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Ideas That Would Stir Up Recruiting Excitement...


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For those talking about stadium expansion into the upper 90 thousand range. You mean like this ? I think this puts JH at about 98K and looks VERY good imo. A classic look.


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I know the Alumni and most of the Auburn family will shoot this down quick but how about modernizing the jerseys for the SEC opener or for the Clemson game? Look at the publicity Oregon and Maryland get...any publicity is a good thing. Whens the last time you heard about Maryland landing a 5 star? Sometimes ESPN will devote a small segment on air or on the website to Jersey changes. It's innovative and wouldn't do anything but help. What do you guys think? 

Would someone please explain to me what the h_ _ _ is wrong with our uniforms. We don`t need gimmicky uniforms to recruit; sure helped Maryland this year by moving them into the 40`s even with Diggs. When was the last time Maryland was even relevent to any sports conversation. Most of the country laughed out loud at those uniforms. And Oregon can`t even match the colors some weeks. Just saying that is not what AUBURN is about guys. My personal opinion.

Thank you. I'm with you 100%. Maryland did not sign Diggs because they wore that trash. Auburn is not Maryland. We are not in such sad condition that we have to wear trash to get coverage. We get it because we are Auburn, one of the top teams in the nation and we win games. We have absolutely no need for that garbage. We have had three outstanding recruiting classes without resorting to clown suits.

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I know the Alumni and most of the Auburn family will shoot this down quick but how about modernizing the jerseys for the SEC opener or for the Clemson game? Look at the publicity Oregon and Maryland get...any publicity is a good thing. Whens the last time you heard about Maryland landing a 5 star? Sometimes ESPN will devote a small segment on air or on the website to Jersey changes. It's innovative and wouldn't do anything but help. What do you guys think? 

Would someone please explain to me what the h_ _ _ is wrong with our uniforms. We don`t need gimmicky uniforms to recruit; sure helped Maryland this year by moving them into the 40`s even with Diggs. When was the last time Maryland was even relevent to any sports conversation. Most of the country laughed out loud at those uniforms. And Oregon can`t even match the colors some weeks. Just saying that is not what AUBURN is about guys. My personal opinion.

AMEN!    :bow:

Nobody no where has a better looking uniform than AU - NO way, No how! No siree bobtail.

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I know the Alumni and most of the Auburn family will shoot this down quick but how about modernizing the jerseys for the SEC opener or for the Clemson game? Look at the publicity Oregon and Maryland get...any publicity is a good thing. Whens the last time you heard about Maryland landing a 5 star? Sometimes ESPN will devote a small segment on air or on the website to Jersey changes. It's innovative and wouldn't do anything but help. What do you guys think? 

Would someone please explain to me what the h_ _ _ is wrong with our uniforms. We don`t need gimmicky uniforms to recruit; sure helped Maryland this year by moving them into the 40`s even with Diggs. When was the last time Maryland was even relevent to any sports conversation. Most of the country laughed out loud at those uniforms. And Oregon can`t even match the colors some weeks. Just saying that is not what AUBURN is about guys. My personal opinion.

There's nothing wrong with our uniforms, and I would absolutely not want to see us in anything other than the classic set against Clemson, but I do think it'd be cool to have one alternate uniform day a year or something. Nothing too drastic, just something to shake it up and give Under Armour a chance to throw in a twist or two.

And to answer a previous poster's question about the names and numbers being small, I believe I remember it being explained that there was a noticeable difference in the way the jersey breathed, and the players prefer the smaller numbers/names. If I am remembering correctly, then I'd prefer the names and numbers stay small, because I'd rather the players be comfortable than me be able to make out which player is which better.

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For those talking about stadium expansion into the upper 90 thousand range. You mean like this ? I think this puts JH at about 98K and looks VERY good imo. A classic look.


Use the expansion for more student tickets. Put the incoming freshman on the new end and keep the rest in the band area. How loud would JH be then?

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For those talking about stadium expansion into the upper 90 thousand range. You mean like this ? I think this puts JH at about 98K and looks VERY good imo. A classic look.


The picture I posted supposedly puts JHS between 92-94 range. When this photo was first done I remember reading in the paper it was to be in the 110-120 range.

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For those talking about stadium expansion into the upper 90 thousand range. You mean like this ? I think this puts JH at about 98K and looks VERY good imo. A classic look.


The picture I posted supposedly puts JHS between 92-94 range. When this photo was first done I remember reading in the paper it was to be in the 110-120 range.

How long would it take to expand to that size? That's some major expansion right there.

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For those talking about stadium expansion into the upper 90 thousand range. You mean like this ? I think this puts JH at about 98K and looks VERY good imo. A classic look.


The picture I posted supposedly puts JHS between 92-94 range. When this photo was first done I remember reading in the paper it was to be in the 110-120 range.

How long would it take to expand to that size? That's some major expansion right there.

Logistically it is fairly straight forward since you are just taking the existing stadium as is and then closing in one end. With enough manpower, once construction began the majority of the project could be done in an offseason.
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Could have been the 2-10 record?!?

I like tradition...I don't mind minor modernistic changes...none of these holographic images, mutli-colored sleeves. There's nothing wrong with a small update or two...but damn those Maryland unis are hideous!

I know the Alumni and most of the Auburn family will shoot this down quick but how about modernizing the jerseys for the SEC opener or for the Clemson game? Look at the publicity Oregon and Maryland get...any publicity is a good thing. Whens the last time you heard about Maryland landing a 5 star? Sometimes ESPN will devote a small segment on air or on the website to Jersey changes. It's innovative and wouldn't do anything but help. What do you guys think? 

