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Maybe it's time...


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Rough day for me...just learned of the confirmation of the tree poisoning, loss of Coach Rocker to the Titans.  Although we don't all agree, having a hiatus with "Alabama" makes sense.  SAD sense.  Regrettable sense.  Not dollar sense.  Not pride sense.  Not media sense.  But maybe that "greater dose of wisdom" sense.  

If football is football, then the game, not the rivalry, is the prize.  That means there are plenty of GREAT opponents out there who love the game, right here in the SEC.  Most have a decent display of "friendly competition".  We can't run from the heated battles, but we can choose not to engage when they move from heated to hedonistic hatred.  Some love a great competition for football's sake.  Others love it for rivalry's sake.  Big difference.

I would LOVE a break from playing Bama...because it to me would send THIS message:  "We are above playing under these conditions, and we'll lead well by modeling what you DON'T have the courage to do."  I'm not sure that the intensity would be fanned over time and bottled up...because without stoking a fire, it goes out.  It's the 365/stoking that keeps the intensity so hot.  In a best-hope scenario, eventually nuts on both sides would be GRATEFUL to have it back and behave accordingly.  Maybe initially they'd blather for awhile about our "cowardice", then look stupid when they have nothing to talk about over time, blog-and-message-board-wise.  

I agree w/President Gogue's comments to remain above it all.  Right now, my mind, heart, praise, and prayers are focused on the forestry/agronomy experts, the law enforcement in Lee County and beyond, Coach Chizik and Jay Jacobs as they prayerfully seek our new coach, and all of our fans everywhere...because when we think about it, everything that gets us riled has happened somewhere, somehow, because of too much talking and NOT enough praying.

"Blessable humility"...hard as it is right now.  It will continue to be sweet as the nation makes its own judgments based upon the evidence regarding the character of schools and those who claim to represent them.  War Eagle, and National Champions...to God be the glory!

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Great post Toro. I think most Auburn fans with common sense would agree. Those who don't are the kind to roll around with this guy on the ground outside the Waffle House.

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Great post Toro. I think most Auburn fans with common sense would agree. Those who don't are the kind to roll around with this guy on the ground outside the Waffle House.

I don't agree that it's time to take a break and wouldn't want to roll around on the ground with the idiot outside Waffle House. Really a sad post. Don't make blanket statements.

You guys are free to take a break anytime you like. Simply don't watch or care about the game. Really easy. If someone steals something from a store do you close the store? It's truly the same logic and it is absurd. Criminals will be criminals and average people will continue to be law abiding and enjoy the game. Get a grip.

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I don't think the rivalry should stop.  The stupidity is not created by the game, but by the people.  Let's focus on raising our children better and teaching people what sportmanship is instead of pulling the plug.  We can make things better.  If we stop the game that would be giving up, in my opinion, and things will never get better.  Problems don't get better with time...

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Great post Toro. I think most Auburn fans with common sense would agree. Those who don't are the kind to roll around with this guy on the ground outside the Waffle House.

I don't agree that it's time to take a break and wouldn't want to roll around on the ground with the idiot outside Waffle House. Really a sad post. Don't make blanket statements.

You guys are free to take a break anytime you like. Simply don't watch or care about the game. Really easy. If someone steals something from a store do you close the store? It's truly the same logic and it is absurd. Criminals will be criminals and average people will continue to be law abiding and enjoy the game. Get a grip.

Ok.........What will it take for you to agree?

A bomb killing a few dozen Auburn fans during a celebration?

Some nutt job bammer going on a shooting spree outside JHS?

Don't say it can't happen, because it can. This thing needs to stop before it gets to that point.

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Still w/Rip and many others on this thread.  Research Telemachus.  That's a stretch, but we're supposed to learn from history.  There are parallels that the wise will pick up on.

When people behave like infants, you take their toys away.  Sometimes one does ruin it for the entire class.  But in the meantime, those time-outs have a purpose.  Just like jail.  Just my two cents.

