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I guess I have a different point of view.  I was very happy to see that small group of fans leaving at that critical moment when the team needed to know who was really there for them in their corner.  I was glad that group who was there only to be entertained when it was convenient and comfortable for them, rather than being there to support the team in its darkest hour taking their bad kharma with them out of our stadium.  I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I saw that fair weather group heading for the exits.  It gave us a chance to win.

To those who left, I salute you.

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I understand there are times when it is necessary to leave early.  Traffic and a long trip.  Getting home in time for your parents 50th anniversary party.  Would you leave for these reasons whether our men are winning or losing?

I don't judge others for leaving early but neither do I like it and I don't do it.  Within our little group of 6, it is verboten because we think......

Regardless of how YOU feel about it, the reality is that it is deflating to our men, both players and coaches.  Regardless of how YOU feel about it, it creates a negative perception for recriuts we have in attendance.  Regardless of how YOU feel about it, it gives the talking heads one more negative to spew to a national TV audience.

As much as I support our team, I support Auburn University and it's image even more.

Aside from all that - I wasn't happy with the overall level of play yesterday but what agreat learning experience for our team and coaches.  It certainly will lead to a better game this Saturday.  And most of all?  They didn't QUIT!  The will to win was there!


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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I wonder what these people who are defending those who left think "All In" means. You can call me arrogant or annoying or whatever you want, but that doesn't make me wrong. "All In" means you support the team through the good times and the bad. The what-have-you-done-for-me-lately mentality has taken over, and it sickens me. I understand that picking a fight with those fans, had I been there, would have been wrong, but that's a big reason why I'm glad I wasn't there.

I hate to play this card, but thinking back to the 09 Iron Bowl, I remember reading someone on this board's response being that the bammers were looking around astonished that we weren't simply leaving after the loss. Leaving early because the team let you down is something bammers do. Now how much does anyone here want to be compared to them?

You know, I understand playing the devil's advocate, because I've done it quite a bit in my life. And I understand not judging lest I be judged, and whatever other cliche you want to bring up (though I wonder how many of these people who say "I don't personally leave, but..." are just covering their tracks because they are rightfully ashamed of how they would have reacted), but it actually depresses me the number of people who think "All In" means you can leave early if the team doesn't perform up to your expectations.

I do understand those fans who leave early due to necessity. But that shouldn't be a noticeable number. I've heard conflicting descriptions on how many people were leaving early, and what it actually looked like in the stadium. Apparently enough of the crowd was leaving that it was attributed to Auburn's struggles on the field, and that is a shameful thing if true.

This is how I feel about the concept of "All In".....

If you are not "ALL IN" when the team is struggling, and when young players are developing and making mistakes, and possibly losing a few games,then you can't be "ALL IN" on down the road when those same young men are winning championships. Auburn fans have always been loyal to the team, and last years's success should not change the way Auburn fans handle themselves. We used to be better than that. I hope we still are. I hope that yesterday was an anomaly.

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I wonder what these people who are defending those who left think "All In" means. You can call me arrogant or annoying or whatever you want, but that doesn't make me wrong. "All In" means you support the team through the good times and the bad. The what-have-you-done-for-me-lately mentality has taken over, and it sickens me. I understand that picking a fight with those fans, had I been there, would have been wrong, but that's a big reason why I'm glad I wasn't there.

I hate to play this card, but thinking back to the 09 Iron Bowl, I remember reading someone on this board's response being that the bammers were looking around astonished that we weren't simply leaving after the loss. Leaving early because the team let you down is something bammers do. Now how much does anyone here want to be compared to them?

You know, I understand playing the devil's advocate, because I've done it quite a bit in my life. And I understand not judging lest I be judged, and whatever other cliche you want to bring up (though I wonder how many of these people who say "I don't personally leave, but..." are just covering their tracks because they are rightfully ashamed of how they would have reacted), but it actually depresses me the number of people who think "All In" means you can leave early if the team doesn't perform up to your expectations.

You're projecting your opinion onto a lot of folks.  You have no idea what their "attitude" is.  To say they have a "what have you done for me lately" attitude is presumptive, at best.  To say those, like me, who say "I wouldn't personally leave, but..." are rightfully ashamed of how they would have reacted is even further out of bounds.  You don't know me from Adam, so don't even begin to presume you have any idea of how much I love AU, AU football, or even what you think my idea of "All In" is.  Yeah, now I'm ticked and on my soap box.  Since you're so pi$$ed at the people who headed for the exits, why don't you next unload on the fans that were there all game who weren't yelling very loud 'cause I'm sure they weren't making enough noise to measure up to your "All In" standard.  It was pretty quiet in that stadium for a lot of the day yesterday.  Not a single person leaving that stadium yesterday should have had any voice left.  If they did, they aren't true fans.  (sarcasm and rant off)

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There was a noticeable exodus of fans after the last utah state game. I can expect that to a very small degree back in 2009. After last year, anyone who EVER gives up on this team should be very ashamed. What was worse to me was watching STUDENTS leaving the game. Everyone is willing to take credit about how bada** they are that they sat out there during the rainstorm of the MVU game, and how "All-in" us students are, yet when the going gets tough they leave? What a load of crap. Next week, why don't you give your ticket to someone who actually appreciates what it means to be in JHS.

