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Maybe I am a little " bammerish"


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This post may get me in trouble but I don't think it will.  I have talked AU football with a lot of you as much as I talk it with my childhood AU football buddies for nearly 3 years and I have something I feel I must say.  I'm not here to insult anyone. 

I love Auburn University.  Most of my family including myself went to college there.  Since I was old enough to know what a football was, I have been an Auburn fan.  When I awoke to my home engulfed in flames 3 years ago, one of the two things I ran out the door with was a picture of Bo Jackson wearing a Superman costume with his arm around me. Auburn football means a lot to my family and it has for a long time. 

I have seen people expressing frustration with the way the defense has played for 3 yrs being called "bammers" or "bammerish".  They weren't very graceful in the way the worded things, but they were upset.  It happens. Anyone who cares enough to post here is by no means a "bammer".  I would say those who make excuse after excuse for 3 years of terrible defense are more of a "bammer" than most.  "Bammers" love to make excuses. They've been making them for 9 days since they played LSU. 

  I have friends and some family who are bama fans (hey no family is perfect).  I'm not talking about hillbilly, got me a  tshirt at walmart and cut the sleeves out of it fans.  I'm talking got a degree from UofA civilized folks.  They wouldn't for one second hesitate to demand a change if their defense had played like ours has for this long.  There is a reason why they have been in the hunt for 4 straight years now.  Their fan base demands it.  They went through a lot of coaches to get there, but they are there now.  Heck thats what makes the whole conference what it is, the passion of the fans. 

Recruiting was never a big thing to me until we started to really go after a lot of big time players. I'm always excited and thankful they chose Auburn.  They had options and they chose Auburn.  We owe it to them to have the best leadership available.  These kids are the most precious members of the family. The coaches are members of the family too, but make no mistake, they are employees first and foremost!

I believe Gene Chizik to be a great coach.  He is the right man for Auburn.  Alot of people say that our defense is ran as much by Chizik as it is roof and that may be the case, but it's hard for me to believe.  Regardless, one only needs to watch our linebacker play to see that whomever coaches that position is not good enough for Auburn.  Chizik will do what has to be done after the iron bowl.

It is really discouraging that a lot of Auburn fans have the attitude that it's a sin to hold a coach accountable or say anything bad about them.  It's like their attitude towards these guys is that they are volunteers that are doing us a favor to be our coach.  That's not the case.  Theyre paid millions of dollars BY US to do a job.  Someone getting called a "bammer", or an idiot, or fair weather, or crazy because they don't want to hear excuses about why one of the traditionally great SEC defenses has become one of the worst makes me sick.   tell me that there are 85 teams in the country that can field a better defense than Auburn because they have better players and I'll tell you you're the crazy one.   I wanted a new DC after 2009.  I really really wanted a new DC after last year and now this year I'm demanding one.  If you want to say it's calling for someones head, call it what you want.  If it makes me a "bammer" or "bammerish" so be it.  Maybe some of the Auburn people need to be a little more "bammerish" if that's what we choose to call not being tolerant of mediocrity.  It's the only way We will ever stay at the top. 

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Guest JNieder51188

where's the cliff notes???!!! jk. Everyone has their opinions on this staff and I don't mind people speaking it. Pat Dye said it best when he said there should never be a reason for Alabama and Auburn football to be down. We get great talent and it will always be about coaching that talent to excel. And college football will always be a sport where its all about "what have you done for me lately" not last year or anywhere in the past but now.

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You just put my thoughts into words, and for that I thank you. My brother and I have gotten into arguments over our defense, and more specifically what to do with Ted Roof. I'm for firing him, and he's for keeping him/giving him more time. Loyalty is a fine thing, it's a necessary thing, but so is accountability. If we don't hold these coaches, being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, more accountable, then the product we paid for becomes unsatisfactory.

I liken it to when a teacher gets tenure. This might upset a few, but being currently involved in the schooling system, I have noticed the general lack of caring by a majority of teachers with tenure. They do the bare minimum to keep themselves from crossing over the tenure line, which unfortunately is quite low. As a future tax payer and current product of the system I would expect the money being used to create a quality product. That's the american way, in my opinion. I just don't see the improvement/adjustments coming from Roof to substantiate keeping him here one more year.

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Comparing pre college educators to D 1 coaches is not a like comparison.  I am not a teacher however many  in this fine little state of ours would be surprised how much our teachers put of their own time and money back into the classrooms.