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Do you really think that many people are capable of doing such dastardly things? Again, get a grip. You take the worst case scenarios of anything that could ever happen and apply them to the Iron Bowl. I stated an example earlier, a father several years ago shot his son to death in an argument over the IB. It has already happened. The criminal was treated as a criminal and the sky still didn't fall. Feel free to believe in your doomsday view. I won't be joining you.

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Great post Toro. I think most Auburn fans with common sense would agree. Those who don't are the kind to roll around with this guy on the ground outside the Waffle House.

I don't agree that it's time to take a break and wouldn't want to roll around on the ground with the idiot outside Waffle House. Really a sad post. Don't make blanket statements.

You guys are free to take a break anytime you like. Simply don't watch or care about the game. Really easy. If someone steals something from a store do you close the store? It's truly the same logic and it is absurd. Criminals will be criminals and average people will continue to be law abiding and enjoy the game. Get a grip.

Telling Tiger telling it like it is. Do NOT let the lunatic fringe affect what hundreds and thousands enjoy.

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Telling Tiger...my apologies for the confusion.  I respect your opinion to disagree.  I clarify that I don't live in doomsday that something worse could happen should the rivalry continue as normal.  We all know that loss of life has already occurred in the past.  I just see evident epidemic hatred between the two teams as well as the loss of fun for countless...regardless of the possibility of more loss.  It's further fueled by relentless hype that makes its way to our 365/24/7 "media"...that, as best as I can tell, doesn't get initiated by our other opponents in such a vitriolic and widespread way.  I'd rather play against teams for whom the "rivalry" doesn't define them.

I can't imagine a time in AU/AL history when those who love football for football's sake have ever had a sicker feeling inside because we're not seemingly allowed to enjoy the fruits of amazing success.  It's something new every day, and many of us are tired of it.  Yes, we can turn a deaf ear to every slam, but it gets old.  Yes, we can fight it out on the field for the next hundred years, but that just makes the crazies madder, as they multiply!  Yes, we can even turn off the TV, but if we think this whole discussion is about what happens during 60 minutes on Black Friday, then the point has been missed.  In this case, we don't take a time-out because of our "fear".  We take a time-out because of our courage.

It's great that this issue is seemingly so cut-and-dry for you.  But to think that taking a season of break, NOT permanent, is insufferable seems...insufferable!  War Eagle, whomever we play.  We're not defined by this rivalry.

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Nutjobs are going to be nutjobs no matter the occasion. Nutjubs don't need a reason to do what they do. A College Football Rivalry is not going to casue these people to do stupid things ....They do stupid things becasue they are stupid.

I for one am cranking up my own personal rivalry mode about 2-3 more notches becasue of this attack. Don't take it personally , but my goodness.....Some people need to man up.

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We are all entitled to our opinions. I have no problem making decisions when I have access to the appropriate information needed to make an informed decision. For the other poster involved in that little interaction, when you say that all people who feel differently must be blah,blah,blah. It removes the chance for any actual dialogue because he just managed to bomb a whole segment of the AU people whether that was his intention or not. He is of the if you don't agree with me school. I've never attended there and don't intend to. I'm not a wallflower and never will  be. I will be as respectful to anyone as they are to anything I'm involved with.

I don't believe and have never stated that we are dependent on that one game. Our society and I've said this before(it would be so cool if people read the threads they post on  :banghead:) is suffering from the new media as well as garnering it's benefits. The answer is not to run from it in fear ,but to figure out how to help society manage it. The lunatic fringe as another poster stated, will always be the weaker individuals in a society and will always be the criminals. They can't and won't adapt. They can't and won't learn. The rest of us need not suffer because of the mental deficiencies of a few.

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IMO 2 million toothless bammuh fans are not "a few". There are waaay more of these "fringe" people than most think. And I wasn't trying to belittle your opinion. Sorry if I came across that way...But to suggest not playing the Iron Bowl becasue it's getting too heated is a little rash to me.

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