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Message to the membership: response thread


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I have no issue with it other than the part about not criticizing last years defense.   I think talking about Auburn football should be okay. If we only only allowed to talk about the things that are being done correctly and forced to talk around issues then it wouldn't be much of a board.  If someone disagrees with an assessment just explain why instead of attacking posters or banning subjects.

The one thing I hate the most is when people start attacking other posters instead of talking about football and luckily we don't see it much here or it gets zapped.  That is when I get aggravated. Once someone goes to the well you never coached, or played at AU so you are dumb card then that person has lost my interest and respect. I just recently made a response to one of those posts if you check my post history.  It was a post made last night and adds nothing to conversation other than poster on poster criticism and it has not been zapped yet.  

Talking about trends whether good or bad should be part of a conversation about football as long as it is done with respect.

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I applaud AE's position. I applaud AE, PERIOD. This is about the only place I go to read what other AU people are thinking and to express my thoughts.

I posted a thread a few weeks ago asking for civility and trying to ask for patience in what I feel will be a tough year. My thread was deleted and that's fine. I was called a "loser" and that's fine. My point was pretty much the same as the locked "Message to Members" thread. We are Auburn and we are bigger than "them". We need to act like it.

Now. Our defense sucks and I look forward to seeing them improve. I am more than happy with the decisions that CGC has made over the last 3 years and I trust he will make the right decisions that will get our defense better this year and in the years to come.

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I have agonized over this post for a couple of days now, but have decided to put it out there.  I don't post during games, and I never will.  But during the game and afterwards, do I feel exactly the way some of you post; heck yes, I do.  But this is the last place I would go to take out my frustrations.  With that said, I do have a small problem with the manner in which "post policing" is done, but it doesn't have to do with the football game threads in most cases.  There are several Mods that, I hope, I enjoy a good, respectful relationship with, and they are the ones who typically police the board on gameday, and have already responded to comments on this thread.  But, for whatever reason, and it's really none of my business, there was a prolifiration of Mod additions a year or so ago.  I don't know how that selection process occurred, and I really don't care, but the title does not give one the green light to take the "high and mighty" road.  One thing experience teaches you, is that you do not demand respect, you earn it.  You earn it through positive contributions (not meaning monetary), not through weilding a "big stick".  I would hope that there is some "Mod policing" going on inside the corridors of A headquarters, because a good inside-out physical every once and a while is a good thing.  I am saying this as a very satisfied and grateful member of this board;  this is not a publically-held corporation, but if it were, I would already be a stockholder.  Also, please understand, I am a cranky old man;  I don't like having to stand up when a judge walks in a courtroom.  Most of them don't deserve that respect. :-X :-\ ;D

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I applaud respectful discussion. One of the things that concerns me about the above stickied memo is thus little snippet:  "Calling for a coach's head is not the right way,....."

Just want to be clear, are you stating that it is not allowed to discuss a desire to have a new defensive head coach? That we can't engage in conversation about who we would like to see taking the reigns of the Defensive squad should Roof be fired?

Weegs gave a good example that answers your question. You can express your concern in a respectful manner, but mention it once and be done with it. The problem is that people seem to believe that if they YELL LOUD ENOUGH and often enough on message boards, then perhaps the coaching staff will somehow hear them and they will get their way. Those people are the main ones with whom the problem lies.

People will converse about the best/worst things.  Kind of natural.  Some people will paint everything as being rosey, controlled, part of a plan. And there will be others that respond because they feel expectations for Auburn football are not being met.    

I know Coach Chizik did not plan for AU being ranked 117th in defense.  He is probably more concerned and critical than any of us.  Everything I have seen from him indicates that he will do what it takes to get AU back on track. Might not happen fast, or mid season, but it will happen.

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I don't think the mods were too quick on the trigger at all. I think some posters were completely out of line, and the quicker those posts were gone, the better. The disrespect towards the coaches, the players, and the mods got out of hand in a hurry. Why would anyone want that stuff  kept out there for all to see?

The meltdown was ugly. Posters need to take a deep breath before hitting the send button. This is NOT going to be a the same kind of season we had last year, and everybody was warned ahead of time, but few listened, and some were even offended by the warnings.

