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Is it just me or is Trotter...


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I have been saying this since before the season.  We do not have the WR or LB to be competitive this year.  Not sure if we will have them for next year either.  Benton is a non-factor.  Vante dropped 2 balls in this game.  The WR did not block well on the bubble/inside screens.  We need much better WR play to beat the big boys out on the perimeter (especially UGA/LSU/updyke). 

We only have Blake right now.  Kinda like McIntyre's senior season.  Noone else is stepping up. 

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I was actually just getting ready to comment on the similarity of the two. Having said that. Clint Moseley needs to start next week in my opinion. Let Frazier start the next game at home if necessary, but would probably wait until after Sourh Carolina's defense on the road since we have more then just QB issues on offense, I would not get Frazier killed just yet. Having said that we are still undefeated in the SEC, maybe Frazier is the spark we need. I know Trotter is not the answer and I say that without pleasure, he cannot move well enough to be a QB against the speed of SEC defenses in the year 2011...

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We might  not win any of the other games with trotter as starting qb. He is a good back up but not a starter who has the win capability. He can not run or pass effectively and is mainly one dimensional.  

He just doesn't seem to be the leader this team needs. Just my opinion for what it is worth. He always looks down and out on the sideline. We need someone to step forward and lead this team.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      True he just goes to his chair on the sideline and sits in his chair, when he needs to be on his linemen to block and his recivers to catch and block

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O line blocking as it is, plays a HUGE part in his timing right now. If you don't think he knows he has to find the primary receiver and find them FAST, we haven't been watching the same games.

I hate it as bad as anyone, it sucks, but it's just going to take some time for the team to come together in most phases.

I disagree, he's in the SEC, you get 1 thousand 1 , 1 thousand 2, 1 thousand 3 and you better be making a decision, unless your name is Cam Newton, you don't get away with holding onto the ball longer.

And, he got more time than that several times and still made bad decisions. Nope, O line was not always the problem and you could tell that when #10 came in and made some plays. Looked like a different team w/ Kiehl in the game.

I want Trotter to be successful, but I think he is regressing since game 1 and that's bad.

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Yes, changing QBs should fix the fact that the OL is getting no push at all, that the WRs and the HBs are dropping balls that hit them in both hands, that the WRs can't seem to block a bit this year, that CGM's play calling has been less than stellar, and that defenses are reacting to our plays way to fast (a la: they've figured out how to read some of our offense).

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Yes, changing QBs should fix the fact that the OL is getting no push at all, that the WRs and the HBs are dropping balls that hit them in both hands, that the WRs can't seem to block a bit this year, that CGM's play calling has been less than stellar, and that defenses are reacting to our plays way to fast (a la: they've figured out how to read some of our offense).

Well, with no threat of the qb running on the zone read play, they have one less dimension to have to figure out.  And that can/will contribute to what appears to be some poor OL play.  It's a combination of things and certainly not all Trotter's fault, but my personal opinion is that Malzahn is trying to run his offense with one hand tied behind his back right now.

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How many balls did 85 drop?  at least 3....and McCalleb dropped at least 2....Benton 1.  Trotter is not the problem.  We were playing a nobody and our focus was on fundamentals and USCe.....we have better athletes than FAU.  The coaches know we need 6 wins to go to a bowl.  We are 3-1 right now.  I say we will beat Ole Miss and Samford.  That gives us 5....Soooooo.....USCe, Ark, LSU, Fl, Bama, Ga....a win over 2 of the 6 is doable.  Florida is at home.  Ga is at our home away from home.  We don't need a great bowl...just a bowl that gives us more practice time.  This team is going to be really good in the coming years.  We need 2 more great recruiting classes.  We are almost there....not quite...but almost.     

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Yes, changing QBs should fix the fact that the OL is getting no push at all, that the WRs and the HBs are dropping balls that hit them in both hands, that the WRs can't seem to block a bit this year, that CGM's play calling has been less than stellar, and that defenses are reacting to our plays way to fast (a la: they've figured out how to read some of our offense).

Well, with no threat of the qb running on the zone read play, they have one less dimension to have to figure out.  And that can/will contribute to what appears to be some poor OL play.  It's a combination of things and certainly not all Trotter's fault, but my personal opinion is that Malzahn is trying to run his offense with one hand tied behind his back right now.

If we can't run on FAU without a Cam Newton at QB, the problem is not the QB. Trotter finished the day with 25 yards rushing, BTW, despite the fact that our OL allowed him to be sacked three times.

