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Does anyone have any stats on how many times Utah State ran a screen play that went for 5 or more yards? I was in the student section and we were basically calling the screen plays, which seemed to happen 2 out of every 3 snaps. I saw one formation with 3 receivers out wide to the left and a running back right behind them. If that doesn't scream screen pass, I'm not sure what does. Our defense gave up the first down on that play. Those screens were basically runs up the middle with the defensive line backed up 7 yards.

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Yeah.  Wow!  The tackling was atrocious.  And I didn't go to the game but I watched every second of it because I always hold out hope ... but they sure do make me WANT to walk out if I was there sometimes.  Why?? I saw some good things here and there, but I help coach middle school sports and it was like watching one of our games, because I kept seeing the SAME MISTAKES OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.  Seriously, how many slants do they have to complete before you start jamming the receiver on his slant route?????  I don't remember one out route completed all day.  Then how many completions to the tight end do you have to see before you start to recognize that???  And sorry belle but Bates deserves his criticism.  He missed a ton of tackles today and it is just the same pattern as last year.  I honestly don't know why he starts.  (He seemed like a great safety, but his play as a linebacker has been quite disappointing to this Tiger fan).  I know we have a young team and maybe we have just come to expect a high level of play based on some of our recent success and some of these recruiting classes, but on the field, if there is one thing I can't stand as a coach and a fan, is watching the same play unfold over and over again in front of you and not making some adjustment.  Eventhough I'm not overly impressed by Roof, at least they seemed to make some adjustments at the half of each game last year and improved.  I didn't see that in this game, and that was extremely disappointing.

And respectfully to you...my argument was not that DB had a great day today. I take issue with an Auburn fan who gets pissed off at a kid who was trying his best to play the game and win. Anger is not beneficial to anyone in that situation, and it is not right to put that on a college kid who has worked that hard. That's making a football game way too personal and way too important.

It's ridiculous that Auburn won today and almost no one seems happy with that. Auburn had trouble with Kentucky last year too, but in the end....we still had the win because that team refused to lose. I see that same mindset in these young players also, and it's a very good sign. They have that crucial drive to win, and it served them well today. That may be the most important quality they bring into a game, and I am excited to see it.

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I made it a point to watch the sidelines after drives and Trotter was always being vocal on the sidelines. I knew sooner or latter he was going to take over the game and he did it just took him till 2 min left.

The defense's main problem was alignment I mean there was multiple times we lined up a Corner and a Saftey to cover a trips and the OLB either blitzing or playing a zone in the middle of the feild.

When we played man-2-man Defense and our DE's woke up we dominated them both passing and running for that play, then we would switch back to a cover 2 defense  >:(

Sitting in the stands I just got a major hunch that we were running nothing but base D and O untill the 4th Qtr when roof/malzahn opened the playbook up a little.

I swear we must have ran the SAME defense play 90% of the time.

I dont like to question coaches at all because I hate when people question my calls but I sat there and was calling the play USU's offense was going to run and was right 90% of the time and we seemed shocked they ran a bubble screen from a trips formation with only 2 guys to cover it every time, and that when we sprea our LB's out they ran the power play.

USU's gameplan was a perfect one, they figured our base D early and they attacked the weak spots (bubble screens, slants and the power play with a pulling gaurd.)

USU got alot of success out of the power play from a multitude of formations because it blocked the DT's at a angle and the pullling gaurd hits the MLB and with inexperiance at those postions it spelled disaster. Instead of holding their ground the DT's were trying to shot the gab and make a play which plays into this certain play's hand. The DT's job on those type plays is to stand there ground and try to draw 2 blockers freeing up the MLB for the hit but with them tryin to rush through the gap they took them selves out of the play. Sometimes the best thing to do is not try to blow up a play but to make a solid wall for the LB's to move around.

If we get the middle of the D shored up it'll allow for Roof to go man to man more often which is what this D's talent is geared to. With no middle "wall" the D is forced to play zone to have all 11 defenders looking in the backfeild to help the run. When that "wall" is found the DB's can focus on the WR's, improving our pass D.

In my opinion Roof is handcuffed to play conservative like we saw today until we find us a space-clogging, blocker-eating DT. When he finds 1 or 2 to step their game up then Roof can be aggressive which is when his D is at its best.

As for the tackling and pursuit angles, thats on all defensive coaches not just Roof but Roof does need to make the only point this week tackling and alignment. You cant pursue if your out of position.

