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An open Letter to Auburn Fans


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If your friend thinks he is in the vast majority of "bama fans", well he might be. Just tell him to go look at the posts by "gump nation" on al.com and he will see that "bama fans" are the minority when it comes to the total sum of bama's fanbase. That's what "bama fans" will either never understand, or never want to admit, when it comes to that fanbase as a whole.

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The arrogant, condescending tone of that post is exactly typical of Alabama fans and is the reason why I despise them more every time one of them opens their mouth or posts on a message board.  Even when they pretend they are being polite and putting on an act with their foolish crocodile tears they always sneak in backhanded insults.  I think they learned that from their media lackeys. 

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I don’t know guys, this may be “heart-felt” but this bammer lost me when he started off with “Auburn Nation.”  I agree with Weegle777 that this “quickly turned into an arrogant lecture.”  I don’t know about 80%, LexSteele.  But I bet about 5% are sorry that they did not think of doing this themselves.  Another 45%, are at least snickering behind their hands, if not laughing out loud, and raising their glass to “Al from Dadeville.”  Most of the rest don’t really care—“it is JUST a tree!”-- or think it might, just might, have been a bad idea.  And small percentage are in fact horrified.  Some of that small group do understand that this is a public relations nightmare for UAT and that is the reason for their horror.

Agreed, the arrogance of this letter writer is in your face.  Your % I believe are about right.  The hatred that started long ago has only been magnified over the past 15 or so years.  I like most here have good friends who happen to support UA.  Some are sorry, mostly because of the bad press, but, as far as this guy...well you know.

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"Just drop this and get back to what matters, the ongoing NCAA investigation into AU athletics. Write and article about the NCAA being in La. this week asking questions."


Typical Bammer post, they want the negative spotlight off them and back on Auburn... >:(

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Wow. This is NOT how to apologize.

I bet the author doesn't get it, though. I bet he's even sorry about the trees.

Man, is it great to be an Auburn Tiger, or what?! ESPECIALLY when you consider the alternative(s),


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Pretty low class responses on this thread from many of you...I'm ashamed to read many of them.  The apologist had a point.  You choose how you want to take it.  A moron with mental issues does something stupid, so you use it to confirm everything you believe about the worst of UAT fans, and as proof that most are like that.  Pure nonsense.  We both have crappy fans to some extent.  I frankly believe they have many more crappy fans than we do.  But I don't choose to believe they are all arrogant trash, because I know that isn't the case.  I have lived in Auburn, Birmingham, Huntsville, Montgomery, and Tuscaloosa, and have met many fans from both schools.  I have degrees from both schools.  I am a passionate Auburn fan who loves beating Bama.  I think Coach Saban reflects the arrogance of so many in their fan base.  I despite their retroactive claims to national titles in years where such claims are absurd.  But I do not blame them for the pathetic choices of one man, who is simply a fan of their football program.

Harvey Updyke is a vandal and a criminal.  Let's not condemn every UAT person because of his crimiinal acts.  Sure, some of their fans are making trashy firewood jokes, etc.  Those ignorant rednecks further damage the reputation of UAT, and we don't need to stoop to their level.

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Most bammers are in Def Con 5 and trying to distance themselves for no other reason except for damage control.

They know that this guy did what they didnt have the guts to do but wanted to happen. Every bammer I know hates that tradition and they really dont respect it and actually make fun of it.

I am sick and tired of hearing about how they dont want to be "lumped in" with this guy, but they respect their coach who in my eyes is just as dirty of a person as "AL".

They are just scared we are going to do something worse is the only reason they are giving us fake respect.


I agree.  It's all about distance and damage control.

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Damnit I hate these guys. I wonder how heated the game will be this year. I have a feeling something is going to happen to Alabama because of this whole thing. Not only did this happen, they then become arrogant in their apology and think it's funny. I just don't see everybody sitting back and letting it happen. Furthermore, I'm not so sure if something is done to a statue if that person who did it is so crazy. I don't condone it, but I can see it coming.

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Pretty low class responses on this thread from many of you...I'm ashamed to read many of them.  The apologist had a point.  You choose how you want to take it.  A moron with mental issues does something stupid, so you use it to confirm everything you believe about the worst of UAT fans, and as proof that most are like that.  Pure nonsense.  We both have crappy fans to some extent.  I frankly believe they have many more crappy fans than we do.  But I don't choose to believe they are all arrogant trash, because I know that isn't the case.  I have lived in Auburn, Birmingham, Huntsville, Montgomery, and Tuscaloosa, and have met many fans from both schools.  I have degrees from both schools.  I am a passionate Auburn fan who loves beating Bama.  I think Coach Saban reflects the arrogance of so many in their fan base.  I despite their retroactive claims to national titles in years where such claims are absurd.  But I do not blame them for the pathetic choices of one man, who is simply a fan of their football program.

Harvey Updyke is a vandal and a criminal.  Let's not condemn every UAT person because of his crimiinal acts.  Sure, some of their fans are making trashy firewood jokes, etc.  Those ignorant rednecks further damage the reputation of UAT, and we don't need to stoop to their level.

I agree with much of what you say. But do you think the author of the "open" letter hit the right tone? I do not. Not even close.

