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We shouldn't discuss the FACTS.  Do not mention the easily visible observation that the Auburn defense is the most fundamentally unsound you have ever seen wear orange and blue. 

Who are you to watch our kids, who work their asses off, miss tackles and question why they haven't been taught how?

Who are you to demand that they get the best leadership money can buy because you know how hard they work for Auburn? 

Who are you to believe that the guys with AU on their helmet deserve it? 

You're  just a fan.  Do you pay those leaders salary?  Oh, yeah, you do.  But shut up anyway.

Do not mention that we play 12 yards deep on 3rd and 9. 

Do not wonder aloud why a team who has traditionally had one of the better defenses in college football has become one of the worst in their conference for 3 years straight.

Obviously, we shouldn't talk about these things.  And since we should not talk about these things, there is nothing left to talk about regarding the Clemson game because that is pretty much all that happened in that game. So let's just stick our heads in the sand or up our a** and move on to FAU.  I like our chances against them anyway.  I'm sure Gus can outscore them

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Well dang guys, it is what it is.  Im the last person that wants to be bashing a coach, but can any auburn fan honestly say that they haven't been very unhappy with the direction our defense has gone the last 3 years?  It just almost nullifies all the great strides in recruiting and developing a national brand we have made since coach Chizik got here.

This is about more than just giving up yards to horse s*** teams by the THOUSANDS.  How many more blue chip defensive players are going to come to Auburn when we play this kind of defense?  How many that we have were recruited by you know who?  The answer to both questions is very few. 

I hate being someone who is blaming this much on a coach, but I am. My wallet and my emotions are to invested in auburn to not speak my mind when I have watched our defense go to the bottom of the entire division.  Something needs to be done.  We have been very fortunate to win 24 games over the last 3 years playing this kind of defense. We all know it and we all know who makes half a million damn dollars to make sure we don't have to have this conversation.  If we as fans and supporters of auburn football think the best thing to do is to be the nice guy and not demand better, then we are accepting failure and mediocrity, and I for one will not. 

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It's the truth for sure.  Last year was remarkable and huge for Auburn, and great for us alum and fans as well.  Ill remember it always.  BUT..... I have been posting and saying since 2009 that Ted Roof is not who we need at DC.  He has not shown us a SINGLE FREAKING IMPROVEMENT IN 3 YEARS!!! How could anyone, sunshine pumper or not, not see that he is in over his head?????  Our defense went from being our mainstay to a distant afterthought.  I am not asking for the top ranked D in the country, just not the LAST RANKED D in the country. Heck, I think most people wouldnt have minded taking a step down in defense with the multiple steps up AU has taken offensively.  What Auburn has had defensively for 3 years now is a laughing stock.  Auburn has had the talent, what the defense lacks is a coach that knows how to coach it and a coach that knows how to game plan and make in-game adjustments.  I just hope Coach Chizik will do whats best for the team and obviously the defensive coaching staff is NOT getting the job done.  We ALREADY know what the rest of the year is going to look like on defense if Roof remains the coach, we have seen it for the last 2 years and have heard all the same excuses.  We DO NOT know what it will look like with someone else running the show but we DO KNOW that statistically it CAN'T get any worse. Why not open the door for improvement????? 

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