Now THAT'S analysis!  +1

Thanks. There is tons more I was going to say but held back, I could probably talk for hours about the game, as a matter of fact I did all the way back to Foley. Passengers in the vehicle with me agree that the team showed signs of what they can be at differant times. One play the secondary did its job but the LB's or DL slipped, and viseversa for all the postions. Just because a CB doesnt get the ball thrown to his WR he is covering doesnt mean he isnt doing his job by knock downs or INT but rather he doesnt get the chance to because A) He is doing his job perfect to where the ball goes elsewhere or B) someone slipped up somewhere else so the offense is attacking that.

Our RB's seemed in a rush in alot of the plays when if they would have waited for a block to set up they would have had huge gains. Example the sweep play with 2 guards pulling, we ran it with dyer a few times and he got decent yardage but I think on one or two of them would have been huge plays if he would have gave the blockers a little more time before blowing past them but instead he went right by the blockers into the arms of the defenders that were about to be blocked.

I counted 3 other KO Returns that could have been took to the house if bray or mason would have sucessfull burst through the hole but ran into the back of a blocker or the turned on the speed to soon. Alot of people think its get the ball and sprint when in reality its all about patiance to get the blocks set then bust through at full tilt.

That point above about patience is what both Cam and Ben Tate had when they ran and you see how sucessfull they were with Malzahn.

I contribute alot of the mistakes to first game jitters even for our veterns. the only gys who didn't seemed fazed by it being the first game of the year was Blake and Lutz, omac and dyer took a few carries to calm there running style but then it looked like they escalated to frustration of no holes opening and forced the issue cause alot of running into the OL's backs.

Of course I was in the stands and not watchin on TV and I didnt have a way of recording it or watching the replay on CSS so I cant do a full analysis just what I remember seeing during the game and the few note I wrote down during the TV timeouts. One stat I was suprised to see was dyer had 4.1 ypc not bad, but I made a note at half time that it seemed like we didn't give dyer enough touches and he ended with 14. We need to have him around 25 touches.Omac had 9 carries for 44 yards with 4.9 ypc. Omac needs to have 10-15 a game so he was on the lower end of what I think we need from him.

USU used a very very smartly planed offense attack that kept our Offense off the feild which could explain some miscues on that side. They knew we were going to run the ball because every coach wans to establish that and with a new line it magnify's the OC priority of getting that going. Overall I think with that gameplan USU could have taken a number of SEC teams down to the wire. I call it the perfect storm game, everything that USU thought we were going to do, we did. And you know them boys were putting in tons of hours on this gameplan and getting it perfect, I mean they about beat Oklahoma and now they have a chance at the national champs? Of course they are going to pull out all the stops to try to get slingshoted to national stage if only for a week. Their coach said before as well as after the game that if Auburn forced them to defend the whole field both vertically and horizontally then they had very little shot and what did we do? not that, not atleast till the last 2 mins.  He also said there is no way they can block the Auburn DL if they have to drop to a 5 step passing game and abonded the short passing game? and what did we do? Allow the short passing game until the last position of the game when they had to go deep and what happend, the D stepped up because USU OL couldn't hold the AU DL longer than needed for a short pass.

Like I said in the original post, until the front 7 can stop the run your going to see the secondary play off in order to prevent huge runs. Once some of the DT step up and start stuffing runs and drawing double teams then you'll see a aggressive, mean, hard hitting team. But until then we are going to see alot of backed off zone. T-Bell said in a interview after one scrimmage that thats what they want to do is man up and stuff the run, but we cant do that till we find a pair of run stuffers.

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So being "All in" means fans have to sit and watch every second of the game? Seriously? So those people that left early today are not worthy of being Auburn fans or Auburn Family? I think the world of you red, but you are off your rocker on this one. Don't know how long you have been following Auburn football but this is not the first, nor the last time, this will happen.

P.S. We will just have to agree to disagree on this one red.

Yes, I think being "All In" means fans have to stay for the entire game. Sit? No, not really. They are welcome to stand and shout (although I do like to sit a fair amount, due to a bad back, ankles, and knees...which is part of why I like to be in the upper deck). That doesn't mean they aren't fans or Family, but it is shameful.

But yes, we will agree to disagree.

Having gotten a good night's sleep and coming back and reading through this thread this morning, this is what I think.  It's clear from the posts that people have an "opinion" about what a "true fan" is and not all of  opinions are the same.  Like I said last night, I don't leave early but that's just me.  I think it almost borders on arrogance for someone to establish their personal definition of a true fan and then criticize anyone else who they think doesn't fit the definition.  People are different, and they respond to different situations differently.  That doesn't make some better or worse than others.  JMO.

