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Auburn's Purpose...as I see it!


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Redux: Weegs, clowns, killer cats and Barry.

All of my greatest fears in one sentence.  :'(

It was thoughtfully done with your convenience in mind.... ;)

Belle, I thought that, as one who experienced the same traumatic events that I had, that you would be more sympathetic, but I was wrong.....so..........this is for you......


He's waiting for you to come back Belle.........  ;D  :tease:

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He promised it was trying to kill him with a golf club. :dunno:

No, it all started when I hit a cat with a seven iron. The cat went batcrap crazy and would drool all over the place, growl at imaginary things, and attack the ottoman. They have been after me ever since. No joke.
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Now that's what I call scary!

This thread has officially been hijacked!

Yes, but don't you feel better. ;D

I do feel much better, thank you director of mind and mood.  But no offense, I think it was the fajitas. . . :laugh:

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He promised it was trying to kill him with a golf club. :dunno:

No, it all started when I hit a cat with a seven iron. The cat went batcrap crazy and would drool all over the place, growl at imaginary things, and attack the ottoman. They have been after me ever since. No joke.

That will teach you to go around hitting cats with golf clubs. At least it wasn't a buffalo.  :dunno:

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So.....If we believe in the light we must also believe in the dark.  Satan's powers are very strong on this earth.  Do we also believe that the negativity and hatred is somehow induced because of the Glory given to God.  I don't know that God allows certain teams to win.  God does allow, through humbleness and faith, for each of us to achieve our full potential.  If a team, staff, administration are achieving their full potential, well it is logical to assume that team will do well.  We must also remember the learning experience of "unanswered prayers".  Many times the things we want the most may not be the best life learning opportunities for us, case in point Aairon Savage, and me not winning the lottery.  Life is not so simple to believe that pray, give God glory and great things happen.  It is also not so simple that there is not a higher power directing aspects of our lives. 

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He promised it was trying to kill him with a golf club. :dunno:

No, it all started when I hit a cat with a seven iron. The cat went batcrap crazy and would drool all over the place, growl at imaginary things, and attack the ottoman. They have been after me ever since. No joke.

Weegs....tell the truth....were you listening to Manilow at the time of the cat incident?

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He promised it was trying to kill him with a golf club. :dunno:

No, it all started when I hit a cat with a seven iron. The cat went batcrap crazy and would drool all over the place, growl at imaginary things, and attack the ottoman. They have been after me ever since. No joke.

Weegs....tell the truth....were you listening to Manilow at the time of the cat incident?

no, it was Harry Chapin

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Looking deeper...Auburn took the high road in its inception through George Petrie's "The Auburn Creed".  Our first football coach set a precedent for upholding spiritual values.  Fast-forward in time through a wonderful history when much more character/spiritual emphasis emerges on the Plains...a chaplaincy in place, Friday night team prayer meetings, coaches who teach character first, a team shamelessly vocal and physically demonstrative on and off the field about bringing God the glory.  Two years being coached under "a David, the least likely king" and God truly does honor their desire to bring Him glory by doing the unthinkable and giving them the strength, the perseverance, and the faith to "win, win, win".  As I've said before, even AU fans without "spiritual interest" can enjoy the fruits of the success this year, though our coaches blatantly give credit to God, Who, as the team humbled themselves and sought Him, birthed team unity--all athletic skill gifts on the table--and unparalleled focus through prayer.

I am convinced that we saw "man's" best effort in 2009.  We got God's best effort in 2010.  He completely did, Himself, everything they "paid big bucks" for, and He did it so sweetly.  Even down to the Iron Bowl comeback...I'll never forget Auburn was ahead and lost it in 2009.  Mirror image in 2010.  Still gives me chills.  Dark vs. Light.  Any team can enjoy the blessings and favor that come through living in the Light, but they have to humble themselves to give God the glory with pure honesty.  It is too much for the Bama "nation" to see this turn of events right on the heels of its NC.  The NC itself now seems to "mean less" to them since Auburn accomplished it...and they cannot stand that, for it means EVERYTHING to them.  They are "entitled to it", they are "defined by it".  I am just in awe to be so blessed!  And I will remain so, grateful for every talented athlete and coach--head, hands, and heart--that He brings us.  I am certain, I have been told personally   ;) , that they are thanking HIM for providing a fanbase that loves, supports, and prays them up!

Auburn by God's grace achieves the unthinkable through taking the high road the very year after Bama by its actions (recruitment, demeanor, fanbase, etc.) displays just the opposite.  I am not saying that there are not "Christian" Bama fans.  I am saying that collectively, a Saban (Saul?)-based and Saban-backed program looks VERRRRRY different from what we love and enjoy.  And that, friends, is called CHOICE.  We exist as a team, a fanbase, and an institution of higher learning to present a watching world with a choice.  I feel confident that this is Auburn's purpose in life. We exist to give people a chance to decide for themselves what winners genuinely are, and where strength truly comes from.  And we exist to give players and their families an opportunity to decide what kind of coach will guide their entire futures...on and off the field.

Now, we have the nation's eyes upon us.  I grieved the "Cam" press, but I realize God, Who didn't cause it, allowed good to come out of it...character on display, teamwork solidified, and Auburn in the national spotlight.  It was impressed upon me, "Sadly, people pay more attention to scandal than to success."  But there is always a purpose to trials, and Auburn passed theirs royally...and we keep doing it.  And we must keep right on doing it.  Like it or not for the Bama nation, it is backfiring, just as it has throughout time when those truly committed to God's purpose come under attack.

Scripture shows the historical pattern of God laying choices before the world again and again.  This is why those who see His hand in the events that have unfolded in the last few years especially must pray with all their might that the Auburn fanbase, team, and coaches must always look as different from the University of Alabama as we possibly can.   No revenge.  As little attention to negative press as possible.  Full steam ahead, with "Tigers 2010 laser-beam focus".  God's in control, and He will handle it.  (And when God fights your battles, all will know it.)

For those who are mad enough to wish you could do what your mind and heart will not allow you to do (and that includes me), read Psalm 37.  It always makes me feel better.  NOTHING is going unnoticed, and a day of reckoning will come.  In some cases, it already has.  National Champions, Baby!  Warrrrrrrr Eagle!


If this doesn't equate to scary I don't know the definition of the word.  To think that we have fans that actually have taken this so far.  I pray that God will open our hearts to His truth and we will not substitute our own version of "truth" in place of God's word. 

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I thought we didn't discuss religion on here... I am a Christian but some of what ToraGirl said is a little worrisome... I think it would be good to shut this thread down soon... And Colorado I'm in full agreement with u, that read was very scary

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