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Who is the one player that you're most excited...


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Im most excited about Robinson. I just love his attitude. The one player I REALLY REALLY WANTED was Mr Dieter. I think he was from Ohio and he was a wr. The kid broke records and he wanted to come to AU. Man i wanted this Wes Welker clone so bad. I THINK he will be playing on Sunday. Lots of heart. Oh well!  :wareagle:

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This is a very hard thing to do for sure with all of the legitimate talent we signed. I will have to go with Mr. Hutcheson (I hope the spelling is correct). I think he will wind up as a defensive end at around 6-7 275 lbs. He will be an absolute monster blowing of off the end into backfields of the SEC teams that dare to oppose the mighty Tigers. 

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It's hard for me to pick between Robinson and McKinzy...both have great attitudes and harken back to our more "old school" styles from years back.

As for who I really wish we could've pulled in, I would have to say I agree with the Noor Davis mention above. The great size at LB plus the brains to go with it.

Were we in on Noor Davis till the very end? I saw on Rivals where Ted Roof was one of his lead recruiters, so I imagine that hurt us a little. Seems like Auburn and Stanford recruits the same type of quality individuals with great character and Davis definitely comes across that way.

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This is a tough one and you are making it really hard making us pick one because there are a lot of them I am looking forward to seeing on the field. If I have to pick one though, I guess I will pick WR JaQuay Williams. I will tell you who is going to be fun to watch too is Jay Prosch at FB lay the wood on some people.

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Ill say Parks or Hutchinson, but I really like Holsey.  / Moore, he could be a thorpe winning 2 times before he leaves college if he focuses on football.  His 3 game video was unbelievable.  He probably won't at TCU, he will spend too much time on track and fade out of view.

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Robinson and Pike, both for pretty much the same reason- I want to see that fire come out on both the practice field and on game day. Even if neither play a bunch next season, I think their hearts could push the players above them on the depth chart. And our miss, yeah, I am not even going to mention THAT name. Could've been special if he wouldn't have played us.

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I'm most excited about JaQuay Williams.  Ever since I saw he commited I've been excited about seeing him play.  He and Sammie Coates are in the mold of the kind of receiver Auburn hasn't had in a few years and I really want to see what they can do.  Honestly, I don't care too much about other recruits, but I'd say I'm most excited about seeing how Ben Tamburello III does.  I go to high school with him, and he's a great guy and a great player.  

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I want to see Jay Prosch. Even though he probably will not be on the highlights. But with CSL system and using him to block, if he is good, it will make our offense a lot better. If he is able to knock the first man off our RBs or KF then they will be gone in the open field. Him and PL in there blocking and being another passing option will allow for a lot more big plays.

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Josh Holsey.  Write it down right now.  The guy is a baller and will be GREAT. /To hell with anybody that didnt sign with auburn.  I don't care about them anymore

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I'm going in a little direction. I don't know if "excited" is the word I'd use but I am very interested in seeing what Robert Leff can become. He is tall and has the frame to put on more weight. What caught the attention of college coaches toward the end of his senior season was his agility. I beieve he is one of those really good players who flew "under the radar." He is a life long Auburn fan. Yesterday a dream come true for this young man. He is excited to be a Tiger and will, in my opinion, work his tail off. I am predicting that he surprises a lot of people. No one paid much attention when his papers came in yesterday but I believe he will be one we are all glad we signed.

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This is a tough one.  But I would pick Ricky Parks and Eddie Goldman. What we lack in quantity, we made up for in quality. And we even get two more tomorrow. Here's hoping we do.

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I'm most excited about JaQuay Williams.  Ever since I saw he commited I've been excited about seeing him play.  He and Sammie Coates are in the mold of the kind of receiver Auburn hasn't had in a few years and I really want to see what they can do.

This. Jaquay's game changing ability is something we've been lacking for a while on the outside. Goldman would've been nice to get...

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Most excited about - Avery Young - loading up on top top top quality OL each year.

Most disappointed we did not sign - Any 1 of the top D targets, pick anyone - Goldman / Darby / Channing Ward / Leonard Williams / Deon Bush / Jordan Moore / Arik Armstead

I am squarely in the camp of - I love this class, top ten by average star ratings, answered needs, brought in some top players, and the state of the Auburn Program as a whole has not been this sound in a long time. There is nothing to worry about or be disappointed about.

All that said, having pulled one of the very big names would have been a PR boost to the class. The player would help. But, more importantly the recognition would have been a boost. 

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Hutcherson and Prosch. Everyone we signed actually.

Hutcherson for the simple fact I played TE. I love the big TE. Georgia had a 6'7 TE several years ago, and while GA. disgusts me, he was a huge difference maker.

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