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report from Bama golf event in Central PA

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On Saturday I played in the Jere Depew Memorial golf event in Lancaster, PA -- an event that raises funds for Bama football scholarships.  For the record, I was invited to play by a friend, and all I contributed were a few mulligan tickets and a raffle ticket or two. 

I wore my Auburn gear.  :)

Folks were generally very kind.  I wore my colors proudly, but I behaved myself in every way (except one, below).  I received some good-natured ribbing throughout the day, but I commiserated with our host over 28-27, which he attended, and all was pretty good.

During the banquet, they were giving out prizes, and I cracked.  They had gift certificates to the University Bookstore, and I called out, "Wait, they have a BOOKstore?"  And when I won one of the bigger prizes, I got a thorough booing -- including a loud "Auburn sucks."

My golf team was horrid.  As a 13 handicap, I was our A player.  By far.  But I had a great day.

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It's more like a book warehouse.  Store would emply that you had to purchase them, and everyone knows buying books is frowned upon in turdtown.

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