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I made it a point to watch the sidelines after drives and Trotter was always being vocal on the sidelines. I knew sooner or latter he was going to take over the game and he did it just took him till 2 min left.

The defense's main problem was alignment I mean there was multiple times we lined up a Corner and a Saftey to cover a trips and the OLB either blitzing or playing a zone in the middle of the feild.

When we played man-2-man Defense and our DE's woke up we dominated them both passing and running for that play, then we would switch back to a cover 2 defense  >:(

Sitting in the stands I just got a major hunch that we were running nothing but base D and O untill the 4th Qtr when roof/malzahn opened the playbook up a little.

I swear we must have ran the SAME defense play 90% of the time.

I dont like to question coaches at all because I hate when people question my calls but I sat there and was calling the play USU's offense was going to run and was right 90% of the time and we seemed shocked they ran a bubble screen from a trips formation with only 2 guys to cover it every time, and that when we sprea our LB's out they ran the power play.

USU's gameplan was a perfect one, they figured our base D early and they attacked the weak spots (bubble screens, slants and the power play with a pulling gaurd.)

USU got alot of success out of the power play from a multitude of formations because it blocked the DT's at a angle and the pullling gaurd hits the MLB and with inexperiance at those postions it spelled disaster. Instead of holding their ground the DT's were trying to shot the gab and make a play which plays into this certain play's hand. The DT's job on those type plays is to stand there ground and try to draw 2 blockers freeing up the MLB for the hit but with them tryin to rush through the gap they took them selves out of the play. Sometimes the best thing to do is not try to blow up a play but to make a solid wall for the LB's to move around.

If we get the middle of the D shored up it'll allow for Roof to go man to man more often which is what this D's talent is geared to. With no middle "wall" the D is forced to play zone to have all 11 defenders looking in the backfeild to help the run. When that "wall" is found the DB's can focus on the WR's, improving our pass D.

In my opinion Roof is handcuffed to play conservative like we saw today until we find us a space-clogging, blocker-eating DT. When he finds 1 or 2 to step their game up then Roof can be aggressive which is when his D is at its best.

As for the tackling and pursuit angles, thats on all defensive coaches not just Roof but Roof does need to make the only point this week tackling and alignment. You cant pursue if your out of position.

Now THAT'S analysis!  +1

Thanks. There is tons more I was going to say but held back, I could probably talk for hours about the game, as a matter of fact I did all the way back to Foley. Passengers in the vehicle with me agree that the team showed signs of what they can be at differant times. One play the secondary did its job but the LB's or DL slipped, and viseversa for all the postions. Just because a CB doesnt get the ball thrown to his WR he is covering doesnt mean he isnt doing his job by knock downs or INT but rather he doesnt get the chance to because A) He is doing his job perfect to where the ball goes elsewhere or B) someone slipped up somewhere else so the offense is attacking that.

Our RB's seemed in a rush in alot of the plays when if they would have waited for a block to set up they would have had huge gains. Example the sweep play with 2 guards pulling, we ran it with dyer a few times and he got decent yardage but I think on one or two of them would have been huge plays if he would have gave the blockers a little more time before blowing past them but instead he went right by the blockers into the arms of the defenders that were about to be blocked.

I counted 3 other KO Returns that could have been took to the house if bray or mason would have sucessfull burst through the hole but ran into the back of a blocker or the turned on the speed to soon. Alot of people think its get the ball and sprint when in reality its all about patiance to get the blocks set then bust through at full tilt.

That point above about patience is what both Cam and Ben Tate had when they ran and you see how sucessfull they were with Malzahn.

I contribute alot of the mistakes to first game jitters even for our veterns. the only gys who didn't seemed fazed by it being the first game of the year was Blake and Lutz, omac and dyer took a few carries to calm there running style but then it looked like they escalated to frustration of no holes opening and forced the issue cause alot of running into the OL's backs.

Of course I was in the stands and not watchin on TV and I didnt have a way of recording it or watching the replay on CSS so I cant do a full analysis just what I remember seeing during the game and the few note I wrote down during the TV timeouts. One stat I was suprised to see was dyer had 4.1 ypc not bad, but I made a note at half time that it seemed like we didn't give dyer enough touches and he ended with 14. We need to have him around 25 touches.Omac had 9 carries for 44 yards with 4.9 ypc. Omac needs to have 10-15 a game so he was on the lower end of what I think we need from him.