Back to being Bammerish.  You can learn from your rival's success and that is a weakness of ours.  We hold ourselves up to be the anti -Bamr, a Family not a loose affilitation of fans. We can get caught in our own image of ourselves.  Families do not run off the members they forgive and are loyal. Truth is loyalty got us the BBQ gang and Duckhunting recruiting seasons.  Does anyone need a reminder of how that has played out for us?  This is business folks .

Saban is successful because he takes decisive action when he sees a need to act.  His goal is a team competing @ the highest level.  If one of his coaches can not meet that standard, Saban finds someone who can.  Why do we not also ?   What part of believeing in a practical world and loving Auburn conflicts with staffing your work adequately ?

I laughed when a poster a couple of days ago called us an elite program.  Really ?  We have excellent facilities and good recruiting the last 2 or 3 classes but were a third tier organization Tubby's last few years.  Now, fastforward to today.

I've watched 3 years of sub par defensive performance and us catch lightning in a bottle last year in spite of it.

Well and good. But I see no probabillity of improvement on Defense without some changes.  Do you ?

I am a citizen of Alabama, and an alum and active supporter of its' most valuable institute of higher learning.  That makes me an Auburn man.  If changes need to be made to make us an  elite program  as some claim we should , make them .  I want our admin to treat Auburn's people respectfully and with consideration. But if changes are needed to be made,  make them without apology or hesitation. 

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Desiring excellence does not make you a bammer. I will support whatever Chizik thinks is the best thing to do. After all, he is the leader of this team and judging by how most information about what goes on in practice is kept within the team, we as fans really have no clue what is going on. We see games on Saturdays and make our judgment based on four quarters. Those guys see what happens six days a week in meetings and in practices, so what may be the real issue with what is going on with our defense, we may never know. Could it be Roof? Sure. Could it be that we are just thinking on the field rather than reacting because these youngsters are still learning? Sure. Could it be Chizik? Sure. Keep in mind that alot more goes on behind the scenes than we realize. I hate losing more than anybody, so mediocrity is not OK with me, but understanding that I don't have full knowledge of what goes on with this team behind closed doors, forces me to trust the men coaching these kids. War Eagle!

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I appreciate your thoughtful post.  I agree with you regarding calling people bammers;  I don't think that's particularly fair or helpful.  

There are two things with which I disagree with you .  First, you use the word "excuse" at least a couple of times in your post.  The word "excuse" implies that something wrong has been done, someone is to blame, and that person is attempting to shift the blame from themselves.  As far as I know, no one here is a defensive coach or a defensive player.  So, we have no reason to look for excuses 'cause we didn't do anything wrong!  "Reason" implies that we are searching for the cause of the problem as we see it.  One is seeking to understand something rather than point fingers at someone.  Now the reason may end up being that Ted Roof is a lousy coach.  But if that were true, it doesn't make sense to me that he would keep getting hired.  In my experience, there are usually many reasons for most problems, not just one.  

The second place I disagree with you is regarding the idea that I or probably you have the power to "demand" anything regarding Auburn athletics.  I sit on aluminum at the football games and when it rains, I get wet.  So, whether I am happy about a coaching hiring or firing really makes no difference whatever. If I were a multimillionaire and I was willing to fork over 1.5 mill a year to hire the best DC out there, then my voice would probably matter.  The people who mattered at Alabama were the folks who were fine with shelling out 5 million a year for Saban, not the folks on the message boards saying, "Mike Shula sucks."  

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Let me clarify a point of mine, I think all our coaches should be held accountable and not just single out one or the other.  Team and staff chemistry is important and only the team and coaches know how they intereact.

Recrutiers are not necessariy good teacher and visa versa but you need both.  Chizik knows the mix he needs.

My point was to evaluate fairly and take action if changes are needed.

I am an aluminum sitter and I endorse this post.

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I appreciate your thoughtful post.  I agree with you regarding calling people bammers;  I don't think that's particularly fair or helpful.  

