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Petrino Threads Merged

Elephant Tipper

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I was watching "Mike and Mike in the Morning" earlier today, and the question arose as to whether or not coaches are considered "teachers." Mike #1 said that he felt a coach was simply there to coach, that he was not a teacher. The guy substituting for Mike Golic said that if this had been an English professor, there would be no discussion and that he/she would be terminated. I don't know how things are in Arkansas, but I do believe in Alabama college coaches are basically employed by the State of Alabama as they are able to qualify for teacher retirement if they serve at least 10 years (remember xCTT hanging on longer than he should have to the old BBQ Gang so they could qualify for Alabama teacher retirement). There used to be, and may still be, a clause in teacher contracts that was referred to as the "moral turpitude" clause. The Univ. of Ark could be in a catch-22 situation. If they decide to keep Patrino but decide that this girl was not qualified for the position for which Patrino hired her, are they going to insist she be terminated and face a legal issue there? My own personal thoughts are that Patrino has coached his last game at Arkansas, and that girl will be terminated from her job. I could be wrong, but I don't see any way around this for U of Ark.

Another issue is this:  If they let Petrino off the hook and keep him, what about past cases or future cases with teachers or other state employees that have done similar things?  For instance, if I got fired for doing something similar two years ago and can't work as a teacher because of it and Petrino walks, do I have grounds for a law suit?

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I was watching "Mike and Mike in the Morning" earlier today, and the question arose as to whether or not coaches are considered "teachers." Mike #1 said that he felt a coach was simply there to coach, that he was not a teacher. The guy substituting for Mike Golic said that if this had been an English professor, there would be no discussion and that he/she would be terminated. I don't know how things are in Arkansas, but I do believe in Alabama college coaches are basically employed by the State of Alabama as they are able to qualify for teacher retirement if they serve at least 10 years (remember xCTT hanging on longer than he should have to the old BBQ Gang so they could qualify for Alabama teacher retirement). There used to be, and may still be, a clause in teacher contracts that was referred to as the "moral turpitude" clause. The Univ. of Ark could be in a catch-22 situation. If they decide to keep Patrino but decide that this girl was not qualified for the position for which Patrino hired her, are they going to insist she be terminated and face a legal issue there? My own personal thoughts are that Patrino has coached his last game at Arkansas, and that girl will be terminated from her job. I could be wrong, but I don't see any way around this for U of Ark.

Another issue is this:  If they let Petrino off the hook and keep him, what about past cases or future cases with teachers or other state employees that have done similar things?  For instance, if I got fired for doing something similar two years ago and can't work as a teacher because of it and Petrino walks, do I have grounds for a law suit?

It definitely seems that it would set a precedent.

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A sticky situation for the Arky Administration.  I'm sure that's why Bobby has been placed on administative leave (with pay) until they can get all of the details and get learn what kind of liability falls on the university. 

Personally I could care less if he's retained.  He was a low life when Arky hired him, and he's still a low life today.  Arky sold their souls to the devil for win's ~ now they've gotta endure the devil's pitchfork.

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Let them keep the sorry low life. and this is waaaay beyond his cheating on his wife and lying about no one else with him. He is proven to be a scum bag, so let them keep him on as their HC and be heckled by the fans of other schools when they play football.We saw some Arkansas  fans in PCB during spring break and they saw my hubbys Auburn cap and t shirt. They couldnt wait to run their mouths. I sure wish all this happened before we saw those guys. I guarantee you they wouldnt have been so cocky. I know he  wasnt hired to teach Sunday school, but he was hired to coach a major university and with that come a lot of responsibilities and you are supposed to be a role model. Keep him on.. I would love for some coach with his reputation to come and visit me in my home and try and recruit my son. Id have a field day with him.

I agree with alot of what you say here, but I disagree that a coach SHOULD be a role model.  It's great when you have a coach who is also a good man who the players can look up to as a role model, but I do not think it is a prerequisite.  Schools hire and keep coaches that WIN, nobody keeps a coach b/c he's a good guy, or polite, or a good father/ husband.  Look at guys like Bobby Johnson at Vanderbilt and David Cutcliffe, by most accounts these were great guys that were fired b/c of the product they put on the field.  The only time a school cares about stuff like this is when A) it gets in the media and they have to do PR repair work B) when it impacts the revenue stream to the school and C) when it impacts the products put on the field.  I am confident that the Arky AD couldn't give 2 you know whats about Petrino's affair....but now that the residual damage is making him and the school look bad, he has to step in. 

Also, most coaches have a great reputation until they don't.  Think about Joe Paterno...was an college football icon, until we heard the rest of the story.  Think about Rick Pitino, John Calipari, Bob Stoops, Nick Saban, Chip Kelly, Urban Meyer, Butch Davis, Pete Carroll...all great coaches who just so happen to be JERKS who have lied and/ or cheated to get where they are today.  Their employers realize what these guys bring to the table and will tolerate their behavior....and if they get fed up, a dozen other schools will line up to hire these guys. 

Petrino is definitely a POS jerk, but he's a helluva football coach. 

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We are all assuming something has happened but until she or he speaks out, they were going on a joyride ( yes I meant that as a pun) Go around to any school  and maybe half the teachers have had affairs at one time. He did admit to having an inappropriate relationship, or was that the other Arkansan ( Clinton). If you fire every teacher or admin involved, there would be no faculty left .  I personally hope he stays as he will provide a great target for opposing teams / student body tee shirts, jokes etc.

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680 in Atlanta today was asking Arkansas fans 3 questions.  Every Hog fan I heard answered the same way.

1.  Is your coach trustworthy?    No

2.  Does your coach have integrity?  No

3.  Do you want him to remain the coach?  Yes,  For many, many years. 

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I agree with you guys . They will keep him simply for the fact that he's a good coach, and they have a good team. I jus think with the whole issue of Coach/employee thing and him admitting an inappropriate relationship, he should be punished some way, and not let off the hook. I hate all of this for his family.If his wife or her fiancee knew they were going to go riding, then why did he try and cover it up ? I dont care what the scum bag did. I formed my opinion of him after the Tommy Tuberville deal.What I meant by role model, is I think a head coach should have a good character cause he is representing a University and when dealing with kids and their families, that goes a long way if your Head Coach has a stellar reputation as being a good, honest person THAT WINS.

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With the likes of Saban, Meyer, Kiffin, Price, Dubose, Petrino, Sandusky et al, we need more Gene Chiziks in college football period!!!

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What's the latest on Bobby and a 25 year old? was she his bike when it crashed?


Yeah Baby!


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I have too tell you all that I disagree with many of you. I think the head coach is really the welcome sign to the school, esp in the SEC. The head coach talks to the media, high school kids, parents, ministers, businesses. It is very important that he shines. It is not realistic to think that all a head football coach in SEC needs to do is coach college students. Frankly, the college coaches are an extension of the kids parents. They need to be leading these young men into a successful adulthood.

I say that ethics do matter. They matter a lot.

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I'll admit that I've disliked Petrino ever since Jetgate, but past history aside, if Petrino was recruiting my son I'd ask he would expect me to trust him with my son if his wife and employer can't even trust him. I've always been glad that he didn't end up as the Head Coach at Auburn, but even more so after this latest fiasco.

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Petrino has got what he deserved, but I feel kind of bad for the good Arkansas fans (ie the ones that don't post on hogville much). At least the situation involving Cam never ended up costing Auburn a coach or championship.

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And the west just got easier as Arkansas should slip back into oblivion now.

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