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If CGC thinks Cross is the best man for the job and hires him, I'll support him 100%.  I don't know much about him yet as a coach or a recruiter but it doesn't seem like he has alot of ties to to the Southeast.  He's originally from TN and he coached a couple of years at TX but the rest of his time has been in CO, MN, and NY area.  But like I said  CGC has earned our trust and I'll back whoever he hires.

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Question for the board, while we wait for our next DL coach.

Who would be the most "flashy" hire and who would be the best overall hire in your opinion?

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I think pulling a guy from the NFL would be kinda flashy. Or even grabbing Panagos from UCF, or Williams from TX A&M would be pretty great hires.

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I would now think that CTR is probably wanting the minn coach since he has coached with him before.

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I would be amazed if Coach Chizik is not able to hire whomever he wants for this job. I trust him to find the right person. Guess Hurtt wasn't the right fit.

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I do also still like Tolleson at Texas...though I wouldn't mind seeing a young guy brought in. But you can't knock Tolleson's experience and the fact that he has tutored numerous future NFL studs in his time as a coach.

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If we never extended a full offer to Hurtt then obviously Coach Chizik wasn't completely sold on Hurtt being an Auburn man. Coach Chizik will find us the right fit at DL coach.


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I do also still like Tolleson at Texas...though I wouldn't mind seeing a young guy brought in. But you can't knock Tolleson's experience and the fact that he has tutored numerous future NFL studs in his time as a coach.

To me, sometimes hiring a young feller isn't always the answer.  One reason being is that coach is probably on the up and up.  That is one reason why I think the Hurtt hire would have hurt.  He is up and coming, motivated, strong recruiter, and I could see some school (probably TX) snatching him up real quick as a DC if he had early success at AU. 

The reason I like the Tollenson hire is he is older, has tons of experience, and probably ready to stay put (and he is originally from AL).  So he would bring stability for sure.  Question with him is, how much juice does he have left in him on the recruiting trail?  What's his retirement plans?  We all know the man can coach.  Look at his record and bio.  My $.02.

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A "flashy" hire would be Kevin Greene.

I agree, would be flashy...as much as I love KG, I have 2 questions when it comes to him:

1. How well could he honestly coach a defensive line, especially the interior guys?

2. How good of a recruiter can he be?

He has no college coaching experience, so that is why these questions do linger.

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I would favor a great recruiter over an experienced coach.  With CGC and CTR, they can develop coaching skills.  It is hard to teach good recruiting, it takes individual personality and personal drive.  I think that is why CGC always is asking coaches who do you hate to recruit against because those are the ones that he wants on his staff.

Feel the force - WDE!

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I was coming around to Hurtt based on info I got from poster on another board who is very knowledgable, but time to move on.  I guess I will just fall back to my initial concerns regarding Hurtt and be thankful he isn't the one. :tease:  Paganos and Giff Smith were my initial two favorites so maybe they are still on the board.


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When he would go into a recruits home, the kid would know who Kevin is and he'd see Kevin's super bowl ring or rings and that he (Kevin) knows what it takes to play your best at the next level.

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