There are two things with which I disagree with you .  First, you use the word "excuse" at least a couple of times in your post.  The word "excuse" implies that something wrong has been done, someone is to blame, and that person is attempting to shift the blame from themselves.  As far as I know, no one here is a defensive coach or a defensive player.  So, we have no reason to look for excuses 'cause we didn't do anything wrong!  "Reason" implies that we are searching for the cause of the problem as we see it.  One is seeking to understand something rather than point fingers at someone.  Now the reason may end up being that Ted Roof is a lousy coach.  But if that were true, it doesn't make sense to me that he would keep getting hired.  In my experience, there are usually many reasons for most problems, not just one.  

The second place I disagree with you is regarding the idea that I or probably you have the power to "demand" anything regarding Auburn athletics.  I sit on aluminum at the football games and when it rains, I get wet.  So, whether I am happy about a coaching hiring or firing really makes no difference whatever. If I were a multimillionaire and I was willing to fork over 1.5 mill a year to hire the best DC out there, then my voice would probably matter.  The people who mattered at Alabama were the folks who were fine with shelling out 5 million a year for Saban, not the folks on the message boards saying, "Mike Shula sucks."  

You should think more highly of yourself.  You pay money to sit in that seat and get wet.  You deserve to see a good product as much as the people who sit in the luxury boxes

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I appreciate your thoughtful post.  I agree with you regarding calling people bammers;  I don't think that's particularly fair or helpful.  

There are two things with which I disagree with you .  First, you use the word "excuse" at least a couple of times in your post.  The word "excuse" implies that something wrong has been done, someone is to blame, and that person is attempting to shift the blame from themselves.  As far as I know, no one here is a defensive coach or a defensive player.  So, we have no reason to look for excuses 'cause we didn't do anything wrong!  "Reason" implies that we are searching for the cause of the problem as we see it.  One is seeking to understand something rather than point fingers at someone.  Now the reason may end up being that Ted Roof is a lousy coach.  But if that were true, it doesn't make sense to me that he would keep getting hired.  In my experience, there are usually many reasons for most problems, not just one.  

The second place I disagree with you is regarding the idea that I or probably you have the power to "demand" anything regarding Auburn athletics.  I sit on aluminum at the football games and when it rains, I get wet.  So, whether I am happy about a coaching hiring or firing really makes no difference whatever. If I were a multimillionaire and I was willing to fork over 1.5 mill a year to hire the best DC out there, then my voice would probably matter.  The people who mattered at Alabama were the folks who were fine with shelling out 5 million a year for Saban, not the folks on the message boards saying, "Mike Shula sucks."  

You should think more highly of yourself.  You pay money to sit in that seat and get wet.  You deserve to see a good product as much as the people who sit in the luxury boxes

I think you missed my point.  My self-esteem is okay  :), but in reality, I don't control Auburn football; nor do I think I am qualified to control Auburn football.  Gene Chizik, Jay Jacobs, President Gogue, the Board of Trustees and whoever else do that.  My choice is simply to buy the tickets or let someone else have them.  I have a good time at the games so I keep buying them.  That is the extent of my influence on Auburn football. 

College athletics is about money, and I don't have enough to buy influence.  Of course, if I did have millions of dollars lying around, I would probably still find some other way to spend them.  :dunno:

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I appreciate your thoughtful post.  I agree with you regarding calling people bammers;  I don't think that's particularly fair or helpful.  

There are two things with which I disagree with you .  First, you use the word "excuse" at least a couple of times in your post.  The word "excuse" implies that something wrong has been done, someone is to blame, and that person is attempting to shift the blame from themselves.  As far as I know, no one here is a defensive coach or a defensive player.  So, we have no reason to look for excuses 'cause we didn't do anything wrong!  "Reason" implies that we are searching for the cause of the problem as we see it.  One is seeking to understand something rather than point fingers at someone.  Now the reason may end up being that Ted Roof is a lousy coach.  But if that were true, it doesn't make sense to me that he would keep getting hired.  In my experience, there are usually many reasons for most problems, not just one.  

The second place I disagree with you is regarding the idea that I or probably you have the power to "demand" anything regarding Auburn athletics.  I sit on aluminum at the football games and when it rains, I get wet.  So, whether I am happy about a coaching hiring or firing really makes no difference whatever. If I were a multimillionaire and I was willing to fork over 1.5 mill a year to hire the best DC out there, then my voice would probably matter.  The people who mattered at Alabama were the folks who were fine with shelling out 5 million a year for Saban, not the folks on the message boards saying, "Mike Shula sucks."  