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For the record, if you've been around AU football as long as I have, then yesterday wasn't the first time you've seen people head for the exits before the final gun.  You've also heard the boos, seen the empty seats, heard yells for the coaches head, etc.  AU fans are as human as the next bunch. It really shouldn't be a shock to anyone unless last year was their first year as an Auburn fan.

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I think this debate is a little ridiculous.  Everyone has certain circumstances they weigh in when leaving a game.  I left early after the Utah State TD.  Does that mean I'm not "all in"?  Or does that mean that I had to drive home, had barely any sleep the night before, had a fan fall on me in the stands and severely sprain my ankle, was in the lamest section of the stadium where I was constantly the only one yelling trying to make it loud for Utah St's offense (even on their last drive) and that the probability of AU coming back was ridiculous? 

I hate to say it, but my whole time at AU, I've realized that the majority of the people who are into the game are the fans in the student sections and endzone under the jumbotron.  And even at that, it's not the same capacity as a big game.  An opener against Utah St will never be as loud as LSU at home.  It's just the way it is.  That is why recruits mostly come to big games.  But a lot of teams/stadiums do not go crazy the whole the game, especially if you're a big SEC school playing a smaller team and the game isn't "as good".  Is it wrong?  Possibly, if you love football as much as I do.  Is it wrong to leave early?  Who knows, maybe it depends on the situation.  Maybe the people who aren't cheering the whole time are "all in" in other aspects of our football team?  Can you even be "all in" without cheering the whole time?

  Our fanbase may never get into the games as much as we'd like them too.  There's no way to know if it ever changes, all I know is right now from experience over my last 5 years at school at AU I've noticed that some people just don't love football/understand how much being loud helps as much as I do.  But as far as leaving, I think just depends on your personal views/situation and you can't get particularly mad about it.  I get more frustrated about not being "into the game".  Even at that, no one on this board can say they gave 100% every minute of every game and everyone interprets things differently, that's why this argument is moot.

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I don't agree with leaving early in general, but understand there are some exceptions for the elderly, fans with serious health issues, parents with small children, etc. but I don't think the majority of those I saw on TV leaving early fit into these categories. Perception often becomes reality and the perception was some of our fans leaving early QUIT on our team and our fine friends at ESPN were happy to promote that perception over and over again yesterday, last night and again today. This is very unfortunate because it appears it is still Auburn against the world. ESPN got an ear full from us last year over the Cam smearing, Auburn disrespect, selection of knee high for NC game day crew, etc. so EXPECT them to twist a knife in us this year early and often at every opportunity.

I just hope that whether you agree or disagree with this general thread that all of us realize the potential impact we may have on our team, staff, recruits and that we don't give the haters something to use against us.

War Eagle !    

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I have been attending Auburn games for nearly 40 years and never leave a game early if we are losing even if it is painful to watch.  I think of all the hours our boys and coaches put in for preparation for the game.  I have always thought our loyalty to the team and all things Auburn is what sets us apart from other fan bases.  I also have had "words" with some of our own fans in the stands that have booed our players(Brandon Cox).  To me that is totally unacceptable. You are either a true fan - good and bad- or just a fair weather fan and we know enough of those at other places.  We don't want to become like them.  I think it would be demoralizing to the players to look up with a couple of minutes left  and see people leaving.  Watching the end of the game yesterday- I could see several tailgates from the upper deck with people gathered around a tv watching our boys come back - these young players showed alot of heart!!!  Too bad they didn't stay in the stands and cheer for them.  

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  The fans leaving or not leaving had nothing to do with the play on the field. Using that logic,I wish the fans that left had gone in the second quarter, as the offense played better after they left! AU fans and all the other fans give themselves way too much credit when we win. The players on the field are responsible for that. I don't judge people or try to determine who is "all-in". But I yell like the dickens (and hope everyone else does) to do my small part to help the team.

    But to put this discussion in the proper perspective...my brothers' old coach saw his defensive team encouraging the fans to get loud at a critical point in the game. He encouraged them to get a stop and the fans' spirit would take care of itself.

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You're projecting your opinion onto a lot of folks.  You have no idea what their "attitude" is.  To say they have a "what have you done for me lately" attitude is presumptive, at best.  To say those, like me, who say "I wouldn't personally leave, but..." are rightfully ashamed of how they would have reacted is even further out of bounds.  You don't know me from Adam, so don't even begin to presume you have any idea of how much I love AU, AU football, or even what you think my idea of "All In" is.  Yeah, now I'm ticked and on my soap box.  Since you're so pi$$ed at the people who headed for the exits, why don't you next unload on the fans that were there all game who weren't yelling very loud 'cause I'm sure they weren't making enough noise to measure up to your "All In" standard.  It was pretty quiet in that stadium for a lot of the day yesterday.  Not a single person leaving that stadium yesterday should have had any voice left.  If they did, they aren't true fans.  (sarcasm and rant off)

Auburn fans have preached being All In, and then this happens the first game after a national championship. I'm sorry for thinking that's a what-have-you-done-for-me-lately attitude, but what else am I supposed to think? As for saying those who say such are ashamed, I didn't actually say that, I posed the question of wondering how many are just trying to save face.

You're right, I don't know you from anyone. And I'm sorry to have upset you. That was not my intent.

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