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So it's Friday and though I rarely post, maybe it's because of my age ; but I am worn out listening to negative reports, stories, rumors etc... then hearing my fellow Auburn supporters and fans waste their breath addressing them.  I know this is a blog and I don't have to read anything................so I hope no one takes this the wrong way.

Maybe a few words of wisdom....every post, every response just gives a tiny bit of credability to whatever you address.  It doesn't matter if you have a wonderful response or fire back at Bammers, call radio talk shows and slam the opposition and reporters...................just saying, you are really confirming what Goober "Finebaum" wants confirmed.........they are getting under our skin.  The more venom spewed, the more the ratings go up.  It would be wonderful if we could get the attention of the various Auburn "Extremists" who call and make most of us uncomfortable with their support, and get them to stop calling.  I just wish not one single Auburn fan would call these shows that keep dredging up negative Auburn news.

If you do feel the need to call or write..........then focus on positive information and keep it to Auburn, unless of course it is positive about another school, then throw that out there as well.  I might be naive, but I have always thought of Auburn men as above the name calling, and hatefullness.  I take pride in this aspect of our character; but I have noticed that this is changing.  For whatever it is worth....I just wish we would focus on much more positive matters.....................I love my University as all of you do.

Amen...especially don't post basement bloggers negative comments about Auburn. It makes them think they have accomplished something.

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I call them turds because even if they're on top, they still stink. I also call them: bammers, gumps, period stains(mods delete if there is a problem), crimson flow, and have recently added the Harveys, Updykes. Really just anything that shows disrespect. It may be childish but I can live with it.


My new favorite for them...updykes!  :laugh:

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