You should think more highly of yourself.  You pay money to sit in that seat and get wet.  You deserve to see a good product as much as the people who sit in the luxury boxes

I think you missed my point.  My self-esteem is okay   :), but in reality, I don't control Auburn football; nor do I think I am qualified to control Auburn football.  Gene Chizik, Jay Jacobs, President Gogue, the Board of Trustees and whoever else do that.  My choice is simply to buy the tickets or let someone else have them.  I have a good time at the games so I keep buying them.  That is the extent of my influence on Auburn football. 

College athletics is about money, and I don't have enough to buy influence.  Of course, if I did have millions of dollars lying around, I would probably still find some other way to spend them.   :dunno:

I like this attitude, IMO it is somewhat "bammerish" to use the old, "I paid good money, so therefore I deserve a product that will live up to my expectations..."  I have tix to every home game and do not see a quality guarantee on any of them.  I love Auburn football, but more importantly, I love AUBURN.  I enjoy tailgating with friends, hearing the band, experiencing Tiger Walk, seeing the eagle fly, and just soaking up gameday in Auburn.  I love to see them win just as much as anyone on here, but if the only basis for your AU fanship is the product on the field, you are really missing out on some great stuff (and let's not kid ourselves, the product has been pretty damn good more often than not).  I'm not defending any particular coach or scheme here, but the old "fans deserve better" adage really sounds like our neighbors to the West...especially considering we are still the defending NC's.
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I appreciate your thoughtful post.  I agree with you regarding calling people bammers;  I don't think that's particularly fair or helpful.  

There are two things with which I disagree with you .  First, you use the word "excuse" at least a couple of times in your post.  The word "excuse" implies that something wrong has been done, someone is to blame, and that person is attempting to shift the blame from themselves.  As far as I know, no one here is a defensive coach or a defensive player.  So, we have no reason to look for excuses 'cause we didn't do anything wrong!  "Reason" implies that we are searching for the cause of the problem as we see it.  One is seeking to understand something rather than point fingers at someone.  Now the reason may end up being that Ted Roof is a lousy coach.  But if that were true, it doesn't make sense to me that he would keep getting hired.  In my experience, there are usually many reasons for most problems, not just one.  

The second place I disagree with you is regarding the idea that I or probably you have the power to "demand" anything regarding Auburn athletics.  I sit on aluminum at the football games and when it rains, I get wet.  So, whether I am happy about a coaching hiring or firing really makes no difference whatever. If I were a multimillionaire and I was willing to fork over 1.5 mill a year to hire the best DC out there, then my voice would probably matter.  The people who mattered at Alabama were the folks who were fine with shelling out 5 million a year for Saban, not the folks on the message boards saying, "Mike Shula sucks."  

You should think more highly of yourself.  You pay money to sit in that seat and get wet.  You deserve to see a good product as much as the people who sit in the luxury boxes

I think you missed my point.  My self-esteem is okay   :), but in reality, I don't control Auburn football; nor do I think I am qualified to control Auburn football.  Gene Chizik, Jay Jacobs, President Gogue, the Board of Trustees and whoever else do that.  My choice is simply to buy the tickets or let someone else have them.  I have a good time at the games so I keep buying them.  That is the extent of my influence on Auburn football. 

College athletics is about money, and I don't have enough to buy influence.  Of course, if I did have millions of dollars lying around, I would probably still find some other way to spend them.   :dunno:

I like this attitude, IMO it is somewhat "bammerish" to use the old, "I paid good money, so therefore I deserve a product that will live up to my expectations..."  I have tix to every home game and do not see a quality guarantee on any of them.  I love Auburn football, but more importantly, I love AUBURN.  I enjoy tailgating with friends, hearing the band, experiencing Tiger Walk, seeing the eagle fly, and just soaking up gameday in Auburn.  I love to see them win just as much as anyone on here, but if the only basis for your AU fanship is the product on the field, you are really missing out on some great stuff (and let's not kid ourselves, the product has been pretty damn good more often than not).  I'm not defending any particular coach or scheme here, but the old "fans deserve better" adage really sounds like our neighbors to the West...especially considering we are still the defending NC's.

