fiance of another coach in the Arky athletic department.  I think she deserves some blame in this situation, as it takes two to tango.

All of the above is what I have read on the situation, so I do not have first-hand knowledge about the money or the fact that she is engaged to another coach. 

Thank God that our coaches seem to realize that they are not above the law, and that they are not merely coaches, but mentors and role models to these kids.  This is why I would not trade Coach Chizik for Saban.  Coaches like saban and petrino feel entitled to everything, and that rubs off on the kids they coach.  They feel above the law, because the universities and boosters back them without question, and cover up wrong-doings on a daily basis.  These coaches should not be allowed to warp the minds of young athletes.  It's a shame that so many parents only care about the future money-making potential of their kids, and not how their kids will turn out as members of society.

War Eagle, Coach Chizik and staff.  Keep leading our boys to great heights, on and off the playing field.

Of course she has some responsibility in this but she also wasn't the Head Coach of Arky football, making $3.5 million a year, contractually obligated to represent the best interests of the University, married and lying to her boss and the entire Arky nation in a news conference.  She was the one 25 years younger, unmarried and making $55K on an inside hiring deal.  Petrino is not only facing some civil liability on several fronts, but if he used State funds to pay her the $20K, he may be facing criminal liability.   
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That didn't take as long as I thought it might take. I give huge props to the Arky AD for doing the right thing and doing it in a reasonable time frame.

There have been many discussions back and forth about wither a coach is just a coach or a teacher/role model. On the college level he is a role model. There was one statement that was made in the linked article that upholds my thoughts on this.

"Our expectations of character and integrity in our employees can be no less than what we expect of our students," Long said

These are still impressionable young men, Coaches at the colligate level are not just there to win, but to turn young men in to respectable men and leaders. You can't do that by making horribly wrong decisions and abusing your power. Unfortunately it seems that with power comes corruption.

The other thing that got me was part of Patrino’s statement.

"My sole focus at this point is trying to repair the damage I've done to my family. They did not ask for any of this and deserve better. I am committed to being a better husband, father and human being as a result of this and will work each and every day to prove that to my family, friends and others."

He should have been working on his family instead of a 25 yr old girl. I have been married for 17 years and have 2 teenage daughters. It’s never easy but dedication, commitment and the thoughtfulness to remove one’s self from temptation sure makes life a lot easier. It’s obvious that his commitment to his family isn’t there.  This is a really sad fact obvious by the events that transpired. I hope he can heal his relationships with his family and honor the commitment he made when he got married. I doubt it will ever be the same though. I feel somewhat sorry for him and very sorry for his family.

Stripe, awesome post--spot on.

Mr. Beach, I'm glad that you, Kiehl, and your family are part of the extended Auburn family--for football and other reasons. And, I too am grateful for coach Chizik--for football and other reasons.

War Eagle my friends.

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Hiring his brother to the staff was no issue imo. He is a coach and it has proven itself on the field. There are plenty of coaches that have hired family. Joe and Jay Paterno at Penn State come to mind right off the bat.

Hiring your mistress is on a WHOLE different level.

Stoops hired his brother as well at Oklahoma and Bowden hired his sons at FSU while he was their coach, or at least tried to.  But I think you missed my point, often it is the accumulation of things and not just one thing that gets someone like Pitrino fired.  And you never know who's feathers he might have ruffled with some of these things.  For instance, did he fire a good, successful, and highly thought of OC just to make room for his brother?  No telling what the politics of this situation at Arkansas are or what powerful people he may have pissed off. 
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Hiring his brother to the staff was no issue imo. He is a coach and it has proven itself on the field. There are plenty of coaches that have hired family. Joe and Jay Paterno at Penn State come to mind right off the bat.

Hiring your mistress is on a WHOLE different level.

Stoops hired his brother as well at Oklahoma and Bowden hired his sons at FSU while he was their coach, or at least tried to.  But I think you missed my point, often it is the accumulation of things and not just one thing that gets someone like Pitrino fired.  And you never know who's feathers he might have ruffled with some of these things.  For instance, did he fire a good, successful, and highly thought of OC just to make room for his brother?  No telling what the politics of this situation at Arkansas are or what powerful people he may have pissed off. 

I'm not arguing that it may have been an accumulation. In this case it didn't need to be since he hired his mistress to a position and gave her $20k. However, it is pretty standard for a new coach to bring in his own hires and let the previous staff. I wouldn't think those kind of changes would cause much of a rift. I don't feel like this was the case here seeing as the AD seems to have made a honest effort to keep Petrino. Ultimately, Petrino made the decision not accept the guidelines. That is if we believe the stories about how this went down. If they had been looking for a way to pop him they would not have offered a way for him to stay imo.

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So with the two 3* commits they have/had, are we in any recruiting battles?  :laugh:

I think the best place for recruiting Ark is from AU!

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