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Seastrunk and potential (if unlikely) Auburn trouble


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If we were involved, or even speculated being involved, in any wrongdoing in Lache's recruitment BSPN would be running a "breaking news" on their ticker about it. Since they aren't........

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Lache ended up at Oregon, so what did the Tennessee coach pay for?

Look, in all my years if following recruiting there gas NEVER been a more obvious case of a school suddenly dropping a 5* kid that loved that school and was thought previously to be a lock to that school. AU CLEARLY did the right thing.

I had the same feeling when we dropped Marcus Roberson and have been waiting for something to come out ever since.

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Video got pulled, but I was laughing my butt off reading the article, man was that kid pissed off.

I just tried it again and it's still there if you want to see it.

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If we were involved, or even speculated being involved, in any wrongdoing in Lache's recruitment BSPN would be running a "breaking news" on their ticker about it. Since they aren't........

Not only that, but ESPN has been uncharacteristically quiet about what IS already known about Auburn's recruitment of Seastrunk (ie: that Auburn pulled off of him when it became obvious that he was being pimped by Lyles) because this fact is contrary to their incessant campaign of innuendo that Auburn bought Cam.  It is the other side of the same coin, an injustice of "intentional omission".  I hate those bastards.

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Seem like he was about to cry cause he didn't get to come to AU. oh well.

He was about to cry because he came to the realization that he let someone else (Lyles) make a bad decision for him.  Lyles guided Lache's recruitment from the get-go and jumped through more than a few hoops to get him eligible.  The NCAA will get to the bottom of it though.  And, from the way it sounds, both Lache and Lyles are telling the whole story now.

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All I remember is sudenly his name was no longer mentioned. No more visits, no more press. Remember I thought it was wierd ..

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The biggest tragedy in amateur sports today is the "pimping" of these kids by those adults who aren't looking after the best interest of them.  So many promising careers are being compromised by this.  I hurt when I watched the video.  Seems like a very decent young man that was led down the wrong path.  I wish him the best.

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Can a moderator confirm that Auburn backed off Seastrunk because he was being pimped?  It's out in the air now, so I'd think it's ok to either confirm it or say "That's not exactly it."

There were a few issues, this was a big one.

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The biggest tragedy in amateur sports today is the "pimping" of these kids by those adults who aren't looking after the best interest of them.  So many promising careers are being compromised by this.  I hurt when I watched the video.  Seems like a very decent young man that was led down the wrong path.  I wish him the best.

A tradgedy indeed.  I dont' understand why these high-profile kids need to be pimped out anyway.  If they are good enough, then they will be viewed & evaluated by the best teams in the country with or without help from an "agent". 

The reason that these street agents are in buisness in the first place is for the money, not them looking out for the best interest of these high school athletes.  It would shock the socks off people if they knew how some of these agents were compensated for their services.  I've seen it firsthand, and there's no way it's not happening all over "talent rich" area's of the country.  It honestly reminds me of a slave trade.  Why a parent would subject their child to people like that is beyond me. :dunno:

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Guest shirley4au9

The biggest tragedy in amateur sports today is the "pimping" of these kids by those adults who aren't looking after the best interest of them.  So many promising careers are being compromised by this.  I hurt when I watched the video.  Seems like a very decent young man that was led down the wrong path.  I wish him the best.

I feel the same.
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The biggest tragedy in amateur sports today is the "pimping" of these kids by those adults who aren't looking after the best interest of them.  So many promising careers are being compromised by this.  I hurt when I watched the video.  Seems like a very decent young man that was led down the wrong path.  I wish him the best.

I feel the same.

So do I.

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hmmm he transferred to baylor...no longer at Oregon.

I don't think the kid had a choice.  He's been "marked" because of the shenanigan's between Oregon coaches and Lache's "agent" Lyles.  All Oregon wants to do is distance themselves from Lyles and Lache with the NCAA breathing down their necks right now.

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Isn't there a loophole where the kid gets 100% immunity if he tells the NCAA what really happened?  I bet we'll know the whole truth soon.  Does make me nervous that a kid AU was hot after for a long time is mixed up with some dirty dealings, but I feel better knowing AU backed away from him. 

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Isn't there a loophole where the kid gets 100% immunity if he tells the NCAA what really happened?  I bet we'll know the whole truth soon.  Does make me nervous that a kid AU was hot after for a long time is mixed up with some dirty dealings, but I feel better knowing AU backed away from him. 

The dirty dealings were with a Tennessee coach on Kiffen's staff.  I think that's what the NCAA has granted immunity for if I'm not mistaken.  But, Kiffen also had his hands in a ton of talented players during his short time at UT, Cam Newton was one of them.  Kiffen & Co went after all the talent and obviously they didn't care what it took to get it.

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Can a moderator confirm that Auburn backed off Seastrunk because he was being pimped?  It's out in the air now, so I'd think it's ok to either confirm it or say "That's not exactly it."

There were a few issues, this was a big one.

Thanks much, Bird.

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If we were involved, or even speculated being involved, in any wrongdoing in Lache's recruitment BSPN would be running a "breaking news" on their ticker about it. Since they aren't........

Not only that, but ESPN has been uncharacteristically quiet about what IS already known about Auburn's recruitment of Seastrunk (ie: that Auburn pulled off of him when it became obvious that he was being pimped by Lyles) because this fact is contrary to their incessant campaign of innuendo that Auburn bought Cam.  It is the other side of the same coin, an injustice of "intentional omission".  I hate those bastards.

^^^ So eloquently spoken  :thumbsup:  me too!

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There is so much that was wrong about the whole situation.

1.  Oregon, LSU and Tennessee under investigation for activities tied to Willie Lyles.

2.  Who's next?  (Certainly not AU)

3.  Seemed like the kid's only shot was through football, then Chip Kelly drops him like a bad habit when there's nothing for Oregon to gain by keeping him around.

4.  Auburn didn't just back away from him.  He completely disappeared off the radar.  It was either stated or inferred that LS was trying to call his AU contacts to try to re-establish a committable offer just days before NSD.

All the elements of what's wrong with big time college football.  And every element of why I beleive this staff does it right in terms of compliance.

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Two things:

1) Imagine if Lyles hadn't entered the picture. We were THISCLOSE to landing LS, Lattimore (who had Stephen Davis' Auburn hat in his hands on signing day), AND Dyer in the same signing class. Wow. Tailback U FTW!

2) This clearly indicates why we did NOT pay Cam Newton. Cecil may have asked for it, but we didn't spend a dime. We didn't need to pay a player with unproven talent when we could land a backfield like that without money.


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