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RODNEY PAULK of South Carolina is a PUNK


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It boggles the mind to see people refer to "The Ol' Ball Coach" as if he is some excellent example of his profession. Classless coach leads to classless players.

You got that right.  Not every coach/staff cares about teaching these kids about being better men and decent people for life after football.  I'm not saying our bunch is perfect or beyond reproach, but at least they are humbly making an attempt to do everything right on and off the field.  That's what I always loved about coach Dye too.  He was simply a teacher using football as a tool.

Heck, though I highly suspect it was for the wrong reasons, even uat's coach at least ran out onto the field this past weekend and grabbed a player who was starting a bunch of crap and got on his butt on live TV.  So at least he gives the appearance.  Steve Spurrier doesn't even do that.  He doesn't even have to open his mouth.  You can just tell by the look on his face.  He's always been a scumbag.

Please no flames over the saban comment.  I still don't like the guy.

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Actually if you go to the USC board Cockytalk, they have a long thread about it. Most USC fans feel that the player did intentionally try and hurt Dyer and they see nothing wrong with it. They say it is part of football. I think they are coocoo for coc puffs.

Those South Carolina fans can go to hell. Not all of them. Just the ones saying that kind of crap and also the ones saying they hope Toomers Oaks continue to die.

Hey South Carolina, how's it feel to constantly get owned by us? How about 3 times in I believe it's 53 weeks? How bout you haven't tasted a victory against Auburn since 1933? DEAL WITH IT! WAR DAMN EAGLE!

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I played football, this ish happens. It just does. You get clawed, punched, kicked, poked, grabbed in those wife only places, and take chin shots, the pile is a wild place. But I think if you are going to do something dumb like this, at least wait until there is a pile, not out in the open as such. I don't blame them, its football. If you arn't cheating you really arn't trying. I also don't blame Dyer for kicking around, I did that ish too. Move on, we got to SKIN SOME PIGS, and we all know they are going to be trying to hurt Dyer.


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Add this to the fake injuries late in the game, the horrible calls against us, and Jeffrey pushing off T'bell on the long TD, I have no respect for the cocks. 

Cheaters Cheat and they always will.....

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The first game of my senior season(against Ashville), I was scraping to the QB. He scrambled out of the back field and I continued to follow. Then out of nowhere a guy blindsides me. I pick my head up to and see that his number was 77. A few plays later(played both ways), he was in prime position and I dove at the side of his knee. I finished the game and he didn't play another down.

In another game, I was scraping to the RB when a smaller WR crack backs me(first Quarter). I didn't fall. I continue to trail the play trying to give effort but not thinking/trying to get to the RB. The same guy trails me and starts pushing me on the shoulder. I grabbed him by the helmet and did a hip throw(but by the helmet). After the game he came up to me and asked if I was the one who did it and that his neck still hurt. I told him that he shouldn't crack back people. Spring Garden was known for it and it was coached. He got what he deserved.

On the first play from scrimmage in another game(against ASD), I filled the hole and dropped the RB. As I got up he kicked me. On the second play they ran the same play but to the opposite side. I filled the hole and dropped the RB. He kicked me again. I went to the ref and told him that he had one chance to stop the guy from doing it or I was taking matters into my own hands. He spoke with the coach and the coach signed to the guy and the behavior stopped. The only thing that stopped me from doing it up front and on my own was that ASD(Alabama School for the Deaf and Blind) had guys with disabilities. Otherwise he would not have gotten the ref reprieve. I did make their offensive day hard and we won the game.

Now I prided myself in trying to play with class. There was no way that my team was to win the games. Now there is just some people for whom winning is just not enough. In those instances, whining does nothing but make you look silly. Action is the only way to send the message. Had those idiots not tried me, they would have had an easier next day. Those are the only two instances where I ever tried to hurt someone on a football field and I accomplished it.

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i mentioned this during the gameday thread and someone told me they went back and looked at it and said it didn't happen. Must not have looked very hard.

Who was that someone?  Bama's compliance department?

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Love the stories ... This kind of stuff happens in football.  Doesn't neccisarily make it right, but it happens.  I have the same kind of stories. 

Had a guy who kept holding me ... he was smaller ... shucked him to the ground and started to stomp on his face with my cleat ... good sense stopped me ... I looked up and a ref was staring at me ... I would have been gone.