Would someone please explain to me what the h_ _ _ is wrong with our uniforms. We don`t need gimmicky uniforms to recruit; sure helped Maryland this year by moving them into the 40`s even with Diggs. When was the last time Maryland was even relevent to any sports conversation. Most of the country laughed out loud at those uniforms. And Oregon can`t even match the colors some weeks. Just saying that is not what AUBURN is about guys. My personal opinion.

It's all about exposure. BSPN talked about the Maryland unis for the entire season. Maryland had the exposure, they just didn't grab it and run with it. I wish the numbers and names on our jerseys would be larger.

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good ideas.  it aggrivates the crap out of me that i go into dicks or other sporting goods stores in atlanta and the UA section has NOTHING Auburn.  at minimum, they could do some cool gear with the auburn color scheme.

1) Get All the current players in the NFL and retired to come to AU often during recruiting weekends and games.

2) Uniform change for one game only. (small change nothing crazy, we hate this but the HS players love it and the

Harvey Teabaggers will never do this... ever, might give us a small edge)

3) Better intro song.

4) Keep all the locker rooms and football areas (meeting rooms) up to date with all the latest tech equipment and   furnishings to keep a edgy look and feel.

5) Update the stadium, I think that it is a little dated, don't think we need to expand it just modern up the style.

6) Make some cooler AU gear with UnderArmor to give AU that style edge so people will want to wear it more.

7) More hat designs make some that are very limited edition that are hard to get and the coaches only hand them out.

8) Make AU apps geared to HS players, news info vids type stuff.

9) AU football web site with pics and vid of each player. HS players would love their own webpage, they could edit (with admin approval)

10) Recruit honestly and with respect to every player and family member. (I know we do this but you can['t repeat it enough)

Just shooting ideas off the top of my head assuming none of these are any type of violation or wonders into gray areas of the NCAA recruiting guidelines.

War Eagle.

No surprise there, they have hardly any Auburn stuff in Auburn/Opelika either

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Not sure if these are done....

But perhaps the recruiter could provide to those seriously considering, a contact list of willing current and past NFL players, as well as past players who are now successful businessmen.  Something that a prospect could follow up on their own, at a later date, and without any added pressure.

Remind them how Coach Chizik will treat them as men, and not pawns to be played or temporally treated with value on signing day.  Point out stories of how we stand behind our own, for instance Cam when he was being kicked around, and Shon Coleman's or Zac Etheridge's stories.  Re-iterate how they will not be thrown under the bus, for instance how no one really know's what happened with Michael Dyer, and his staff not being tried in the court of public appeal.  Tangible proof that there's a certain moral code which works both ways, and not mere promises of the sun, the moon, and the stars.

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AU gets enough exposure for every HS prospect to see what we've got to offer when they watch us on TV nearly every Saturday in the fall.

Put a championship contending product on the field with consistency, funnel players into the NFL with regularity and the talent will be standing in line waiting for AU.

Actions speak louder than words and gimmicks.  Dominate your opponent on Saturday's on national TV in front of the nation and reap the rewards that follow.  Show them what kind of product Coach Chizik puts on the field and they will want to be a part of it.

WTH does a tricked out jersey or helmet have to do with winning football games? :dunno:

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AU gets enough exposure for every HS prospect to see what we've got to offer when they watch us on TV nearly every Saturday in the fall.

Put a championship contending product on the field with consistency, funnel players into the NFL with regularity and the talent will be standing in line waiting for AU.

Actions speak louder than words and gimmicks.  Dominate your opponent on Saturday's on national TV in front of the nation and reap the rewards that follow.  Show them what kind of product Coach Chizik puts on the field and they will want to be a part of it.

WTH does a tricked out jersey or helmet have to do with winning football games? :dunno:

It doesnt (have anything to do with winning games) but we have to give those Auburn PR people SOMETHING to do.  ;D 

To your point, that is exactly where our program is at now. We have some of the best recruiters in the business, 3 top classes in house, the scholly roster full again, have a top flight coaching staff now on both sides of the ball. With the quality depth we have in place, the best I have seen in many years, its now time to put the results on the field year after year.   

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1) Get All the current players in the NFL and retired to come to AU often during recruiting weekends and games.

2) Uniform change for one game only. (small change nothing crazy, we hate this but the HS players love it and the

Harvey Teabaggers will never do this... ever, might give us a small edge)

3) Better intro song.

4) Keep all the locker rooms and football areas (meeting rooms) up to date with all the latest tech equipment and   furnishings to keep a edgy look and feel.

5) Update the stadium, I think that it is a little dated, don't think we need to expand it just modern up the style.

6) Make some cooler AU gear with UnderArmor to give AU that style edge so people will want to wear it more.

7) More hat designs make some that are very limited edition that are hard to get and the coaches only hand them out.

8) Make AU apps geared to HS players, news info vids type stuff.

9) AU football web site with pics and vid of each player. HS players would love their own webpage, they could edit (with admin approval)

10) Recruit honestly and with respect to every player and family member. (I know we do this but you can['t repeat it enough)

Just shooting ideas off the top of my head assuming none of these are any type of violation or wonders into gray areas of the NCAA recruiting guidelines.

War Eagle.

Very nice thoughts here!  Its a good start.

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If we can field a defense that looks good then I would imagine players would want to get their instruction from the same system. We Haven't had that environment in a few years.

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One word strippers.....      worked in my day................      j/k j/k of course

Back in your day, it was just Adam and Eve. Soooooo......

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One word strippers.....      worked in my day................      j/k j/k of course

Back in your day, it was just Adam and Eve. Soooooo......

need I say more......... :cool:

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One word strippers.....      worked in my day................      j/k j/k of course

Back in your day, it was just Adam and Eve. Soooooo......

Yeah, I was about to say that it doesn't take much to remove a loin cloth.

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