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The Trenches

guerra aguila

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In addition to the good points several of you have brought up about the players being bigger, stronger, more experienced this year on the DL there are two other other very important factors, the system and depth.

System: Coupled with the fact that they are better players this year, they will be in an attacking system instead of a read- react system like they were last year. Put those two things together, better players in a more aggressive system,  and I think you will see a huge difference on the DL.

Depth: On DE's we are blessed with a richness of quality depth. On DT although we arent quite as deep as DE, we still have decent depth. This will enable us to keep talented fresh players in there going at 100% as much as possible which wears down an opposing OL by the 2nd half. Unless an opposing OL has enough quality depth to match, it is going to be hard for them to keep up.

I couldn'y agree with you more. This year will be less about who is a starter in the D-Line and more about how many rotate in and how we wear teams down as the game goes on.

While wearing them down, its vital that Auburn finds a way to force some turnovers.  We lacked them last year and missed out some opportunities to get the defense off the field.

I think the trenches will matter the most this year simply because a good pass rush is helpful in creating turnovers. Panic the qb, and opportunities will arise.

Most definitely. I think this attacking system combined with the talent we have is not going to allow a QB to sit back there at his leisure and find the open man. A CB can only cover a WR so long and if that interval gets to 5 seconds plus, the chances are that a WR is going to get open and it will probably be deep. Conversely when the DL consistently pressures the QB and his decisions are rushed, the CBs and Ss get more turnovers and suddenly become All Americans.
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