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Borges will keep Tennessee guessing...


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I've been fascinated by the concept of scripting plays in the West Coast Offense and how Borges has kept his play calling vanilla against the weaker teams. As you may already know, Borges scripts his first 15 plays, excluding the 3rd down plays, which are based on down & distance.

Here is his selection of plays in terms of run and pass against the weaker opponents:

ULM: 12 run / 3 pass

MSU: 10 run / 5 pass

CIT: 11 run / 4 pass

LSU: 8 run / 7 pass ( balance )

Borges previously stated that it's important to run to set up the pass but no more as important as passing to set up the run. We obviously did not light up the scoreboard against LSU but he kept LSU guessing. On the 4th down play during the winning drive, he went to max protection and only 2 receivers, assuming that LSU would bring the house. They did and we had the right pass route called. On the 3rd down pass for the TD, Borges anticipated a zone defense and he called the right pass to exploit the seam in the secondary. Was he lucky on his calls? Perhaps, but it becomes a chess match between the coordinators and I'm sure that Borges makes many of his calls based on what he saw during the scripted plays.

With this in mind, I believe it's essential that we get off to a quick start on offense as we did last year. Our success on offense will dictate what Randy Sanders does on offense for Tennessee. As long as they can remain balanced in their play calling, the more difficult it will be for Gene Chizik and our defense. I believe that we will have to score 27 points to win this game and I can't wait to see how Borges will call his game in a high scoring affair. Against LSU he had the luxury of being conservative to a degree because our defense held LSU in check. I don't see this being the case against Tennessee's high scoring offense. It's time to open up the playbook coach! :D


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Also against The Citadel, Auburn's offense didn't shift much, if at all like they had done in the previous two games. I guess it had something to do with playing the vanilla offense.

I agree, if Auburn only scores 10 points (like against LSU)...we lose. The offense will have to step it up and the defense will need to keep pressure on those freshman QBs. Get the crowd out of the game early will be a key.

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I really believe the OL play will be the key to whether we win against UT. If they play really good, we should be able to both run and pass against the Vols. IMO, Jason has become the best QB in the SEC and will bring us home a winner if he gets the right support cast. Our Defense will keep us in the game. They are getting better and deeper.

Winnner..... AUBURN TIGERS by 9.

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I really believe the OL play will be the key to whether we win against UT.  If they play really good, we should be able to both run and pass against the Vols.  IMO, Jason has become the best QB in the SEC and will bring us home a winner if he gets the right support cast.  Our Defense will keep us in the game.  They are getting better and deeper.

Winnner..... AUBURN TIGERS by 9.


I do like the fact that UT is allowing 363 yards per game.

Current National Rankings:

UT: #7 offense / #61 defense

AU: #25 offense / #9 defense

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... Borges previously stated that it's important to run to set up the pass but no more as important as passing to set up the run. We obviously did not light up the scoreboard against LSU but he kept LSU guessing. On the 4th down play during the winning drive, he went to max protection and only 2 receivers, assuming that LSU would bring the house. They did and we had the right pass route called. On the 3rd down pass for the TD, Borges anticipated a zone defense and he called the right pass to exploit the seam in the secondary. Was he lucky on his calls? Perhaps, but it becomes a chess match between the coordinators and I'm sure that Borges makes many of his calls based on what he saw during the scripted plays. ...

I'm just glad AU found an OC that knows what he's doing. Scripting the first few series of plays, observing how the defense reacts, and then using that info to predict how they'll react in a key situation & adjusting on the fly ... that's what you call a real OC. The other thing I thought was cool about CAB was him throwing in a couple of option plays in the LSU game -- just to give the other DCs around the league something to think about (and maybe waste some practice time preparing to defend against.) The secret to playing chess is being able to see a couple of moves ahead.

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The only trouble I see AU's offense getting into this week will be crowd noise. It's very difficult to audible and run motion when you can't hear you're qb because of noise. If AU comes out and smack's tenn in the mouth with an early score or two, I don't think they will have a problem.

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I've been fascinated by the concept of scripting plays in the West Coast Offense and how Borges has kept his play calling vanilla against the weaker teams. As you may already know, Borges scripts his first 15 plays, excluding the 3rd down plays, which are based on down & distance.

