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Message to the membership: response thread


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I remember the oranges and even as a kid I knew that was a bad idea.  I'm sure that provided the Vols with a little extra motivation.  Didn't realize it was 1980. Getting old.

For the fans/alums that have been around a while and have seen ugly games before probably have an easier time keeping this Clemson game in perspective.

The worst to me was USCw vs. Auburn in JHS. Epic beatdown. Misery.
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i have a few questions.

 1. why are negative posts whacked and why moderate at all?

 2. can a section be added that is off limits to lurkers, only logged in members, if so can it be limited to members with a certain post count. if this is possible let it go with no moderation.

   i am not complaining. i have only been warned one time by a mod. i have been threatened with what i consider citizens arrests by some of the,"support our team pumpers" that are more supportive than a jock strap. i keep my comments in line with what is expected and what my nature allows. i see people make comments that i agree totally with but would have worded a little differently(my one post that i was warned about could have been worded better). then i see the barney fyfes try to change the opinion of people that are here to discuss what we all love. i did like the game thread Bird posted pertaining to "dont police others comments". i do enjoy the time i waste on this board and am thankfull for the opportunity to do so.

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War Eagle to all of the MODS and thank you for a job well done.I not only enjoy the information on this board but also the humor that many members share with everyone here.May we all sleep well and have a great day.

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My first AU game was when I was six and it was a TN thrashing of AU (I think 42-0) in the late 70's.  I was one depressed little kid and acting as such.  

But my dad (also an AU grad) said you know what....AU lost today but don't let that disappointment change what you can control.....how you act.  One of those "Andy Griffith" moments I had with my Dad and I remember it like yesterday.

There are some wise comments in this thread particularly about how posts are phrased and how disappointment is conveyed.  Most of it is a judgement call and I respect that the Mods are doing the best they can.

Mods, thank you and War Eagle!

I was there for that game also..Was living in Chattanooga at the time and had four big orange fans with me...needless to say it was a long ride home but thats how it went in the Doug Barfield days.

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I decided before the season I wasn't going to over-react to anything that happened this year on the field.  We got the Natty and deserve to relax a little.  I'm as interested as anybody to see if Chizik can put a killer defense on the field since he really never has as a head coach, but this isn't the year to declare him a failure.  Youth is an excuse regardless of what coaches say, and we should all chill out.  All this winning has made us addicts and we need some perspective on life and sports.

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Why moderate at all ? If they didn't this would be just another turd slinging message board. This is without question the BEST Auburn Football Message Board in existance...And the reason it is , is because it is moderated. Thanks Mods.

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I don't think the mods were too quick on the trigger at all. I think some posters were completely out of line, and the quicker those posts were gone, the better. The disrespect towards the coaches, the players, and the mods got out of hand in a hurry. Why would anyone want that stuff  kept out there for all to see?

The meltdown was ugly. Posters need to take a deep breath before hitting the send button. This is NOT going to be a the same kind of season we had last year, and everybody was warned ahead of time, but few listened, and some were even offended by the warnings.

I am sick of being called a sunshine pumper because I gave some thought to the warning that this young team would struggle, and because I choose to support my team, including the coaches, just as much in 2011 as I did in 2010.

There will be more losses this season, and although I will hate to lose, I will still support these hard working kids and coaches, and I will be respectful in my posting on Auburn boards. I realize that I have no idea what difficulties they all face, because I am not privy to what's actually going on in the locker room. I will not presume to know more than an experienced coaching staff, and I will not call out any players nor will I demand that a coach lose his job.

We are not the owners of this site, and we don't put in the work required to keep it going. It's not too much for the mods to ask that posters follow the rules, and post respectfully.....even when Auburn loses a game. Especially then, actually.

Coach Dye, and Jake Holland's dad asked for fan support during this difficult time for the Auburn Tigers. It would be nice for the fans to offer a show of support even though many disagree with the way things are being done. The kids on the field deserve that much, and I think it might inspire them.

I'm with Tigerbelle. I support the team if they win all their games or none of their games. I was also under the impression that players family members and possibly some of the players check this site. Many of the comments after the game were not something I'd want any of players reading from the Auburn family. Maybe some of us should stop and count to ten before we post.

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I just saw there is a whole thread devoted to the mods kicking people off of here on auburnfootball.com. they are saying there is no freedom of speech here and everyone is being judged to harshly and the mods are drunk with power.  there is alot of people mad about not being able to say what they want. I havn't experienced any real problems generaly when they have a had a problem with something I was pushing the limit and we all know when we are doing it. Its there job to get us back on track even if we don't like it. everyone is fraustrated right now and we all need to remember that these coaches and players are humans and have feelings. we can disagree but don't need to get so personal with these comments. Its just a game

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I just saw there is a whole thread devoted to the mods kicking people off of here on auburnfootball.com. they are saying there is no freedom of speech here and everyone is being judged to harshly and the mods are drunk with power.  there is alot of people mad about not being able to say what they want. I havn't experienced any real problems generaly when they have a had a problem with something I was pushing the limit and we all know when we are doing it. Its there job to get us back on track even if we don't like it. everyone is fraustrated right now and we all need to remember that these coaches and players are humans and have feelings. we can disagree but don't need to get so personal with these comments. Its just a game

That's great!  The fact that Warrior/magic man has the majority of the post on there is no surprise.   :laugh: 

This is great too.  :laugh:

ScottsboroAuburnFan wrote:

losernilla has posted some dont post "this" thread... What a bunch of babies.

