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indiana judge, "identify anonymous posters to website"

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Hmmmmm... how will this effect college football message boards?....and rumors that get out of hand like Newton's did this year?


A Marion County judge has ruled, for the first time in Indiana, that news media outlets can be ordered by the court to reveal identifying information about posters to their online forums

"We are seeing more and more defamation lawsuits being filed, that's clear," said David Hudson, a First Amendment scholar at the First Amendment Center, affiliated with Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. Hudson said the public should be concerned if anonymous comments on public websites begin drying up because of the fear of lawsuits. "If this happens, then people will be less likely to comment" on public issues, he said

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I'm all for it.  Of course, we may have to donate for more server upgrades here, because TD would probalby be shut down and those users will need somewhere to go  ;D

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I totally agree with this ruling. The anonymity of the internet breeds malicious behavior because of the lack of fear for repercussions. If you can't be held responsible for your actions, those actions tend to be less responsible.

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I love college football but I hate communism.  All this would be is another little piece the government gets to control.  They are already using the constitution to wipe their arses with so be careful what you all wish for. 

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Everyone should be careful of what they are willing to just give away!  Freedom of every kind has had to be fought for and will probably will agin one day because people belive more regulation is better, but I fill you know what is best for you and your kids not me or anyone else.  God bless America and our freedoms.

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I think people may be misunderstanding what this ruling means.  They are just trying to force websites to give up information on the posters if ordered by the court, not simply because they want to create a user database.  This would be in cases, such as on TD, where people think they can make ridiculous claims to try and bring harm to other people or *cough* institutions without any repercussions.

This is no different than using a court order to force the phone company to give up records if someone, say, claimed they poured herbicide illegally on the ground somewhere.  Do you think the phone company should have been allowed to refuse to give up that information?

I understand that is not a great example since it involves admitting to a crime rather than just defaming an individual or institution, but I do think people should be held accountable for what they post on the internet.  This won't affect the posting of people's opinions, only when they try to present falsehoods as fact.

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I'm all for it.  Of course, we may have to donate for more server upgrades here, because TD would probalby be shut down and those users will need somewhere to go  ;D

I know a place 99% of those users can go. >>>  :devil: <<<

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