I also agree with you that some of the posts on this board in the past couple of days have been in poor taste. But I'm not sure calling out folks here for displaying "low class" behavior quite hits the right tone, either ....  :-\

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I agree.  It's all about distance and damage control.

When I read the article by Chris Lowe on ESPN I started wondering if he was getting the same type of REC cash loans that was reported to be given to Cecil Hurt.  It was obvious that the main intent of his article was to help distance UA from Harvey Updyke.

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The letter was a backhanded apology at best.  Tide for Toomers and their half a$$ed apologies can waste their breath somewhere else.  The Auburn Family will pick up the pieces and recover, because that's what families do.  Toomer's was our tradition for our family and one of theirs tried to take it from us.  We don't need their pity, don't want their sympathy, and sure as hell shouldn't accept any donations.  The presence of Free Harvey Updyke websites and T-Shirts show the true colors of this ugly fanbase.  If a few UAT faithful choose to feel bad b/c of Harvey's actions, well that's their own damn problem.  The Auburn Family has a mess on their hands that they did not deserve and did not ask for...now excuse us while WE clean up YOUR mess Bama. 

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Pretty low class responses on this thread from many of you...I'm ashamed to read many of them.  The apologist had a point.  You choose how you want to take it.  A moron with mental issues does something stupid, so you use it to confirm everything you believe about the worst of UAT fans, and as proof that most are like that.  Pure nonsense.  We both have crappy fans to some extent.  I frankly believe they have many more crappy fans than we do.  But I don't choose to believe they are all arrogant trash, because I know that isn't the case.  I have lived in Auburn, Birmingham, Huntsville, Montgomery, and Tuscaloosa, and have met many fans from both schools.  I have degrees from both schools.  I am a passionate Auburn fan who loves beating Bama.  I think Coach Saban reflects the arrogance of so many in their fan base.  I despite their retroactive claims to national titles in years where such claims are absurd.  But I do not blame them for the pathetic choices of one man, who is simply a fan of their football program.

Harvey Updyke is a vandal and a criminal.  Let's not condemn every UAT person because of his crimiinal acts.  Sure, some of their fans are making trashy firewood jokes, etc.  Those ignorant rednecks further damage the reputation of UAT, and we don't need to stoop to their level.

^^^^^^^^^Doesn't even realize he's saying the exact thing everyone else is ^^^^^^^^^^
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If you want to know how they really feel about it, imagine what would have happened if the poisoning had been done by say, a Georgia fan.

Do you think the bama fans would have offered condolences or support?  Or do you think they would have been laughing their a$$es off at us for being upset over it?  If you think the answer is the latter, you shouldn't be forced to accept their "apology" as anything more than an attempt to save face.

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I believe this person to be truly offended by the actions of 'ol Al from Dadeville, however, I keep seeing posts by bama fans stating that this "ONE" fan does not represent all of them.  I can agree with that, but what about the all the fans that did the following:

Scam Newton t-shirts, fake money being thrown at our players during the Iron Bowl, songs being played in Bryant Denny Stadium meant to disparage one of our players, images from bama's own bowl game, showing their fans with signs stating "Roll Ducks Roll.  And this was all just this past season!!!

I believe that these fans are truly representative of the bammers, and I also believe the bammers are the worst fanbase in the country.  The MAJORITY never went to school there, but yet live vicariously through the success of the football program.  If the program is on top, they are happy.  If it is not, then they look to destroy the success and happiness of the program that is on top, especially when it is Auburn.  


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If you want to know how they really feel about it, imagine what would have happened if the poisoning had been done by say, a Georgia fan.

Do you think the bama fans would have offered condolences or support?  Or do you think they would have been laughing their a$$es off at us for being upset over it?  If you think the answer is the latter, you shouldn't be forced to accept their "apology" as anything more than an attempt to save face.

Interesting thought experiment.

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Wow Counsel, that could have been just about as arrogant a lecture as the turd's was in the opening post.

I agree with Counsel and don't see anything arrogant about his post.   

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No coincidence that there is a law school in tuscaloosa.  Lawyers and tide fans have a lot in common.  Arrogant A__ s

I would imagine the vast majority of counsel in  this state are of that yoke.

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Paraphrase of letter: "As a Bammer, I am sorry, BUT I nor any bammer I know had anything to do with it. Here's what you Auburn fans are doing that makes no sense, and in case you're too stupid to understand, let me give patronizing examples of Nazis and cultists to convince you to apologize for being unfair to all of us superior Bammers.  :'( "


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The O.P's buddy has a holier than though , snooty tone. If he was sincere , he would have been much more humble in his letter. He wasn't. He was more concerened about the now tarnished UA image than about the poeple who were affected by what happened.

Typical Bammuh behavior.

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Wow Counsel, that could have been just about as arrogant a lecture as the turd's was in the opening post.

I agree with Counsel and don't see anything arrogant about his post.   

That is your opinion, and mine was stated also. So it's a wash.
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Why in the world do 98% of the Bama fans give the other 2% a bad name?

Sometimes it is hard to separate the wheat from the chaff so to speak.

War Eagle and hug and Oak!

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It's more like 75% of Bama fans give the other 25% a bad name.

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