I am sick of being called a sunshine pumper because I gave some thought to the warning that this young team would struggle, and because I choose to support my team, including the coaches, just as much in 2011 as I did in 2010.

There will be more losses this season, and although I will hate to lose, I will still support these hard working kids and coaches, and I will be respectful in my posting on Auburn boards. I realize that I have no idea what difficulties they all face, because I am not privy to what's actually going on in the locker room. I will not presume to know more than an experienced coaching staff, and I will not call out any players nor will I demand that a coach lose his job.

We are not the owners of this site, and we don't put in the work required to keep it going. It's not too much for the mods to ask that posters follow the rules, and post respectfully.....even when Auburn loses a game. Especially then, actually.

Coach Dye, and Jake Holland's dad asked for fan support during this difficult time for the Auburn Tigers. It would be nice for the fans to offer a show of support even though many disagree with the way things are being done. The kids on the field deserve that much, and I think it might inspire them.

Well put Tigerbelle. As a guest of AE, I follow the rules the mods have set for this board. I generally respond knowing you never know who is surfing the board. With that said, I in most cases choose my words carefully when responding.

If this makes me a "Sunshine Pumper" in others eyes, then consider me "Mr. Heat Mizer".  ;D

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I have no issue with it other than the part about not criticizing last years defense.

Oh, how quickly we forget: the rush defense last year was 11th in the country. We had some issues, yes, but you can't just lump this year's defense and the 09 defense in with last year's version, as some have been doing. That is my problem.

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I believe that most posters that have a problem with posting within the rules of The Auburn Eagle Message Board, generally surf other boards that doesnt set a higher standard in posting. Speaking for myself I dont surf other boards and because of the higher standard set by the mods here at AE, is the reason I choose this site and this site only.  :)

I also attended a very strict Catholic School, so following rules comes easy. Nothing like being paddled   beaten by a Brother of the Sacred Heart, for not having your shirt completley tucked in, says respect for the rules.  ;)

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I have no issue with it other than the part about not criticizing last years defense.

Oh, how quickly we forget: the rush defense last year was 11th in the country. We had some issues, yes, but you can't just lump this year's defense and the 09 defense in with last year's version, as some have been doing. That is my problem.

It is brought up because people try and justify the similar stats this year like they are an anomaly due to youth.  It shows trends.  This year we do an equally poor job on pass defense for example.  Last years team was poor on pass defense. This years team is poor at pass defense.  Total defense not so good just like last year.   I have re-watched the Arkansas game and Kentucky games enough to know we won those games despite the defense.  
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I think 98% of us here come here because of the strict rules. Have I gotten called down before? Yes. Was it merited? Yep, probably so. Do I still come back? Every freaking day. My wife thanks/hates you AE.  :laugh:

"Where there are no rules, there is CHAOS!"

I.E. al.com

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I have no issue with it other than the part about not criticizing last years defense.

Oh, how quickly we forget: the rush defense last year was 11th in the country. We had some issues, yes, but you can't just lump this year's defense and the 09 defense in with last year's version, as some have been doing. That is my problem.

It is brought up because people try and justify the similar stats this year like they are an anomaly due to youth.  It shows trends.  This year we do an equally poor job on pass defense for example.  Last years team was poor on pass defense. This years team is poor at pass defense.  Total defense not so good just like last year.   I have re-watched the Arkansas game and Kentucky games enough to know we won those games despite the defense.  

And then those trends lead to the conclusion that we need someone new, right? Until the Clemson game, the pass defense was the best part of this season for the defense. I've seen several good plays made by DBs, but the bubble screens have been killing us, and the linebackers in general seem to be having issues with pass coverage. At least some of that should be attributed to youth: 66% of the linebackers got their first starts at the position this year, and while Bates was moved from safety, his most glaring weakness while there was pass coverage.

As for total defense, last year we did rise to the occasion when it was necessary. Shut down Bama's offense for three quarters in Tuscaloosa. Goal line stand against Oregon in the national championship game. Etcetera.

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2. Our defense isn't where it should be after three years, I believe we need to go in another direction as far as our DC goes.

