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I dunno


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With so many threads on the subject, I'm reluctant to add another one.  But it seems like a different enough take....

It seems to me our response should not be hyper-defensive.  We should stand with our school and seek the truth, best it can be found.  Right now, four guys say they got paid.  A bunch of other guys say they didn't.  The dividing line:  the four are unhappy, and the bunch seem to be happy.  Our coach says the story is garbage -- not the usual reply from a guilty party in an NCAA case.  So I'm hopeful.

It also stinks to high heaven that HBO runs the kids who say they were paid but not the kids -- people they took the time to interview -- who deny it.  HBO says they wanted lots of responses, but they ran only the ones that make Auburn look bad.  You have to wonder about that.

Still, I don't know whether these kids were paid.  I have no reason to think there's some wild conspiracy of Bama fans setting things up.  News organizations always calculate a bottom line:  Auburn just won the championship, there remains a cloud of suspicion about Cam (and it is reasonable, though I think Auburn is innocent), so you'd expect them to sniff around Auburn.  IMO we should back off the black helicopter and REC talk and focus on supporting our school and supporting the truth as it comes out.

One more reach:  the Bama talk on the topic makes us look really bad.  Think about it.

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Why don't you talk to the older members here that went through the 60's and 70's and ask them how innocent they think bammer is.

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I know that I smell a rat. Wonder what color it is?

...is it blue?

Anyway, DyeCampAlum, I think the Auburn family is actually taking both approaches. The institution leaders have pledged to get to the bottom of the situation, while the past players have taken a more aggressive stance. I haven't seen the Chizik interview live, but from the Al.com article, it seems like he was also referring to how the show was carried out. They just fail to quote him until the "garbage" statement.

EDIT: yahoo had the entire quote: “So it saddens me that somebody is going to air a show with basically one side being known. I think that’s pathetic. And I think it’s pure garbage.”

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No..... not blue..... try another color

I am an older member - graduated in 1974 - I believe that this is well within what they would do.

I know that I smell a rat. Wonder what color it is?

...is it blue?

Anyway, DyeCampAlum, I think the Auburn family is actually taking both approaches.  The institution leaders have pledged to get to the bottom of the situation, while the past players have taken a more aggressive stance.  I haven't seen the Chizik interview live, but from the Al.com article, it seems like he was also referring to how the show was carried out.  They just fail to quote him until the "garbage" statement.

EDIT: yahoo had the entire quote: “So it saddens me that somebody is going to air a show with basically one side being known. I think that’s pathetic. And I think it’s pure garbage.”

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I didn't say anything about the Bama connection. I actually responded to the main part of his post :P.

If I were to get into that, I'd say...I really don't know. I do see how it makes us look (seriously...it's a pretty "out there" conspiracy), but, when I thought of the question "why would they turn on their old school like this", Bama being involved does come up as a possible answer. HBO claims they didn't pay the players to speak, and that's possible because I don't think it's worth the short term ratings boost worth being caught red-handed w/ basically creating stories. If HBO didn't pay them, then who did...?

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I;m an older member and I hate Bama, and yes they would stop at nothing to discredit AU....


I am older member, graduated in 77...  I am 100% convinced that Alabama assisted Twiletta by providing legal representation (the Donald) and the scheme was hatched to get Auburn.  It worked, Auburn got Hammered... BUT, once Alabama stopped the cold war, we fired our shot.  Since Ramsey Alabama has been on probation 4 times.....

Now having said that, the Cam situation was not started by Alabama, but I again strongly believe they are the one that fanned the story and have provided a lot of the information.  Without the CAM story there would not be an HBO special (they have said as much)  In a similar fashion, BAMMER provided information to HBO on who to talk to.    The misguided 4 have now joined the Updyke nation and will be welcomed in those businesses with open arms and that will last for only as long as BAMMER can use them.  Bammer will keep this story alive with tidbits of information, etc.  Look for the 4 to get attorney's next... 

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The truth will come out. It will take a little time but there are too many people from not only Auburn, but the Tuberville staff and the  boosters getting blamed (which everyone of them has to feel offended at the attack on Auburn Booster's integrity as a whole since no individual names were mentioned). You guys in the know will get to the bottom of this and let's not forget the talented and respected players who are coming forward and telling the truth....

If you look at the players they all needed something or had a bad personal experience at Auburn for whatever reason, you could hear the distain in Reddics voice, McGlover is raising a girl and needs the money (somebody paid him for this) with no job at a time when he thought he would just be finishing up his or 3rd pro-bowl by age 26 and Ramsey goes without saying, he tried to sue Auburn, revenge. Auburn and it's vast resources will get to the bottom of this just as they did the Cam situation...  

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Auburn can investigate but it's hard to prove a negative and nobody other than AU is particularly interested in the "truth".  Don't hold your breath expecting ESPN or anyone else to spend much time refuting the claims from the HBO program.  The correction always shows up in the back of the newspaper after the damage has been done on page 1.   

They hammered us good and it is pretty much left to AU alone to try and remove the dirt that was slimmed on us.  The oursiders will always figure that where there is smoke there is fire...and the coaching staff will have just work harder to convince recruits and their families that AU is not what is being portrayed. 

The "All in" video is great and the right people will get to see it.  As has been said before, this is just another motivational issue for the 2011 team.

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Why don't you talk to the older members here that went through the 60's and 70's and ask them how innocent they think bammer is.

I went to my first Auburn game in 1958. I know and feel the same about bama as you guys. Believe me; But I just don`t see this as bama driven. Not yet anyway. I think this is something HBO has done in an attempt to try to start a move to pay players. I don`t know their total motivation but someone is behind them pushing it. We by virtue of being BCS champs and with the Cam stuff still freah, we were the best target. I think depending on the year it could have been bama, Okla, Texas or whomever; we were just the best new target. I could be wrong but at this point I think it is being driven by an entertainment network trying to put themselves in a new position. Even with us as the target, these other teams better be looking over their shoulder. I doubt this is the last show on this.

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Why don't you talk to the older members here that went through the 60's and 70's and ask them how innocent they think bammer is.

I went to my first Auburn game in 1958. I know and feel the same about bama as you guys. Believe me; But I just don`t see this as bama driven. Not yet anyway. I think this is something HBO has done in an attempt to try to start a move to pay players. I don`t know their total motivation but someone is behind them pushing it. We by virtue of being BCS champs and with the Cam stuff still freah, we were the best target. I think depending on the year it could have been bama, Okla, Texas or whomever; we were just the best new target. I could be wrong but at this point I think it is being driven by an entertainment network trying to put themselves in a new position. Even with us as the target, these other teams better be looking over their shoulder. I doubt this is the last show on this.

I used to be suspicious of conspiracy theories but this has gone on too long.  Why of all the players who had injuries end their careers do they dig up prothro?  Who just happened to play for our biggest rival to say he was never given anything.  That is a huge red flag in this to me.  They could have picked anybody but they came to rest on him to juxtapose against our 4.  Seems more than coincidental to me.

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