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this is why i want auburn to have a great year............(besides being a fan)


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if auburn does not have a great year folks will say we got lucky and won the natty only because we had cam newton. i know chiz has been a part of at least three no loss seasons but folks will throw up his 5-19 record at his last school.... :wedance:

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if auburn does not have a great year folks will say we got lucky and won the natty only because we had cam newton. i know chiz has been a part of at least three no loss seasons but folks will throw up his 5-19 record at his last school.... :wedance:

Don't forget Nick. Remember, we had 2 great players. THAT'S why we won the National Championship.  :rolleyes:

I couldn't care less what other people think about it, though. If they want to say that all the good players are gone, so much the better!


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While I agree that we'll likely win 9-10 games this year, even if we don't, we'll still be pretty awesome in 2012, and those who have been predicting that we won't do too well this year have made sure to spout that bit about returning only 5 starters, so when they start talking crap then you just use the same logic they do and ask how we'll be next year when we return 20 starters...

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I have know idea what our record will be, but i do know that before each game i will be so excited and nervous to win each saturday. That feeling that you get right before kickoff is what makes Auburn football. Not giving up to the last second. Winning is great, but their is a whole lot of things that go into a Auburn Football Saturday and i think most of you on here already know that. That is the differance in Auburn and the bammers. Not that i ever wont to lose, but if we do its not the end of the world as bammers would have you to beleave. :wareagle: :wareagle:

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come on guys.........Never accept anything less than perfect. This team has no reason whatsoever to finish the 2011 season without playing each and every snap of the ball defensively and offensively like it is the last play they will ever have the honor as an Auburn Tiger.  We do this, there is no reason we cannot have a very good chance of winning the SEC and who knows what other good things what might come our way.  Approach the season as that of National Champs of which we are. The 2010 team found the magic that carried them all season. Yes, Cam had a big hand in it, but one thing that keeps getting overlooked time after time is the magic this team captured in 2010. This magic is very much still alive and will remain that way without Cam. I know Cam will be there each and every game this season, and that presence will be there and will come through every snap of the football for 2011.



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