Here is his selection of plays in terms of run and pass against the weaker opponents:

ULM: 12 run / 3 pass

MSU: 10 run / 5 pass

CIT: 11 run / 4 pass

LSU: 8 run / 7 pass ( balance )

Borges previously stated that it's important to run to set up the pass but no more as important as passing to set up the run. We obviously did not light up the scoreboard against LSU but he kept LSU guessing. On the 4th down play during the winning drive, he went to max protection and only 2 receivers, assuming that LSU would bring the house. They did and we had the right pass route called. On the 3rd down pass for the TD, Borges anticipated a zone defense and he called the right pass to exploit the seam in the secondary. Was he lucky on his calls? Perhaps, but it becomes a chess match between the coordinators and I'm sure that Borges makes many of his calls based on what he saw during the scripted plays.

With this in mind, I believe it's essential that we get off to a quick start on offense as we did last year. Our success on offense will dictate what Randy Sanders does on offense for Tennessee. As long as they can remain balanced in their play calling, the more difficult it will be for Gene Chizik and our defense. I believe that we will have to score 27 points to win this game and I can't wait to see how Borges will call his game in a high scoring affair. Against LSU he had the luxury of being conservative to a degree because our defense held LSU in check. I don't see this being the case against Tennessee's high scoring offense. It's time to open up the playbook coach!  :D



I think AU will beat LSU and lose to someone their not supposed to.(Hopefully Bama). The way the schedule is set up, AU can fine tune their offense(during practices) without showing LSU too much in the games before LSU. Huge advantage to AU. As for picking AU's W-L's, Tubby has shown he can lose 2-3 games a year easily.(that is not a slam, just fact. and yes I know bama lost 9 last year) I say if there's a year for Tubby to win 10, this is probably it.


That's right, I called it. Well, I called the early stuff anyways, like playing vanilla and beating LSU. :)

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Crowd noise will affect us i'm sure... HOWEVER! what i have noticed from watching this offense is that the shifts we make at the line of scrimmage are going to happen..the players shift regardless.. it's part of the mind games... secondly, many of the audibles that Campbell calls are done by using hand signals... true he does have to yell it out many times but as long as the blocking assignments up front are the same.. the hand signals work just fine.. so let the Volunteers yell all they want and at the end of the first quarter when Williams, Brown, Campbell, Obamanu, Aromashodu, Taylor and the rest of the gang have driven down the field a couple of times maybe they will feel that the yelling is pointless and we can play our game!

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I think Chavis will be the one keeping your OC guessing! Since we haven't effectively stopped the run or the pass it will be difficult for him to decide his strategy. The second string QB for Latech lit us up like a Christmas tree in the first half Saturday. The defense played it pretty straight up all night. I doubt they will play it straight up next Saturday night. With several glaring weaknesses they will be forced to gamble some.

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IMO, Jason has become the best QB in the SEC and will bring us home a winner if he gets the right support cast. 


That's a bit of a stretch...but he is playing under control.

Our red zone production must improve next week. We have 11 TD's and 2 FG's in 17 trips inside the 20. That ranks 9th in the conference.

Tennessee is 8-9 with all 8 being TD's. That ranks 3rd in the SEC.

We can't give away scores to a team that productive.


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I think the comments about getting on the scoreboard first to take the crowd out is dead on. A turnover or two for UT, especially early in the game, would really help out with both the score and the crowd. Maybe we can get Ainge to help us out with that? It won't happen without some help from our D b/c that guy is as cool as a cucumber - we need to get some pressure on him early.

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The Vols are weak at DB. WE must throw the ball well, and CATCH well, to win.

Ronnie & Carnell are gonna' need to do their "thing" too! :D

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Both of Tennessee's quarterbacks have looked good for being right out of high school. However, I can't help but feel they're due to have a few cases of "freshman-itis" and make mistakes over the course of the season--I'm hoping a few come Sautrday.

I'd like to see our receivers catch everything thrown at them for a change, and have Ronny and/or Carnell break more long ones. I hope our O-line (which hasn't been bad so far) picks this weekend to become the unstoppable monster I think they have the raw talent to be. An early long drive with Ronny averaging 8-12 yds a carry, or Carnell popping it in for six from 60 yards away, would shut the crowd up pretty fast.

