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can someone here smarter than me explain how


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Here, not hear.

i was in a hurry. next time you point out a mistake i made please type it in red so i will feel like i am back in high school. thanx.............

Just messing with you, but I 'll do what I can to put it in red.

I not i  :P
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not a problem at all.........

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Here, not hear.

i was in a hurry. next time you point out a mistake i made please type it in red so i will feel like i am back in high school. thanx.............

Just messing with you, but I 'll do what I can to put it in red.

What I've learned from this thread. Hortons hear a star!  ;D

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Aubiefifty, are you of any relation too that Git'er done fella? You and him would be a hit after the party got going good, you know when things started rocking and no one cared how dumb you acted! Ya'll could hit the party say an hour late, and sober, and you would blend like turds and trailers!!

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I just had a childrens book published! Thank God for spell check!  I am starting another book as we speak.

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The fact that the ratings are updated at differing times and at times a 4* will have a higher position ranking than a 5* will at times because they rank the postions at different times than the star ratings in some cases.

At best it is confusing and HIGHLY SUBJECTIVE and anyone who doesn't believe that people who depend on subscriptions for their income will not play to the majority of their subscribers, is seriously self-deluded.

Somehow it is rational to post the same thing, an irrational number of times as that which you are complaining about?

Uh, nooooooo. :laugh:

OH CRAP! I am in even more trouble if recruiting ratings are going to get into rational and irrational numbers. I never did understand those really well and it has been a long time since Algebra and Calculus for me.

I guess they will be using imaginary numbers next and I will be even more lost. Of course I can always get my Bammer friends to explain imaginary numbers to me, I know they use them quite a bit in their math.

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Some of y'all must write commercials for Chick-fil-a.

Now that the spelling in the title of the thread is corrected, it takes all the fun out of the thread for me.



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