The irony is strong in this post  *looks for Yoda emoticon*

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No one person controls the destiny of AU football, or UAT football for that matter.   But to say your voice doesn't matter isn't true either.   The comment about UAT fans "Their fan base demands it (excellence)" is absolutely true and has been something IMO the AU fanbase shunned because it seemed "bammerish".    I don't want our Family to look like their Nation but over the years, AU fans have been softer on their coaches that other fan bases.   If you take the east Mississippi job, you KNOW you have to win and win BIG quick or else you'll out in 4 yrs or less.   xCTT would have never lasted 10 years there with one SEC championship to show for it.   Fact.   Now with an NC under our belt, we have a good idea of what it takes to win big and the coaching staff, for the most part, has shown us what drive and commitment to excellence it takes to get there.    Now that it's clear, to me at least, that one side of the ball has been a liability for three years and not up championship level, I hope the hard choices are going to made by our Coach to rectify the problem.   WDE!

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I appreciate your thoughtful post.  I agree with you regarding calling people bammers;  I don't think that's particularly fair or helpful.  

There are two things with which I disagree with you .  First, you use the word "excuse" at least a couple of times in your post.  The word "excuse" implies that something wrong has been done, someone is to blame, and that person is attempting to shift the blame from themselves.  As far as I know, no one here is a defensive coach or a defensive player.  So, we have no reason to look for excuses 'cause we didn't do anything wrong!  "Reason" implies that we are searching for the cause of the problem as we see it.  One is seeking to understand something rather than point fingers at someone.  Now the reason may end up being that Ted Roof is a lousy coach.  But if that were true, it doesn't make sense to me that he would keep getting hired.  In my experience, there are usually many reasons for most problems, not just one.  

The second place I disagree with you is regarding the idea that I or probably you have the power to "demand" anything regarding Auburn athletics.  I sit on aluminum at the football games and when it rains, I get wet.  So, whether I am happy about a coaching hiring or firing really makes no difference whatever. If I were a multimillionaire and I was willing to fork over 1.5 mill a year to hire the best DC out there, then my voice would probably matter.  The people who mattered at Alabama were the folks who were fine with shelling out 5 million a year for Saban, not the folks on the message boards saying, "Mike Shula sucks."  

It is quite possible to make an excuse that does not involve yourself.

"I'm sorry my kid just ran over your cat with the lawn mower. He was on a heavy dose of allergy medication when that happened."

That's one person excusing another persons behavior. There is definitely something wrong with our defense, and their has been for several years now. Some people speculate on the cause and solutions, and some people do, in fact, give "reasons" that could easily be read as excuses.

I very much dislike the old "trust the coaches" line. If that were all that was needed to ensure a great team, no coach would have ever been fired in the history of football. Part of the fun of the game, for me at least is evaluating the product. Are we getting better or worse? What do we have coming in? What are our needs? Are we addressing them? I like being able to discuss these things without being insulting to anyone, but without ignoring potential elephants in the room either.

I tend to agree with the O.P. Debate respectfully but openly. Also, as a fan you do have a right to expect something from the team. The football teams biggest source of revenue isn't the Lowders of the world, it's the people who show up to every home game and tune in every televised game, because that's who the networks and their advertisers are targeting. uat will always get favorable treatment in bowl and television selection b/c their fans would sell their kids into slavery for bowl tickets, and would rather have a "Got 13" t-shirt than a roof over their heads.  ;D

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Ok I'm gonna chime in one more time....

Is not the Auburn students and alumni the true heart of the Auburn Family? I think so. If a student doesn't perform to certain level of excellence the University will not hesitate to yank their scholarship. Trust me I know, it happened to me after one bad semester. And if a student does not reach the bare minimum expected of him then without hesitation the University drops them from school. If you don't pay you tuition by a certain time then you lose your schedule. And if you don't ever pay it then Auburn says goodbye to you.

Now I make these points to ask why is it "bammerish" to apply those same standards to those that are paid thousands of dollars to win football games. For three years Roof has not performed to the standards of Auburn University. If he was a student he would've been gone two and a half years ago. My point is quit with this "I am more Auburn than u" because u support Roof. These coaches aren't gods to be worshipped or trust unconditionally, they are men who have agreed to be apart of the Auburn Family and with that there comes standards.

What I really want is people to put the swords down and get back to discussing football instead of challenging other's fanhoods. I'm tired of some the cult like attitudes some have on here about never ever questioning the staff. I fully support the staff. I think Gene Chizik is the answer. That doesn't mean I have to accept everything they say and do as gospel. Let's get back to having honest discussions about what we think is best for Auburn. No need for calling each other "sunshine pumpers" and "bammers". We are all Auburn Tigers and want the best for our school


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The "bammer" part has little to do with wanting Auburn to have a great team. All Auburn football fans want that.