Had another guy yapping and growling at me (which i always thought was funny that guys would do that) ... I wore a "blitz" hand pad ... at the snap of the ball, i upper cut him in the chin.  dropped him and he never yapped again ... i manhandled him the rest of the game.

i am a good guy and never tried to injure someone.  i believe there is a difference in trying to "hurt" them within the rules of the game, playing tough/hardnose (the uppercut) and trying to injure someone (if i had gone through with the "cleating").  I was as mean as they come ont he field, but never outside of what i would consider acceptable tough behavior.  twisting dyers ankle is over the top.

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The first game of my senior season(against Ashville), I was scraping to the QB. He scrambled out of the back field and I continued to follow. Then out of nowhere a guy blindsides me. I pick my head up to and see that his number was 77. A few plays later(played both ways), he was in prime position and I dove at the side of his knee. I finished the game and he didn't play another down.


You get blindsided and your response is to dive at the side of a guys knee? A blindside block is legal. (actually....so is a crack back) What you did was dirty and classless. Hope our guys never resort to that kind of play. If that's what you were "taught" your coaches should have been fired on the spot. No place in the game for trying to intentionally mame or injure a competitor. A player diving at the side of a guys knee could mean that guy never walks the same again. Coaches should have been teaching you to keep your head on a swivel and maybe you don't get blasted and have your feelings hurt.

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Blowing someone one up within the rules of the game, for instance a crack back, is football.  Losing your head on occasion in response to someone holding you often elicits an immediate tactical response on your part is also football...not necessarily one's finest hour (I've had a few of those moments myself), but again it's football.  Seeking out someone to "injure" them shows character issues, plain & simple. 

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I just always talked trash on the bottom of the pile... :dunno:

But..on the other hand, I have been pinched as well as my ankle being twisted as well. It's football though and it's the belly of the beast.

I do not condone it, but, sadly, it happens.

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I would go straight back to huddle after a play. I would have a stronger mind than to stoop to that level. What Mike did was ok, but as far as starting crap like and loosing your head is classless.  PERIOD!!!!

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Blowing someone one up within the rules of the game, for instance a crack back, is football.  Losing your head on occasion in response to someone holding you often elicits an immediate tactical response on your part is also football...not necessarily one's finest hour (I've had a few of those moments myself), but again it's football.  Seeking out someone to "injure" them shows character issues, plain & simple. 

My block was legal as well. The guy wasn't engaged and inside the tackle box(thanks for playing). Dirty play may be perfectly legal but it doesn't make it right. My position is that none of it is with class. I had people playing dirty so I one upped them. My point was proven. Call it character issues all you want. The fact that I remember both instances and they happened in 1997 should tell people something. I guess some will miss that point though.

To put it plainly, some people for whatever reason can not play without trying to injure others. The game is better off without those people. Many teams have/had those players and that includes Auburn. My position is that instead of whining and b****ing to the refs, do something about it. That way they can not hurt others. If those players wanted to avoid being hurt then they shouldn't have started the dirty play.

IMO, if a person condones crack backs, and blind side hits, then they also condone chop blocks, spearing, twisting ankles in the pile, biting, pinching of b@!!s, and, DBs going for the WR's head.

Seems as though some people's opinion of dirty or classless play is determined by what position they played. Holding is not legal and is not dirty play. There is no intent to injure. Crack backs, blind sides, and low hits are legal but are dirty as possibly can be(intent to injure). Don't open up that door unless your willing to step through it.

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I played OG in HS and College...lets just say they don't still call me "D Nasty" for nothin around my hometown and whenever I go back to my old University.  I learned my "tricks" from Coach Willie Wyatt in HS. Willie was an All-SEC Nose Guard selection with uat, his nickname was "Big Nasty"...I was his protege'.

I'd grow out my fingernails and claw the snot outta my opponent. Mix sweat & whatever in with a few gashes, that burns.

If the star player was a Defensive Lineman, they were a target...they didn't play much against us.

During pass protection, I'd always choke the defender whenever they'd throw their hands up to block a pass.  I'd shoot my hands to the bottom of their breast plate...then I'd shove the shoulders pads up into their throats.

I'd sharpen my chin strap buckles at halftime if the defenders slapped my head and the refs weren't going to do anything about it.

