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Updyke lawyer asks to withdraw as counsel


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IMO this is just another stall tactic. They are doing everything they can to stall the trial thinking that the more time that passes the better off it is for updyke. I don't agree with that, but I have thought this would happpen.

I agree. His trial is set  for later this month, I believe.  Having to get another attorney might delay it. Ole Harvey would probably be happy to get another football season out of jail. 

I'm not convinced he is sorry for poisoning the trees (which he stopped short of confessing to), but I'm sure he is sorry he got caught.  If he is ever sincerely sorry for his actions, i think the Christian thing to do would be to forgive him. But he still should have to pay the penalty for his crime.

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Wasn't his lawyer who wanted to have more time before it went to court and they backed it up til Nov. insteed of going ahead with it months ago?

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What health problems does the Gump have?

I don't know, but he had to wear braces on his legs as a boy.

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His lawyer knows updyke doesn't have a prayer. As I understand it, he kept telling updyke to stop calling slinebaum but the "tree killer" just wouldn't listen and he keeps right on calling slimebaum.

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Last I heard the trial was supposed to start on Halloween.

Updyke says he has heart problems. He claimed on fbomb that his doctor advised him to have a will ready and to get right with God---hence the odd apology/near confession.

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