With all due respect to the mods, the problem I see is that I've seen messages like this wacked before.  I've seen hordes of other members jump on posters that say things like this and criticize them as less of an Auburn fan.

Just the other day, a mod made a snarky comment along the lines of 'jeesh some people will just never be satisfied' all because i pointed out that we were ranked 112 out of 120 in total D or whatever we were at the time after the MSU game.

I think that's why a lot of us just lurk and appreciate the free news.

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I think that a lot of the criticism towards the editing of post and threads stems from us being proactive rather than reactive.  We are strict, we understand that, but most of us have done this long enough to know which direction a thread is heading.  For the most part, we try to let it run as close to the point of no return as possible before trashing it. Most of the times we can simply split the post that caused the rift. At times though, like Saturday, there is such a flood of unreasonable and caustic post and threads that we do not have the time or inclination to sort through all of it, so the majority went directly to the trash. 

Now as for the negativity and criticism, our goal is to limit the inflammatory caustic post.  Does inflammatory equal negative now? Is negativity outlawed? Not really, it depends on the negativity.  Negativity doesn't necessarily equate to inflammatory, however, depending on the context, it most certainly can be.  It depends how people choose to discuss it.  There is a huge difference between, constructive and destructive criticism.  We've always said, its not what, but how you say something.  All an incendiary post will accomplish is to inflame another.

I appreciate all of the comments and feedback given.  Thank you all for being part of the AE family.



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Having been a Mod on several Forums myself, ranging in size from a handful of members to well over 10,000 members, I definitely know the EXTRA and FREE work done by the Staff.  I left another AU Board a couple of years ago due to one member constantly hijacking EVERY thread with his One-trick-pony rant of bashing Chizik. I tried to warn the Staff there that his actions could kill the Board, which they ignored, and shortly after, the free portion of it closed (due in part to the rapid exodus of members to THIS Board) and it's Pay Only now. The Staff here has done an EXCELLENT job as the board has grown, so a few minor disagreements are expected. There have been some posts that I would have deleted due to very personal attacks, but they've been allowed to stay.

The fact that this is a very active Board shows that overall, the Mod's are doing their job very well!!

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I have no issue with it other than the part about not criticizing last years defense.

Oh, how quickly we forget: the rush defense last year was 11th in the country. We had some issues, yes, but you can't just lump this year's defense and the 09 defense in with last year's version, as some have been doing. That is my problem.

It is brought up because people try and justify the similar stats this year like they are an anomaly due to youth.  It shows trends.  This year we do an equally poor job on pass defense for example.  Last years team was poor on pass defense. This years team is poor at pass defense.  Total defense not so good just like last year.   I have re-watched the Arkansas game and Kentucky games enough to know we won those games despite the defense.  

And then those trends lead to the conclusion that we need someone new, right? Until the Clemson game, the pass defense was the best part of this season for the defense. I've seen several good plays made by DBs, but the bubble screens have been killing us, and the linebackers in general seem to be having issues with pass coverage. At least some of that should be attributed to youth: 66% of the linebackers got their first starts at the position this year, and while Bates was moved from safety, his most glaring weakness while there was pass coverage.

As for total defense, last year we did rise to the occasion when it was necessary. Shut down Bama's offense for three quarters in Tuscaloosa. Goal line stand against Oregon in the national championship game. Etcetera.

We will just have to agree to disagree.  I don't think CGC wants a defense ranked in the 60's. Last years defense was below the standards of where we want to be.  This years defense is below the standards of where any SEC team (including Vandy) should be.  There are a lot of things being done poorly and not just by the players.

The two teams we played before Clemson were both run oriented.  We didn't take that away from them so they had no reason to throw much. The defense was ranked 111 before the Clemson game.  BTW I have always thought linebacker was the hardest learning curve from a SEC physical preparedness and reaction/thinking standpoint.  I will never forget Darrel Crawford getting pancaked against UT his freshman year by a fullback. But at least he knew where the right spot was (and how to get to it)? I guess I am saying I understand youthful mistakes but I don't understand being this bad in so many ways.