I posted a In Roof we believe thread to see if it would stay lol... I can only hope to get banned.  .... Losers.

Yeah Scotts. I was following your "In Roof" thread on AE and all of a sudden it vanished. Who deleted it, Big Bird?

Yep, it was me. If your gonna act like an idiot we all know what's gonna happen.

The best part is the majority of posters complaining on that thread, were stupid enough to get banned. Talk about butt hurt.  :laugh: 

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Ladies and Gents, this is the game of football. Say what you must but inexperience, not knowing where to be on a play, over thinking and slow reaction,  not holding your gap, poor tackling, poor coverage. These are the things that are happening to our D right now. Some of it is coaching, a lot of it is on the job training. How many junior and seniors do we have playing significant time or starting on the D? I don't like loosing or the way we are playing D right now but I ain't about to give up on this team or this coaching staff, I love Auburn win, lose or draw. I love each one of these kids who wear that uniform and play there hearts out. I trust our coaches and have faith that it will get better. I DETEST the way people are bashing our kids and our coaches. What makes you think you have authority to berate a coach or player in a public forum? What are you trying to accomplish by saying the thoughtless opinions here? Do you expect family to behave in this way? Especially towards each other? If we never win another football game this year, will I be disappointed, YES. Will I berate a coach or player? NEVER. Will I express my disappointment about poor play, YES I will but in a somewhat thoughtful opinion. This is the Auburn Eagle for Auburn University sports news. This is not Alabama, LSU or any other stupid forums. Im sick to my stomach with some of these almost hateful posts throughout this site. I'm done

This is pretty close to how I feel, too.

It's hard for me not to try to police others' comments -- so hard, I often fail (though I have tried and succeeded not to do it on the game thread, at least last week, I think).  :-[


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ScottsboroAuburnFan wrote:

losernilla has posted some dont post "this" thread... What a bunch of babies.

Wow...I post a thread outlining what is and isn't acceptable on AE, he whines about it, and I'm the baby? :laugh:

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ScottsboroAuburnFan wrote:

losernilla has posted some dont post "this" thread... What a bunch of babies.

Wow...I post a thread outlining what is and isn't acceptable on AE, he whines about it, and I'm the baby? :laugh:

:laugh: Wait, though, can't be you, red. Some dude called "losernilla" ....  :dunno:


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tomato...tomato  :tease:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Guess things are getting back to normal. Bird, I was starting to worry about you. You've been pretty nurturing over the last couple of days! Nesting instinct?


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tomato...tomato  :tease:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Guess things are getting back to normal. Bird, I was starting to worry about you. You've been pretty nurturing over the last couple of days! Nesting instinct?


A lot of crying babies. :dunno:
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tomato...tomato  :tease:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Guess things are getting back to normal. Bird, I was starting to worry about you. You've been pretty nurturing over the last couple of days! Nesting instinct?


A lot of crying babies. :dunno:

Isn't that  "The pot calling the kettle black" Just sayin

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tomato...tomato  :tease:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Guess things are getting back to normal. Bird, I was starting to worry about you. You've been pretty nurturing over the last couple of days! Nesting instinct?


A lot of crying babies. :dunno:

Isn't that  "The pot calling the kettle black" Just sayin

Everyone's a baby to Methuselah.

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tomato...tomato  :tease:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Guess things are getting back to normal. Bird, I was starting to worry about you. You've been pretty nurturing over the last couple of days! Nesting instinct?


A lot of crying babies. :dunno:

Isn't that  "The pot calling the kettle black" Just sayin

Everyone's a baby to Methuselah.

Not everyone I should know. Selah, as we called him back then,  was a funny guy

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tomato...tomato  :tease:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Guess things are getting back to normal. Bird, I was starting to worry about you. You've been pretty nurturing over the last couple of days! Nesting instinct?


A lot of crying babies. :dunno:

Isn't that  "The pot calling the kettle black" Just sayin

Everyone's a baby to Methuselah.

Not everyone I should know. Selah, as we called him back then,  was a funny guy

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Good to see we've recovered.  :thumbsup:

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Before anyone speaks ill of an Auburn coach or player, they need to remember that our coaches know more football than we will ever know - and our players may be big and strong, but they are still 18, 19, 20 year olds who are sacrificing more than we will ever know to play for Auburn.  Did we lose? Yes.  Did we quit? Never.  Auburn is my school and these are my coaches and my players and they deserve your respect.  Also, thanks to the good folks who keep this site up and running.  War Eagle

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I have got to say that after all the policing and complaints about policing, it doesn't appear to have helped.  There is an atmosphere on here that is not good; and I think it's because we forgot how to lose!!  We lost the darn football game, our defense stinks, our offense missed golden opportunities; get over it.  But people, when you use words like "stupid". or "silly", or "comical", what are you trying to prove?  Is it shock effect?  Or is just  forgetting how to lose?  I am reminded  of a quote by one of the greatest football coaches of all time :-\ >:(, who once said so proudly and arrogantly; "I am a poor loser, but then I have had much practice at it".  Author; Paul Bryant.  Now, don't get me wrong; don't like to lose, don't want to ever lose, but occasionally stuff happens.  But the cutting, immature adjectives just, frankly, piss me off!!

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