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Still Standing


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I have a confession to make: I’ve been avoiding it. I’ve been staying away from Toomer’s Corner any time I was back in Auburn. Wanted to hold on to the memories of triumph and wonder unimpeded by the atrocities of a fan base filled to the brim with vanity and pride.

And yes, I do put it on them; not as individuals, for there are many Bama fans who truly are good people, but as a whole. Even the good fans feed into that whole. For every time they playfully threw that “12 NC” crap at us, there were 10 more hearing it and copying it, because they wanted to feel superior, too. This created the “bammer” mentality.

But I was in Auburn visiting this past weekend, and remembering the time frame for which the leaves will remain green, I couldn’t help it. I had to say goodbye. So I parked my car, crossed over both College and Magnolia by foot, and took my time walking around them. As I looked up into those timeless timbers, I couldn’t help but to reminisce.

I remembered rolling the trees in ‘94 after we returned three interceptions for touchdowns to beat LSU, 10 year old cheeks still stained from the tears of pain when my father forced me to endure watching my beloved Tigers get pounded into the ground (man, the offense was so horrible that day).

After Jaret Holmes kicked the game winner right before my eyes in ‘97, less than six months removed from lying comatose on a hospital bed, broken leg and all, I hobbled, crutchless for the first time that season, to Toomer’s to toss rolls of TP for half an hour or so. That is still one of the happiest moments of my entire life.

All the great games I’ve been to over the years. Caddy Going Crazy on Bama, Campbell to Taylor over LSU, Honk if you Sacked Brodie…I even walked two miles from my apartment after the 06 Florida game, when Tre picked up the blocked punt and flipped into the end zone, just to roll the trees (I didn’t have a ticket to that one). Most of my greatest memories of Auburn include visits to Toomer’s Corner.

Now the trees are dying. And in spite of the sincerest efforts of some of the best in the world, there is simply nothing we can do about it.

Thinking about those things put me in a profoundly sad mood. I was not even cheered by the thought that, even though they are gone, the oaks saw us through the break through year, when after so many seasons of undeserved neglect, the rest of the college football world crowned us champion.

No, that didn’t help much. But then I looked up, and in the branches, a black bird appeared, hopping happily from branch to branch, presumably looking for food. I couldn’t help but to smile at the reminder. Yes, the trees are dying…but life goes on. The Auburn Family will mourn, but we will plant again, and new oaks will grow to provide future generations with memories of their own. We will have to give up rolling Toomer’s for a while, but some comfort is provided by the assurance that we have the best coaching staff in the country, and they are bringing in some of the top talent in the country to play for them.

I walked away feeling much better. Auburn is still Auburn. We are strong. We are powerful. And we are not to be trifled with.

It was not until I was halfway back across Magnolia that I realized I had forgotten to feed the meter…

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:thumbsup:    AUsome post!!!!    Thank you for the found  memories!!!  Some of us have never had the oppourtunity to roll the trees and now never will.....we live through memories like yours!!! 

War Eagle!!!


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Good post, but don't give up on the trees just yet.  The experts seem to still have some hope...

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Good post, but don't give up on the trees just yet.  The experts seem to still have some hope...

Unfortunately I believe they've lost most hope. The leading expert said these past two weeks were the last two you'll most likely ever see green leaves on them. But I know they'll keep trying their hardest to save them for us. I'm holding out hope.

Like rednilla I was in Auburn this past weekend and it'll break your heart seeing them like this. It's really unbelievable. I'm gonna miss the trees like crazy but I'm thankful for all the great times I've experienced around them. :'(

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My older brother rolled them in the 60's, I did in the 70's, my younger brother in the 80's, and my youngest son from 04 to 08.  It's a family thing, that's what the bammers will never understand.

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Dang you just brought a damned tear to my eye.  I've shared some of those same moments with you bud.  If you ain't Auburn you just don't get it.  If you are an Auburn Man or Woman, then its by the grace of God that we have these memories to share.

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Awesome post Red. Being that I live so far away I don't think I can fathom exactly how I will react the next time I'm down there. One things for sure, I will more than likely carry a deep resentment for Updyke U the rest of my life. That "bammer mentality" you speak of is what drives those kind of actions.

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Thanks for this one Red!! I really enjoyed it!! Very well written!! Like you said, the Auburn Family will always stand strong, will always have the amazing memories of the past, and will continue to make new great memories worthy of sharing with the generations to come. WAR EAGLE!!

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I've got great memories of Toomer's dating back to '83. And passed on through me to the next generation of Auburn fans and hopefully grads in my immediate family. Trying not to get too nostalgic here. I'm going to miss our great times at Toomer's. Toomer's however isn't the only tradition at Auburn and will not define the experience we have of game day in Auburn. I believe it is the people that define Auburn. The Auburn family. War Eagle!!!

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Thanks for this one Red!! I really enjoyed it!! Very well written!! Like you said, the Auburn Family will always stand strong, will always have the amazing memories of the past, and will continue to make new great memories worthy of sharing with the generations to come. WAR EAGLE!!

I didn't include in the post that the last time we rolled the trees (before the douche revealed himself), you and I were hanging out. I didn't even have a roll to toss (didn't know anyone was going to roll them), you'd only brought the one for yourself, and all the rolls were getting gobbled up pretty quick by the kids. It didn't really bother me then, and it doesn't really bother me now, because I was one of those kids back in the day, and I've tossed plenty of paper there. I'm just glad I was there. That was a good day. :)

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As before we will adapt and be stronger.  While an intregal part of the Family Tradition at the corner we will adapt and pass a new tradition on to those that follow.

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Thanks for the post Red.  I think about this often - haven't seen the trees in several years but it affects us even from a great distance. Reading this tonight reminded me of a poem, it's not exactly about trees but seemed appropriate.  

That time of year thou may'st in me behold,

When yellow leaves, or none, or few do hang

Upon those boughs which shake against the cold

Bare ruined choirs where late the sweet birds sang

In me thou see'st the twilight of such day

As after sunset fadeth in the west

Which by and by black night doth take away

Death's second self, which seals up all in rest

In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire

That on the ashes of its youth doth lie

As on the deathbed whereon it must expire

Consumed by that which it was nourished by

This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong

To love that well, which thou must leave ere long.

From 500 plus years ago, William Shakespeare certainly captures my thoughts on this whole catastrophe.

War Eagle forever.

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It was 06 when Tre Smith flipped into the endzone  :tease:

but that was an incredible post man... I enjoyed it. Post many more like it

LOL! You're right! I had student tickets in 07, so I would have been there...I was at Southern Union in 06. :laugh:

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I think I am most angry when I think my kids are not going to get to roll Toomers while they are kids anymore.  >:(

Nothing like watching those kids running around like Tazmanian devils throwing toilet paper(or trying) and having a blast, doing their part in celebrating a win. It truly was/is an Auburn family thing even if you don't have kids.

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