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Maybe it's time...


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It is getting out of control but I don't think suspending the game is the answer.  I'd like to see them move the game to earlier in the season (maybe within the first 4 games).  a loss earlier in the season is easier to take and recover from than later, and it wont be the game that decides who goes to atlanta like it sometimes does now.  the game will lose some of it's prestige that comes on rivalry weekend, but thats the point.

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The problem is not the Auburn - Alabama game.  We are the problem, the behavior and attitude of fans on both sides.  Just look  at the posts on this site.  Look at the derogatory terminology often used to refer to our opponents.  So much hatered and venom over what?  I love to win our competitions with them but to allow that to carry over to the extent that seems to get commonly expressed here is disappointing.  We sometimes go out of our way to find a reason to hate UA.  I am totaly satisfied that our football team came from behind in the second quarter and won when you know about every UA fan figured there was no way for that to happen.  The sick feeling that must still burn in their stomach is satisfaction enough.  That will last me for a long time.  I don't have to rub it in...fact is fact.

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We live in a world where the might dollar speaks the loudest...the Iron Bowl will not be stopped because of the actions of a few idiots.

You don't punish everyone when just one person messes up.

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We live in a world where the might dollar speaks the loudest...the Iron Bowl will not be stopped because of the actions of a few idiots.

You don't punish everyone when just one person messes up.

So, what happens when "one" person kills "one" person?

We just say "Oh we can't punish everyone, because some crazy bammer killed an Auburn fan".  That's BS. People who put football before everything think that way.  Auburn is not made by the "Iron bowl". Bama may need it to fuel their hate, but I would hope Auburn people are above that.  Auburn football will be great without it and feel cleaner as a result. Auburn needs to takes measures to prevent something much worse than this.

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Roughly 5 years ago in the state of Alabama, a father shot his son over an argument about the Iron Bowl. They punished the individual. So, someone has already killed someone over this. You're a bit late.

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after this happened, i was forced to re-evaluate my actions as an 18 year old goofball.  i was in tuscalooser visiting some friends when they won the nc in jan '93.  we got into bryant-denny and i went #1 on the goal post in the north end zone.  i bragged about it for a good, long while.  however, i am 37 now with four kids and a professional life.  needless to say, i am no longer proud of my actions.  my only hope is that we CAN continue our rivalry with bama with some greater sense of civility.

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I'm for Auburn, Notre Dame and BYU forming a new six team conference maybe with Boise etc. to be a National Conference.  The SEC can stick it.  The office is nothing more than a shill for Alabama and has never done Auburn any favors.  Auburn has done the SEC.  Time to move on away from the crazies and do something else.

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Some people are not seeing the bigger picture.  I can understand why younger fans just don’t get it. But anyone over 36 should understand the reality.  Alabama people will not be happy until they are dominating Auburn and it has been proven Alabama and the REC will say or do anything to get their way.


The hate and venom from Alabama is ingrained in them and they will not stop until they have destroyed Auburn and possibly the SEC. For the most part the educated bama fans are the ones to blame for the nastiness of their sidewalk alum.  They use politics and wealth to control the media like a sword and shield.  Attack and deflect.  They have created animosity, ignorance and hate.  When UA got an LOI for the text books scandal the state media did not expose them to help protect Alabama’s recruiting.  But when there is a hint or accusations about Auburn then we are villianized with a media blitz of half truths, slander, misquotes, and lies. The attacks on Cam, Cecil and Auburn is no different than what we went through with Eric Ramsey and his former wife Twilitta D Webb.

Auburn is the reigning national champions.  There is no better time to walk away from this mess. Sometimes the better part of valor is knowing when to walk away. This isn’t Tulane or GT leaving because they can’t win.  This is the best saying they are above the shenanigans and corruption and they are choosing to leave and make sure football stays honorable and fun.  Of course I think change is just too hard though and Auburn will stick around and continue to let our program be attacked and influenced by Bama and their lackeys until the SEC turns into the SWC and some programs are ruined forever.  Hopefully it is them and not us. 

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I'm old enough to have seen Shug coach the Tigers when I was a child. Age has nothing to do with it, the series doesn't need to end. Society is undergoing growing pains. We are reaping the less than beneficial results of the social media age. Nameless and faceless fools can say and do anything they want to do without repercussions. We have always had lunatics in our world, with the new world of social media we just now hear about those in a faster manner. The media age is not without it's benefits, but it also has a serious downside. Craigslist killer is a good example for you. The fools have always been with us, they just show up in a different way now. Stop the overreactions.

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YES. I definitely think it is time for a long break in this game. Frankly I don't want to sit in a stadium with one of the fans ever again. I enjoy all the other rivals we have, and enjoy traveling to most of the campuses. The bammers are a whole different thing.

Time to end the rivalry just like we did before. We can pick it back up when the time is right.

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I love the rivalry. We should never , ever quit playing Bama. It is what makes the football atmosphere in this state better than any other. And wether any real AU fan would like to admit it or not, when Bama is succesful, the Auburn administration has always had to raise the game on the plains. It actually helps us to play a team like Alabama year in and out.

Just take the rivalry for what it is. Not just A football game , but THE football game.

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I graduated from Auburn before the internet.  I have been a fan both before and after the internet.  The internet has made this rivalery much more intense.  The more "connected" we become the worse it gets.  Most of the people who get online and spew the hate which get those with opposing views angry are polite people in person.

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I graduated from Auburn before the internet.  I have been a fan both before and after the internet.  The internet has made this rivalery much more intense.  The more "connected" we become the worse it gets.  Most of the people who get online and spew the hate which get those with opposing views angry are polite people in person.

That's part of the problem.  The bama fan base is full of cowards who hide behind keyboards and throw flaming darts, but would be too scared to even say roll tide to your face in person.  Their small-mindedness and hatred are feeding off of themselves, and it may not be long before everyone looks back at this incident as just a minor occurrence that led to something bigger.

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leaving the SEC is the most ridiculous proposal Ive ever heard. I can understand not wanting to play Bama, MABYE, but leaving the SEC? come on stop being a bunch of Edited. That would also make it look like Auburn is backing down from the challenge that is the SEC. Winning the SEC is more impressive than winning the BCS in my opinion because you have to do it week in and week out with the best in the country, not just one game that you have a month to prepare/over prepare for

Edited. Please refrain from using non "family-friendly" language here. Thanks!

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Leave the SEC? Noway

Discontinue the series? Maybe

Auburn moving to the east would be a start that I could live with (Maybe move UT over). Put bama at the bottom of the rotation once it's done.

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Leave the SEC? Noway

Discontinue the series? Maybe

I definitely wouldn't consider leaving the SEC.  I would fully support having bama removed, however.  Hell, they can't stay off probation anyway -- they give the whole conference a bad reputation.

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THe rivalry is worse then ever because we own the turds since the BAHR died. They can't handle it. When Auburn is on a level playing field ( not playing cheaters or coaches who owned the state gov. etc) we always excel.

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