I will let CGC decide what changes need to be made based on the trends.  CGC has my 100% confidence. I don't think he is much into excuses though from what I have seen. BTW, LOL at hijacking your own thread.  :D

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We knew this was going to be a transition year. Young players make mistakes. This is a new board. Mods and posters will make mistakes.  Some posters are out of line. Some mods are too quick too judge. Saturday was not a good day. The turds have said the "Family" would fall apart with a bad year. I've been an Auburn fan for 50 years and what the turds don't understand and never will is there's always been a "Family" at Auburn. That's what sets us apart from them. We need to remember who we are.

What happened at Clemson will not be accepted by this coaching staff. Auburn coaches expect the best from the 11 players on the field and we expect the best from the coaches on the sideline. Coach Chizik said we are here to win championships. Tradition never graduates.  To tolerate mediocrity from a coach or a player will not be accepted and will not build championship teams.  Coach Chizik said it was time to reevaluate.  I trust him to make the right decisions.

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BTW, LOL at hijacking your own thread.  :D

I was thinking the same thing. :laugh:

Considering that it pertains to the message, I'm not sure "hijacking" is the correct word. But whatever.

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My first AU game was when I was six and it was a TN thrashing of AU (I think 42-0) in the late 70's.  I was one depressed little kid and acting as such.  

But my dad (also an AU grad) said you know what....AU lost today but don't let that disappointment change what you can control.....how you act.  One of those "Andy Griffith" moments I had with my Dad and I remember it like yesterday.

There are some wise comments in this thread particularly about how posts are phrased and how disappointment is conveyed.  Most of it is a judgement call and I respect that the Mods are doing the best they can.

Mods, thank you and War Eagle!

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Ladies and Gents, this is the game of football. Say what you must but inexperience, not knowing where to be on a play, over thinking and slow reaction,  not holding your gap, poor tackling, poor coverage. These are the things that are happening to our D right now. Some of it is coaching, a lot of it is on the job training. How many junior and seniors do we have playing significant time or starting on the D? I don't like loosing or the way we are playing D right now but I ain't about to give up on this team or this coaching staff, I love Auburn win, lose or draw. I love each one of these kids who wear that uniform and play there hearts out. I trust our coaches and have faith that it will get better. I DETEST the way people are bashing our kids and our coaches. What makes you think you have authority to berate a coach or player in a public forum? What are you trying to accomplish by saying the thoughtless opinions here? Do you expect family to behave in this way? Especially towards each other? If we never win another football game this year, will I be disappointed, YES. Will I berate a coach or player? NEVER. Will I express my disappointment about poor play, YES I will but in a somewhat thoughtful opinion. This is the Auburn Eagle for Auburn University sports news. This is not Alabama, LSU or any other stupid forums. Im sick to my stomach with some of these almost hateful posts throughout this site. I'm done

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we are all auburn fans on this site. We should be all able to say and have a opinion. we should be able to talk about the good as well as the bad without fear of being pursecuted by others. If not then it can get real boring real fast. I do agree that we shouldn't go over board on a coach or player, but should be able to talk about the problem. I enjoy ready others comments that aren't so vanilla. I also  think the mods shouldn't be attacked for doing their jobs here and should be shown respect, as well as every member here. If we can't talk about auburn football and I mean all sides and views than what is the point in doing it at all. JMO

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My first AU game was when I was six and it was a TN thrashing of AU (I think 42-0) in the late 70's.  I was one depressed little kid and acting as such.  

But my dad (also an AU grad) said you know what....AU lost today but don't let that disappointment change what you can control.....how you act.  One of those "Andy Griffith" moments I had with my Dad and I remember it like yesterday.

There are some wise comments in this thread particularly about how posts are phrased and how disappointment is conveyed.  Most of it is a judgement call and I respect that the Mods are doing the best they can.

Mods, thank you and War Eagle!

1980.  I was there.  That's the game we threw oranges at them coming out of the tunnel.  They threw them back (in a manner of speaking).

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I remember the oranges and even as a kid I knew that was a bad idea.  I'm sure that provided the Vols with a little extra motivation.  Didn't realize it was 1980. Getting old.

For the fans/alums that have been around a while and have seen ugly games before probably have an easier time keeping this Clemson game in perspective.

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