If Gus Malzahn's offense requires a five star dual threat QB to be effective against one of the worse teams in CFB, then he needs to go back to the drawing board. The biggest problems on offense are NOT the QB.

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I don't think BT is the only problem by any means, but I do think his play and leadership( or lack thereof) have been one of our problems on offense. After watching how he's regressed the first 4 games I honestly don't see how so many on here are still defending him.

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Yall are acting like you HAVE to have a dual thread QB to be successful. :laugh: Trotter has put us in a position to win football games and that's all that you can ask for from a QB. He's shown that he's a leader! The OL is what needs to be improved.

And for those calling for BT's head: You should also be calling for Malzahn's since he has his trust in Barrett.

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So you are saying being Barrett Trotter is a Christian and a good speaker he is a good QB? If Cam was Muslim or a non-Christian would he be worse than Trotter?

No I'm not saying because he's Christian he's a good leader. I'm showing that he's not afraid to speak up! The video shows that he's willing to have his voice heard and that's what I think makes a QB.
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Alrighty, I am not ready to give up on Trotter, but on field results are more important than on field leadership with poor results. We will see how he does in the next few weeks and I hope Trotter does great, but if he doesn't Frazier  will most likely be getting more and more snaps until he takes over the reins.

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Trotter is a good Christian Auburn man which is great, He wasn't a great or good QB againist FAU which is not so good. Several balls were overthrown, underthrown, and with no touch. Jerry Rice couldn't have caught several of them. He held on to the ball to long on sevral occasions, instead of throwing the ball away. I hope it was one bad day for him and I hope he improves.

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Trotter was definitely not on his game last night. Cannot blame hm for looking for Blake each time. Blake seems to be the only receiver that can actually catch a pass.

Trotter's biggest mistakes were holding the ball too long and taking sacks. He has to learn to get rid of the ball when he is being pressured and  cannot escape rather than losing yards. Another thing he simply has to quit doing, is throwing to people when they have a man right in his face.  He is going to get our H-Backs killed that way.

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I find it funny how there was a thread last week saying Frazier/Moseley should get a look. The OP was trashed the entire thread. Now look one week later how the faithful have changed their tune. I was one of the biggest doubters of Trotter during the spring and during fall camp. He was not that highly recruited coming out of HS, and the coaching staff felt that they needed to sign a Juco QB last year, and tried their best to sign a one year prospect (Wilson) for this year. Not a lot for me to feel to confident in.

However, he was named the stater for a reason. I'm not saying it's because the coaches have absolute trust in him either. I'm saying he must be a better option than Moseley because we still have not seen him in other than 2 trick plays, and Frazier may not be ready for a full season against SEC competition. I don't thing it will be too long before he is though. But starting Frazier at this point may be a mistake. Did anyone see what USC did to Vandy last week? I don't think they gave up 150 yards to them. And that was with a rushing QB. Not a good team for anyone to make their first start. Let Trotter finish out the season (unless he plays his way out of it), and keep letting Frazier come in for a couple of drives a game. JMO

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Whenever Trotter decides he's going to run, he usually picks up decent yardage.  The key seems to be deciding.  Agreed on several posts mentioning his touch and accuracy.  He didn't have a great night throwing the ball.  Some weren't really on target.  Some were still catchable though.  (The one to Benton was quite a bit high and he seemed to make a good effort to try and get it, but just didn't come down with it).  I was starting to get a little more confidence in him based on a few of the first games.  (He is still a first year starter -- I don't care how long he's been around).  But last night definitely wasn't a good performance.  Just so many areas for improvement on the offense though.  I don't think I've seen an Auburn team with this many (glaring) deficiencies in a long time.  Frustrating.

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Honestly not trying to be a smarta$$ but what have you seen that makes you think that Trotter's decision making has progressed any since week 1?

He made better reads yesterday (outside of the 1st throw) and I thought he made the reads quicker than in the first game. At least the read to take off and run. The WR corp didn't help out at all last night. Without the two drops from Fulse, drop from Emory, drop from Q, and 2 or so drops out of the backfield and it turns his completion percentage from 57% to somewhere around 80%. And I'm only counting the throws that I thought should be caught every time.
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im not down on trotter at all. last night was his worst game,but untill then he has been sufficient. he does run ok when he runs but he doesnt have a good clock of when to take off. and on the 3rd down and short when he rolled right and threw a little behind blake he had the 1st down easy if he runs. he should learn to slide too. he is not going to run over anyone and problaly not break many tackles. i do want to use frazier more,but that is more just to develope kiehl in what looks to be a loosing, bowless season than trotter not playing well. still we will not win unless the d improves no matter the qb play.

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