Things like that usually happen, but it's usually done in a pile or scrum. I'm not saying that I condone what the USCe player did, and I really think that the SEC needs to look into it...also the laying down acting like you're hurt to stop the clock.

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This thread has been enlightening; surprising, but still enlightening.  It reminds me a little of my wife's belief that hamburger meat comes from the grocery store (not a cow) - a very sanitary view of a messy process  :rolleyes:.  I would have to say that in my time playing football in HS, I never saw this.  Maybe that is because my school was not very good.  :dunno:

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i'm assuming that alot of the "ugly" stories are from the guys inside ... i was a center, nose guard and MLB.  it was basically bare fist fighting ... the kind your grandfather always remembers with a smile and a chuckle and then would say that he and his opponent would get a beer afterwards and become best friends ... that was my kind of memories of it.  it was ugly in the trenches and handshakes afterwards.  i was on a perennial .500 team so i learned how to be a good sport.

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RB, WR here. Getting tackled by a DB was always much better than being at the bottom of the pile. The big nasties are called that for a reason.  :laugh:

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I have Def had some experiences on the bottom of a pile, it happens. I've never been q fan of he Cheap shots or hot heads. I'm a major dork but I was usually more concerned with winning. To me There was nothing better than shaking the hands of idiots who spent an entire game trying to get at you while forgetting there was a game going on. Also there was this Tell dark haired cheerleader who just had too much legs for those skirts, sooooooo I had too much on my mind to remember which loser I was supposed to hate.

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Deliberately trying to blow up an opponents knee is dirty.  Period.

If you don't realize that, you have a personality disorder.

Blowing someone one up within the rules of the game, for instance a crack back, is football.  Losing your head on occasion in response to someone holding you often elicits an immediate tactical response on your part is also football...not necessarily one's finest hour (I've had a few of those moments myself), but again it's football.  Seeking out someone to "injure" them shows character issues, plain & simple. 

My block was legal as well. The guy wasn't engaged and inside the tackle box(thanks for playing). Dirty play may be perfectly legal but it doesn't make it right. My position is that none of it is with class. I had people playing dirty so I one upped them. My point was proven. Call it character issues all you want. The fact that I remember both instances and they happened in 1997 should tell people something. I guess some will miss that point though.

To put it plainly, some people for whatever reason can not play without trying to injure others. The game is better off without those people. Many teams have/had those players and that includes Auburn. My position is that instead of whining and b****ing to the refs, do something about it. That way they can not hurt others. If those players wanted to avoid being hurt then they shouldn't have started the dirty play.

IMO, if a person condones crack backs, and blind side hits, then they also condone chop blocks, spearing, twisting ankles in the pile, biting, pinching of b@!!s, and, DBs going for the WR's head.

Seems as though some people's opinion of dirty or classless play is determined by what position they played. Holding is not legal and is not dirty play. There is no intent to injure. Crack backs, blind sides, and low hits are legal but are dirty as possibly can be(intent to injure). Don't open up that door unless your willing to step through it.

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i'm assuming that alot of the "ugly" stories are from the guys inside ... i was a center, nose guard and MLB.  it was basically bare fist fighting ... the kind your grandfather always remembers with a smile and a chuckle and then would say that he and his opponent would get a beer afterwards and become best friends ... that was my kind of memories of it.  it was ugly in the trenches and handshakes afterwards.  i was on a perennial .500 team so i learned how to be a good sport.

There is so much truth in this statement. You did WHATEVER it took to screw over those dlineman, but there was always a mutual respect there. I punched guys, I got punched, I took helmet to helmet shots that left me spinning, I got pinched, scratched, etc. It is all part of the game. I miss that stuff. I broke my thumb one game. For real. Played the rest of the season with a torn Labrum and broken thumb. Hurt like heck, but I was not about to give up my senior year. I loved pancaking people.

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Why dive at somebody's knee trying to hurt them?  Just lock on and bury the dude 10 yards down field if you don't like getting man handled.  It sounds to me like you got blown up and it hurt your feelings so you decided to get even.  Know where you'd find yourself on my old high school team if you tried that?  In the stands with 45lbs over your head the following Sunday. 

P.S. No I'm not from some high school that never wins.  I'm from a high school that didn't miss the playoffs for over a decade... and that's playing 6A in Alabama. 

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