USU used a very very smartly planed offense attack that kept our Offense off the feild which could explain some miscues on that side. They knew we were going to run the ball because every coach wans to establish that and with a new line it magnify's the OC priority of getting that going. Overall I think with that gameplan USU could have taken a number of SEC teams down to the wire. I call it the perfect storm game, everything that USU thought we were going to do, we did. And you know them boys were putting in tons of hours on this gameplan and getting it perfect, I mean they about beat Oklahoma and now they have a chance at the national champs? Of course they are going to pull out all the stops to try to get slingshoted to national stage if only for a week. Their coach said before as well as after the game that if Auburn forced them to defend the whole field both vertically and horizontally then they had very little shot and what did we do? not that, not atleast till the last 2 mins.  He also said there is no way they can block the Auburn DL if they have to drop to a 5 step passing game and abonded the short passing game? and what did we do? Allow the short passing game until the last position of the game when they had to go deep and what happend, the D stepped up because USU OL couldn't hold the AU DL longer than needed for a short pass.

Like I said in the original post, until the front 7 can stop the run your going to see the secondary play off in order to prevent huge runs. Once some of the DT step up and start stuffing runs and drawing double teams then you'll see a aggressive, mean, hard hitting team. But until then we are going to see alot of backed off zone. T-Bell said in a interview after one scrimmage that thats what they want to do is man up and stuff the run, but we cant do that till we find a pair of run stuffers.

2-excellent posts!

Coaches are looking for the right front 7-guys even as we speak... cream rises to the top and I believe it began to rise yesterday...

Expect line-up changes for next week...

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Guest jojo1515

I am officially sick and tired of the fan police.  Quit trying to force people into what YOU want them to be.  The only thing more annoyingthan fans leaving early is these "super fans" who are the greatest fans in the history of sports and feel like it is their responsibility to degrade every fan that doesn't meet their standards.  Do everyone else a favor and get over yourself.  I am as big a fan as you could find anywhere and I personally stay until the end of games but if I do decide to leave early, so be it.  And for those of you speaking of picking fights over it...you are a THOUSAND TIMES worse than a fan leaving early.  How dare you accuse other pepople of acting improperly when you yourself need help.  Youare the farthest thing from a better fan than you will ever comprehend.  Ok, back off my soapbox

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I'm pulling for our defense to get better. There is no choice. I saw Bates bump a ballcarrier on a play and of course the guy ran for several more yards.  I wish Ted Roof would teach them to wrap up.  He supposedly set a tackling record in high school.  He has to teach them to wrap up.  I also saw the screen passes that Utah State kept running.  Once our guys got blocked, the fight was gone.  Somehow, they have to get that mean streak.

Coach Chavis is teaching his kids to wrap up and try to poke the ball loose.  LSU had maybe 4 turnovers against Oregon.  We can do that too.  Roof has to teach these kids better.  Rep it until it becomes a habit.  Again, again, again.  I have to believe he will do a better job as the season goes on.


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I am officially sick and tired of the fan police.  Quit trying to force people into what YOU want them to be.  The only thing more annoyingthan fans leaving early is these "super fans" who are the greatest fans in the history of sports and feel like it is their responsibility to degrade every fan that doesn't meet their standards.  Do everyone else a favor and get over yourself.  I am as big a fan as you could find anywhere and I personally stay until the end of games but if I do decide to leave early, so be it.  And for those of you speaking of picking fights over it...you are a THOUSAND TIMES worse than a fan leaving early.  How dare you accuse other pepople of acting improperly when you yourself need help.  Youare the farthest thing from a better fan than you will ever comprehend.  Ok, back off my soapbox

On a less personal level i agree. Im just a student and iv sat through 2009 kentucky(OMG miserable game so cold and boring) and several others, but i dont think its right to judge the other fans because they leave. I know many resent other fans for leaving but that is so much better and thoughtful than taking their displeasure out by  screaming at the coaches and players, "you are an idiot roof!!", i get so tired of hearing that.

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    I live 21/2 hours away from Gods' Country and the trip is entirely on two lane state roads. I have been an AU fan since way before many of you were born,and my family has produced multiple AU grads . While I saw every play in Saturdays game ( family with an rv ) it is NOT unusual for us to watch the final plays in the concourse near an exit,in order to make my trip home less than 4 hours of traffic purgatory. I have invested WAY too much money, effort,and time in the greatest college on the planet, and am also too old to care much what any of you think about my leaving or not leaving a game early.

