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If offered the job, what are the chances that Hurtt would accept?


Let me be more clear (if that is possible).  I love Auburn and would love to go there to coach.  What would be the draws for Hurtt---more money, more defensive decision power than where he currently is, overall what would be the draw for him and is it likely that it would be a big enough draw?  Anyway, just wondering.

More money, coaching in the SEC, coaching better talent than he will ever get at UL, learning from two of the best D coaches in Football, having an AU on your resume from this era will be invaluable, living in Auburn vs. Louisville for raising a family, the Auburn family, being in a primarily football atmosphere vs basketball in KY, experiencing big time college football at JHS, better looking cheerleaders and student body(s)-pun intended-, Outstanding AD who has AU on top or up and coming in just about every sport............

Anybody else care to contribute?

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I have no doubt Hurtt would accept if offered. He would be a fool if he declined. He has an opportunity to become a part of the next national championship team at Auburn and get a significant pay raise most likely.

I have also read he declined once (last week maybe) after talking to C. Strong, then Chizik talked to him again, thus prompting the visit today.


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Pros: Coming to Auburn opens the door to better recruits for him to coach. Auburn is a more prestigious school when it comes to football. Auburn offers top notch facilities to get recruits. We already have great players here and they are greatly coached by Rock. All he has to do is step in and put on the Auburn shirt. He gets to coach under a great defensive mind under Chizik, not taking anything from Strong, but Auburn looks better on a resume to make it to the NFL than Louisville. Just ask Coach Rock. Also, I am sure we can offer a more substantial salary than Louisville can. It also speaks volumes that this staff minus Rock have stayed together this long. Chizik offers a family atmosphere that coaches love.


He loses his recruiting coordinator title.

All signs point to Auburn to me.

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Isn't he the Recruiting Coordinator at UL?  If he comes to AU, he would not get that title.  I don't know what that is worth to him, but it's just what I heard.  I would LOVE to have him come to AU.


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Come on fellas, if you seriously think that a recruiting coordinator title is going to be the reason we don't get a guy, think again.  Chizik makes it a point to compensate his assistants better than any of their peers, a big part of the reason we've kept them all from taking lateral moves.  We are attractive to top assistants, period.

SEC Football vs Big East Football, I'm going with the SEC

Auburn's coffers vs Louisville's pocketbook, I'll take the coffer

Auburn's primary talent pool vs Louisville's primary talent pool, again, Auburn

NOT TO MENTION!  That at Auburn Hurtt would be able to enjoy sharing the recruiting load with our other very talented recruiters.  He may not have the title of coordinator, is that necessarily bad?  Maybe a little less work, our staff recruits collectively anyway, he'll be involved.

I feel like we can get the guy we want, we just won the ship.

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Who wouldn't gladly toss the "Recruiting Coordinator" title for a $100K bump in the bank?  Even a $50K raise and I"m moving out of Basketball Central back to Football Paradise!!

War Eagle and come Hurtt us on the Plains!!

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Come on fellas, if you seriously think that a recruiting coordinator title is going to be the reason we don't get a guy, think again.  Chizik makes it a point to compensate his assistants better than any of their peers, a big part of the reason we've kept them all from taking lateral moves.  We are attractive to top assistants, period.

SEC Football vs Big East Football, I'm going with the SEC

Auburn's coffers vs Louisville's pocketbook, I'll take the coffer

Auburn's primary talent pool vs Louisville's primary talent pool, again, Auburn

NOT TO MENTION!  That at Auburn Hurtt would be able to enjoy sharing the recruiting load with our other very talented recruiters.  He may not have the title of coordinator, is that necessarily bad?  Maybe a little less work, our staff recruits collectively anyway, he'll be involved.

I feel like we can get the guy we want, we just won the ship.

I agree.

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I wonder if Gene pulls the trigger on a new DL coach today??? :dunno:

I think so.  I have a gut feeling that an offer was made yesterday to someone and they went back home to talk over it with their family.  I have a hunch that Hurtt will be named the new DL coach today, IMO.  I have no sources to anything except for those on this site; I'm just speaking my mind.  

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I wonder if Gene pulls the trigger on a new DL coach today??? :dunno:

I think so.  I have a gut feeling that an offer was made yesterday to someone and they went back home to talk over it with their family.  I have a hunch that Hurtt will be named the new DL coach today, IMO.  I have no sources to anything except for those on this site; I'm just speaking my mind.  

I am hoping it is Hurtt!  I know CGC will get the right man for the job, so I have no worries.

(I did not mean to sound like I thought Hurtt wouldn't take the position because he would most likely not be RC here at Auburn.  I was just throwing out something that I had heard about him.)


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(I did not mean to sound like I thought Hurtt wouldn't take the position because he would most likely not be RC here at Auburn.  I was just throwing out something that I had heard about him.)


Who's to say Hurtt would even want to be the RC here at AU?  That position alone takes a ton of commitment and time.  It may work in AU's favor that we already have a great RC in place.  I'm sure he will have no complaints just having the DL coach title and a huge jump in salary at that, JMO. 

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Yep, looks like Cross in next.  This will be a mistake on Hurtt's part unless he plans on hitching his wagon to Strong for the long haul.  You don't turn down the reigning BCS National Champion and the team who placed the coach before you in the NFL.  Guess he would like to stay a big fish in a smaller pond and I'm sure not wanting to move his family again after just one year in Louisville.  Family plays a big part. 

We'll probably interview Cross next.  He's a good coach.  Not a flashy hire though.

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Yep, looks like Cross in next.  This will be a mistake on Hurtt's part unless he plans on hitching his wagon to Strong for the long haul.  You don't turn down the reigning BCS National Champion and the team who placed the coach before you in the NFL.  Guess he would like to stay a big fish in a smaller pond and I'm sure not wanting to move his family again after just one year in Louisville.  Family plays a big part. 

We'll probably interview Cross next.  He's a good coach.  Not a flashy hire though.

Gene Chizik was not a flashy hire either

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I understand that.  CGC is an awesome coach.

I'm just saying Cross would not be a flashy hire.  He is a good coach.  He has an average to above average resume.  He was a top 25 recruiter by Rivals and the Big Ten recruiter of the year.  I'm not criticizing him, I'm just saying it's not the flashy hire many were looking for.  It will be hard to replace Rocker with anyone we hire.  Rocker was an awesome position coach for Auburn.  On the plus side Cross worked for Roof for one year at Minnesota so he is familiar with Cross.

In any case I know CGC will hire the right guy for the job.  He assembled this staff, he won't have a problem finding the right guy to fill the spot.

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Yep, looks like Cross in next.  This will be a mistake on Hurtt's part unless he plans on hitching his wagon to Strong for the long haul.  You don't turn down the reigning BCS National Champion and the team who placed the coach before you in the NFL.  Guess he would like to stay a big fish in a smaller pond and I'm sure not wanting to move his family again after just one year in Louisville.  Family plays a big part. 

We'll probably interview Cross next.  He's a good coach.  Not a flashy hire though.

Gene Chizik was not a flashy hire either

Chizik's hires were, however, flashy.

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