Of course, I notice most of my post is using words like "I hope" or I'd like". Wish I could be more confident and say "I know" we'll dominate, but I am worried. Take away the home field advantage and I think we handle Tennessee without a doubt-...in Neyland Stadium, I'm more cautious.

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I just hope we can keep them off of Jason and give him some time. LSU really applied the pressure and pushed the OL all day. I don't think Tenn is as good on the DL but I sure like their Freshmen QBs. We should be able to exploite their CBs more than we did with LSU. Buckle up for this one.

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Stat, I think you're dead-on about the scripting - he's going to want to get on top early and do so with a minimal need for audibles. Once AU is ahead, then pound the ball with Caddy & Ronnie and play the battle of field position.

Ainge might be good, but if Bliss can keep 'em buried most of the game, I suspect a freshman QB will begin to exhibit his weaknesses.

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It may become a battle between the punters Bliss and Colquit. Hope Bliss performs well in his home state. Tennessee is fast side to side so they may do some over pursuing which we need to take advantage of. It will be interesting on how much they use from the LSU game on defense. I would think the screen play will be taken away probably due to having a spy on CW and RB. Jason will need to do some QB draws to keep them off balance and prove he is a threat running besides the two backs. :au:

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It may become a battle between the punters Bliss and Colquit.  Hope Bliss performs well in his home state.  Tennessee is fast side to side so they may do some over pursuing which we need to take advantage of.  It will be interesting on how much they use from the LSU game on defense.  I would think the screen play will be taken away probably due to having a spy on CW and RB.  Jason will need to do some QB draws to keep them off balance and prove he is a threat running besides the two backs.  :au:


You're right about our side to side speed. The problem is that 80% of the rushing yardage we have given up has been around the ends. Still have not figured out why that is? My guess is the linebackers have been playing soft in support of the secondary where we have a true freshman and a first time starter at corners. I imagine that with Williams and Brown coming to town they will be forced to play tight and close off the ends, letting the secondary fend for itself, once you get in the red zone. Red zone effectivness is the key to this game. Those kicking field goals will be heading home unhappy!

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In all honesty I have idea on what to expect during this game. What I do hope is that we have a good Zebra crew and it doesn't come down to some stupid call to leave a mark on the game. Loosing Simon is one of those players you can't replace for certain. I think AU has done a good job rotating D lineman and I think we have some depth. Our backers are small but they play very large. I think Antarrius Williams leads the SEC in tackles for a loss and Kevin Sears has played well getting off blocks. Travis is a good leader on the field that needs a little more rest during the game. I wish this game was at JH just for the tailgaiting and buzz around the place on a big time game like this. :au:

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Jason will need to do some QB draws to keep them off balance and prove he is a threat running besides the two backs.  :au:


Campbell needs to run the freaking ball more. His lack of running has had me frustrated going on 2 seasons now. He can add another dimension to the game, especially now that we have a semi-respected passing offense. His runs in 02 were awesome, I want to see more of them. Coaching was to blame last year, but this year it seems like he's hesitating. Once the decision has been made, he needs to go balls out for all the yardage he can pick up. He's hesitantly stopped right at the line of scrimmage a few times this year and subsequently lost yardage or gained none. Run Campbell, RUN!!! :au:

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I totally agree. We could put 5 wide send everyone and allow him to make a play with his legs. What I will sy he has been smarter about throwing the ball away sometimes to late for my liking though.


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IMHO, If we can put one or two good hits on Ainge as a "welcome to the SEC kid" a la Eddins in the LSU game. I think we have him rattled since he has not had the wood taken to him yet, once we do that I think Herring, Rogers, and Co. take care of the pass. So that turns UT one dimensional, and our D can stop the run of UT.

What more can I say about the O other than Caddy show's why he is an All-American RB. Once Carnell is done; things get ...better for UT :rolleyes: I mean all they have to see is Mr. Brown getting ready to smack them in the mouth.

:au: - 28

UT - 10

WDE lets go beat the VOLS

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I agree Jason should utilize his running skills more. I read an article that quoted Jason talking about how hurt his toe is and how he can't put all of his weight on it. Could he be dekeing the Vols and this week is the week he is going to have a breakout game running? I hope so!

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