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Remember Gee and Thamel ...


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Do you all remember Pete Thamel's story the week of the championship game "exposing" Auburn's slide in the APR rankings that had come out months before. He allowed Gordon Gee, president at Ohio State and formerly at Vanderblit, to take a sideways swipe at Auburn. I posted at the time about the general tone of the story and, in particularly, how out of place Gee's quote was, particularly given that Thamel apparenlty made no effort to talk with Dr. Gouge. So, in reading the Ohio State coverage today, I'm enjoying laughing at Gee's craven defense of Tressel -- "I just hope the coach doesn't dismiss me" -- and how it reveals "The" Ohio State University to be just another school where supposedly well-respected academicians look the other way to win football games. So I wonder if Mr. Thamel is going to call Dr. Gouge and ask if he wants to comment on Ohio State.

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Is this the same Gordan Gee that tried to dismantle Vandy's athletic department not to long ago???

One in the same

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Is this the same Gordan Gee that tried to dismantle Vandy's athletic department not to long ago???

Yep, that's him :laugh:

sorry clong,didn't see your post :bow:

That karma thing is something else isn't it? ;D

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Is this the same Gordan Gee that tried to dismantle Vandy's athletic department not to long ago???

Yep, that's him :laugh:

sorry clong,didn't see your post :bow:

That karma thing is something else isn't it? ;D

Lately it's been a lot of fun to see where it lands next. :laugh:

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Is this the same Gordan Gee that tried to dismantle Vandy's athletic department not to long ago???

Yep, that's him :laugh:

sorry clong,didn't see your post :bow:

That karma thing is something else isn't it? ;D

Godd Karma with good folks. WDE

Lately it's been a lot of fun to see where it lands next. :laugh:

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Is this the same Gordan Gee that tried to dismantle Vandy's athletic department not to long ago???

Yep, that's him :laugh:

sorry clong,didn't see your post :bow:

That karma thing is something else isn't it? ;D

Ain`t no thing man; it`s all good.

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It is going to be interesting to see if the ethical standards, President Gee wanted to impose earlier will be the same thing he speaks of now.

He can discuss it with David Pollack maybe.... :laugh:

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It is going to be interesting to see if the ethical standards, President Gee wanted to impose earlier will be the same thing he speaks of now.

He can discuss it with David Pollack maybe.... :laugh:

Oh yeah, sometimes karma is fast, too. :laugh:
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