It has to do with all the continuous whining, and calling players out in public, and calling for coaches to be fired at a point when Auburn is rebuilding.  It's not having a realistic understanding of just where the program is at this point, but having expectations that can't be fulfilled just yet, and not having the patience to let the coaches fill the roster the way it should've been done before they got here. It's not grasping the fact that these coaches don't have all the pieces in place yet, and not having faith that they will. It's pitching fits on message boards and having meltdowns that are ugly and mean and ridiculous.

There is not a coach out there that hasn't made a mistake at some point, and I'm sure our coaches would readily admit to that. But in spite of the odds, Auburn is doing better than expected this season, and it's too bad a lot of fans can't see that the coaches are doing a great job despite all the obstacles they have faced....and fans with expectations that are out of bounds for this season is probably the biggest one. These kids on our team know they don't have fan support, and it does affect them....and so does all the "fire the coach" talk.

All of the naysayers are critical because the kids gave up on Saturday....but those fans gave up long before that and stopped supporting the team and the coaches. The team is just following that example. They can feel the lack of support on game day, and they do read message boards. They are not immune to fans opinions.

Throwing your team and the coaches to the curb is very bammerish, and that's my opinion. That kind of behavior has lots to do with fan ego....

At the end of the day, these are college students....not a "product". A "product" is a term better saved for the NFL or for Nick Saban.

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Realistic expectations were tossed out the window after last year for most. I think there were more than one "expert" who said if Auburn could win 6 games after the amount and quality lost from last year then Gene Chizik should be the coach of the year.  Well this week should be win #7. As an Auburn fan I am patient, as an Auburn fan after 2010 I tend to be one of the more patient individuals you can find. I have had my doubts about Ted Roof in the past, but it is not his fault that he has around 15 Freshman or Sophomores in his two deep. Patience was rewarded last year and will be awarded again(and I don't think it will take half a lifetime the 2nd time around)!!!

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I think everybody who posts on here loves AU and the athletic programs. Many of you are alums/students; some of us are fans ("sidewalk fans" as described by some on here). I don't think any of us who post on here thought we'd have an undefeated season this year. I didn't---wanted it, but knew it just wouldn't be this year. But, is it wrong for us to want to see some improvements over the course of the football season? So far we have played 4 top 20---maybe even top 10---teams on he road, and won one of them. The other 3 we lost---problem is, we lost BADLY. Au wasn't even in those games from the opening kick-off, and that's what's gotten a lot of us upset, especially after the GA debacle. I think most on here didn't expect to beat GA, but we expected our guys to give it their all and they didn't, for whatever reason. GA is NOT a great team. They are a good team, but AU made them look like the next BCS National Champs.  Even the 2nd half when GA was simply trying to run out the clock, our defense could not stop them. I think they rang up about 300 yards in the 2nd half when they were simply keeping the ball on the ground to NOT run up the score. I, like many others, gave Coach Roof the benefit of the doubt in 2009. AU was a thin team, mostly due to the lack of recruiting by Tommy Tuberville the last 2 years of his stay at AU. However, when one looks at theh 2010 team, we won the national championship thanks to the offense with some assistance from the defense. We are all excited about the 2010 season, but don't overlook the fact that AU's defense that year was not too damn good. This year's defense is AWFUL, and that's putting it mildly. Yes, a lot of the problems could be the fact that the offense cannot stay on the field long enough to let the defense rest. But, when you see missed tackles and players being out of position, and the secondary  being torched game after game, something has got to give. How many 3rd downs did GA convert the other night? Remember when Clemson converted 10 in a row in that game? Hell, Pat Dye's first AU team played harder and with more heart on defense than these guys do. Why is that? Is it coaching? Coach Dye didn't hesitate to dump some assistants if they weren't getting the job done. Do you remember Frank Orgel? He and Dye were long-time buddies, but when the AU defense under Orgel did not perform up to AU standards, he was a goner. We all wonder why Nick Saban is so good at recruiting (yes, he more times than not lies to the recruits and we're all certain the REC helps out a lot). On a show leading up to the "game of the century," someone said that there could be as many as 27 future NFL players in Tuscaloosa that weekend, and this same man said 17 of them were on Bama's squad. You don't think kids and parents hear that kind of stuff? Do you not think that makes a big impression on these kids and parents?