    What I DO care about is a defensive scheme that is obvious to any one with a rudimentary knowledge of the game and doubly so to those who are experts at the game (I am NOT an expert at all).The lady next to me was calling the aggies plays before they were run and was normally correct. The coach on this thread also nailed it exactly. Is it un-Auburn of me to wonder if Roof puts our players in the best position to be successful if rank amateurs know what will work against them?? The offensive plan was so simple it was laughable and the aggies were obviously very comfortable with it. My old basketball coach would say if they want to do this,MAKE them do something else ! Get them out of their comfort zone.

    Doesn't that make sense?

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So being "All in" means fans have to sit and watch every second of the game? Seriously? So those people that left early today are not worthy of being Auburn fans or Auburn Family? I think the world of you red, but you are off your rocker on this one. Don't know how long you have been following Auburn football but this is not the first, nor the last time, this will happen.

P.S. We will just have to agree to disagree on this one red.

Yes, I think being "All In" means fans have to stay for the entire game. Sit? No, not really. They are welcome to stand and shout (although I do like to sit a fair amount, due to a bad back, ankles, and knees...which is part of why I like to be in the upper deck). That doesn't mean they aren't fans or Family, but it is shameful.

But yes, we will agree to disagree.

Having gotten a good night's sleep and coming back and reading through this thread this morning, this is what I think.  It's clear from the posts that people have an "opinion" about what a "true fan" is and not all of  opinions are the same.  Like I said last night, I don't leave early but that's just me.  I think it almost borders on arrogance for someone to establish their personal definition of a true fan and then criticize anyone else who they think doesn't fit the definition.  People are different, and they respond to different situations differently.  That doesn't make some better or worse than others.  JMO.

THIS....is absolutely right! Very well said! I think posters could learn a ton from this.

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It does not take a rocket scientist to understand that you can't cover 3 receivers with 2 defensive backs. Are our safety's so bad that we have to protect them that way ? Let's just go on and put the freshman out there, take our lumps & get ready for next year.

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Guest shirley4au9

>:( Daren Bates was terrible. He made a couple of stops, but he had too many arm tackles broken and more than enough whiffs at the ball carrier. That pissed me off.

He was a little rusty....but why would that piss you off? If you think you can do better.....go ahead and try to walk on the team. If it was easy to play at his level, we'd all do it. He's working hard to improve at LB and understand his role.

Good Grief.

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. However, I wonder what these people who are defending those who left think "All In" means. You can call me arrogant or annoying or whatever you want, but that doesn't make me wrong. "All In" means you support the team through the good times and the bad. The what-have-you-done-for-me-lately mentality has taken over, and it sickens me. I understand that picking a fight with those fans, had I been there, would have been wrong, but that's a big reason why I'm glad I wasn't there.

I hate to play this card, but thinking back to the 09 Iron Bowl, I remember reading someone on this board's response being that the bammers were looking around astonished that we weren't simply leaving after the loss. Leaving early because the team let you down is something bammers do. Now how much does anyone here want to be compared to them?

You know, I understand playing the devil's advocate, because I've done it quite a bit in my life. And I understand not judging lest I be judged, and whatever other cliche you want to bring up (though I wonder how many of these people who say "I don't personally leave, but..." are just covering their tracks because they are rightfully ashamed of how they would have reacted), but it actually depresses me the number of people who think "All In" means you can leave early if the team doesn't perform up to your expectations.

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So being "All in" means fans have to sit and watch every second of the game? Seriously? So those people that left early today are not worthy of being Auburn fans or Auburn Family? I think the world of you red, but you are off your rocker on this one. Don't know how long you have been following Auburn football but this is not the first, nor the last time, this will happen.

P.S. We will just have to agree to disagree on this one red.

Yes, I think being "All In" means fans have to stay for the entire game. Sit? No, not really. They are welcome to stand and shout (although I do like to sit a fair amount, due to a bad back, ankles, and knees...which is part of why I like to be in the upper deck). That doesn't mean they aren't fans or Family, but it is shameful.

But yes, we will agree to disagree.

Having gotten a good night's sleep and coming back and reading through this thread this morning, this is what I think.  It's clear from the posts that people have an "opinion" about what a "true fan" is and not all of  opinions are the same.  Like I said last night, I don't leave early but that's just me.  I think it almost borders on arrogance for someone to establish their personal definition of a true fan and then criticize anyone else who they think doesn't fit the definition.  People are different, and they respond to different situations differently.  That doesn't make some better or worse than others.  JMO.

