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NCAA 12 Promo Video: Iron Bowl!


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Is it just me or does the crowd for J-H Stadium look kind of bad?

It looks like 45% are in orange 45% are in blue and then 10% are in white, and its all mixed together. Why not just go with an almost all orange crowd like it is in at a normal Auburn home game?

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If by "sharp" you mean the graphics, that's one big difference between NCAA 12 and Madden.  The NCAA franchise has gone with a much grainier graphics style.  On grass, you almost expect to see dust fly.  I don't like it much, but it's the game that's out there.

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Is it just me or does the crowd for J-H Stadium look kind of bad?

It looks like 45% are in orange 45% are in blue and then 10% are in white, and its all mixed together. Why not just go with an almost all orange crowd like it is in at a normal Auburn home game?

Yes, the crowd looks pretty weak.  Visually, it and the players look pretty identical to last season.  The student section is extra orange, but it only takes up three sections along the sideline, the end zone portion of the student section is never done correctly. 

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It's an unimportant detail, but the crowd clones have always bothered me and it hasn't changed at bit.

I paused the closeup view at 2:38, took a screenshot, counted... the exact same guy was on the screen 21 times moving and looking exactly the same. Also, the orange of the crowd looks like UT.

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It's an unimportant detail, but the crowd clones have always bothered me and it hasn't changed at bit.

I paused the closeup view at 2:38, took a screenshot, counted... the exact same guy was on the screen 21 times moving and looking exactly the same. Also, the orange of the crowd looks like UT.

I've always had this opinion as well.

Another thing that bugs me is when I start a dynasty with a low prestige team, such as Troy, etc., and EVERY SINGLE GAME IS SOLD OUT. Seriously EA?

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did anyone else notice the Auburn special teams player on the opening kickoff?  right after the tackle you can see him getting up from the play wearing #34. 

it is odd to see any other Auburn player wearing that number even if it is on a video game!

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..... this may be nit-picking but did anyone else think that the colors on the Jerseys looked weird???  The colors don't pop out as well as in real life.

Also, it looked like the numbers on our jerseys are off.  They've been right in the past, don't know why they changed it.

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They could have atleast used new sound-bytes for Herbie's comments on plays. If you played NCAA 11, you get tired of hearing "...it takes alot of poise and moxy..." and such. Dissapointed they just re-used most of those canned phrases...

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