OK. My rant is over. I'm sure after the time I spent to type this, some moderator will come along and delete it because it's not being over kind. I love AU sports, and want them to give everything they have on the field or the courts. If AU still loses after laying it's hearts on the line, I can live with that.

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I appreciate your thoughtful post.  I agree with you regarding calling people bammers;  I don't think that's particularly fair or helpful.  

There are two things with which I disagree with you .  First, you use the word "excuse" at least a couple of times in your post.  The word "excuse" implies that something wrong has been done, someone is to blame, and that person is attempting to shift the blame from themselves.  As far as I know, no one here is a defensive coach or a defensive player.  So, we have no reason to look for excuses 'cause we didn't do anything wrong!  "Reason" implies that we are searching for the cause of the problem as we see it.  One is seeking to understand something rather than point fingers at someone.  Now the reason may end up being that Ted Roof is a lousy coach.  But if that were true, it doesn't make sense to me that he would keep getting hired.  In my experience, there are usually many reasons for most problems, not just one.  

The second place I disagree with you is regarding the idea that I or probably you have the power to "demand" anything regarding Auburn athletics.  I sit on aluminum at the football games and when it rains, I get wet.  So, whether I am happy about a coaching hiring or firing really makes no difference whatever. If I were a multimillionaire and I was willing to fork over 1.5 mill a year to hire the best DC out there, then my voice would probably matter.  The people who mattered at Alabama were the folks who were fine with shelling out 5 million a year for Saban, not the folks on the message boards saying, "Mike Shula sucks."  

You should think more highly of yourself.  You pay money to sit in that seat and get wet.  You deserve to see a good product as much as the people who sit in the luxury boxes

I think you missed my point.  My self-esteem is okay   :), but in reality, I don't control Auburn football; nor do I think I am qualified to control Auburn football.  Gene Chizik, Jay Jacobs, President Gogue, the Board of Trustees and whoever else do that.  My choice is simply to buy the tickets or let someone else have them.  I have a good time at the games so I keep buying them.  That is the extent of my influence on Auburn football. 

College athletics is about money, and I don't have enough to buy influence.  Of course, if I did have millions of dollars lying around, I would probably still find some other way to spend them.   :dunno:

I like this attitude, IMO it is somewhat "bammerish" to use the old, "I paid good money, so therefore I deserve a product that will live up to my expectations..."  I have tix to every home game and do not see a quality guarantee on any of them.  I love Auburn football, but more importantly, I love AUBURN.  I enjoy tailgating with friends, hearing the band, experiencing Tiger Walk, seeing the eagle fly, and just soaking up gameday in Auburn.  I love to see them win just as much as anyone on here, but if the only basis for your AU fanship is the product on the field, you are really missing out on some great stuff (and let's not kid ourselves, the product has been pretty damn good more often than not).  I'm not defending any particular coach or scheme here, but the old "fans deserve better" adage really sounds like our neighbors to the West...especially considering we are still the defending NC's.

The irony is strong in this post  *looks for Yoda emoticon*

I don't get it.
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I totally disagree with saying the fan has NP control over the decision making about football. If the fans stop filling the seats due to bad product on the field guess what happens?  Lost revenue, which leads to smaller amounts toward athletics which hurts recruiting which leads to coaching changes. Would you buy a car that would not run or a house with a leaking roof? Of course not. Why should those of us who work hard for their money that purchases tickets not have a right to expect a good product off their investment?  Don't get of twisted,  if fans don't come to the games, Auburn football doesn't exist. To say fans of any team has no say is totally wrong

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I totally disagree with saying the fan has NP control over the decision making about football. If the fans stop follicles.g the seats due to bad product on the field guess what happens?  Lost revenue, which leads to smaller amounts toward athletics which hurts recruiting which leads to coaching changes. Would you buy a car that would not run PR a house with a leaking roof? Of course not. Why should we who works hard for their money that purchases ticlets.to not have a right to expect a good product t off their investment?  Don't get of twisted,  if fans don't come to the games, Auburn football doesn't exist. To say fans of any team has no say is totally wrong

  I agree, if you don't like what you see, don't watch and don't buy tickets. 
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