THIS....is absolutely right! Very well said! I think posters could learn a ton from this.

I agree.  I love Auburn football but,,,,,,,  there is something more important.  

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6. Worst of all...THERE WERE FANS LEAVING BEFORE THE GAME WAS OVER?!?!?! I'm sorry, that's just shameful. Had I been there, I probably would have been escorted out in handcuffs for picking a fight. I might have been fuming about the game, but not a chance in hell do I leave. I learned long ago never to give up, no matter what.


Love you brother but I seriously hope you aren't advocating violence towards someone for simply leaving a game early.  That was tongue-in-cheek, right?

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6. Worst of all...THERE WERE FANS LEAVING BEFORE THE GAME WAS OVER?!?!?! I'm sorry, that's just shameful. Had I been there, I probably would have been escorted out in handcuffs for picking a fight. I might have been fuming about the game, but not a chance in hell do I leave. I learned long ago never to give up, no matter what.


Love you brother but I seriously hope you aren't advocating violence towards someone for simply leaving a game early.  That was tongue-in-cheek, right?

No, not advocating it. However, to use the words of another poster, I am a very passionate fan, and I'm not sure I could have controlled myself.

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I despise the way the net allows individuals to attack or demean those that don't think as they do. You are free to safely say things that would get your face punched if said in person. WRT defining what a fan is or isn't, we are all Auburn fans or we wouldn't be here. Just like any group of people, be it Christians, Republicans/Democrats, students, gamblers, whatever....there is a wide range of how we practice our beliefs and actions. Some are more rabid than others; some are more casual in their approach.

This is human nature, and is not always a measure of how true a fan we may be. When it comes to leaving a game early, I don't when the game is close or we are losing. The team needs our support and, believe me, they know it when we give up on them and leave the stadium before the game is over. If we are blowing away a lesser team, I may leave a few minutes early IF there is a good reason. Mostly though, I like to watch the backups get in a few licks. If the team notices us leaving early under those circumstances, I feel like they take it as a sign of confidence in their superiority.

I honestly feel that we should never leave the stadium when things are tight or when we are losing, no matter the score. Those boys need to know we are with them in dire times and leaving early helps to take the wind out of them. Even if they come back as they did yesterday, it can carry over to the next game.  If you leave early, you are not necessarily a bad fan but you are a disappointing fan!

When it comes to the performance of the players and the coaches, I get as peeved as anyone when they underperform. I will express my opinions to those that are close to me in private. No matter how bad things get, I’d never castigate them in public or on the net. I would prefer to leave that to the opposition and the haters. This board is family and one should normally feel free to express one’s frustrations with the team here, but we are being closely watched by that opposition and the hate groups and they delight in seeing us devour our own. I have no intention of feeding that hunger of theirs or, worse, giving them fodder to spread our dissention around publicly or within their hate groups.

If this is viewed by some as wearing rose colored glasses or being goody-goody, so be it. Just think about the ripple effect of negative venting, whether here or elsewhere.

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No, not advocating it. However, to use the words of another poster, I am a very passionate fan, and I'm not sure I could have controlled myself.

I'm sure you wouldn't have liked it, but I also sure you would have controlled yourself, too.

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No, not advocating it. However, to use the words of another poster, I am a very passionate fan, and I'm not sure I could have controlled myself.

I'm sure you wouldn't have liked it, but I also sure you would have controlled yourself, too.

Yeah, you're right. I controlled myself when a fellow student was bashing Brandon Cox in 07, and I'm sure I would have done so in this situation as well. Much as I can't stand it, I'm not that kind of person. You raised me better.

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Auburn fans are people just like every other fanbase out there.

I'd almost guarantee that you wouldn't find one major college football stadium in America that wouldn't have a good number of fans walking out of the exits with their team down by 2 scores to a vastly inferior opponent with a little over 2:00 left. Now the fans that left missed an amazing finish, and that's their punishment, but in no way do I consider them to be lesser Auburn fans than any who stayed in their seats.

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I'm wondering if adding Greene back to the starting OL might help bolster things.  I noticed that Grimes put Burgess at guard on the last drive or 2.  I'm guessing he was in for Sullen?

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FINALLY! Someone here that will keep Red in check!  ;D:laugh::tease:


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