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Tracy Rocker *** update Today at 11:45:08 AM ***


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I would love for Rocker to stay but if he's offered the position I think he'll take it.  Everybody wants the opportunity to be able to move to the next level so I don't blame him at all.  If he does leave, I hope CGC hires a replacement very soon.  The new coach will have to start building relationships with the 2012 recruiting prospects and get to know the AU d-line in time for spring practice.

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From my understanding the team would have to pay him regardless of a lockout or not.  He is not bound by the NFL's collective bargaining agreement.  If he likes the staff at the Titans and the ownership then he should take the job.  This is not like taking the Vandy HC job.

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I hope he stays but if he goes then I want to say:  THANK YOU FOR STAYING THROUGH RECRUITING.  He helped Auburn put together a nice DL class and we would have been scrambling if he had left in January.

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You just dont REPLACE COACH TRACY ROCKER !!!!!!  Lets get that solved 1st.

  If So, Coach Rock heads 2 tha NFL, I dont blame him its not a lateral move... But w/ him Coaching both DE-DT, THAT is gonna have 2 be replaced w/ an excellent Coach, one that understands what Coach Chizik and Roof want from the D-Line !! 


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Congrats Coach Rocker!!!! I want to thank you for all that you have done, both on and off the field, for the Auburn Family. As you make your decision we will be praying that you will get the wisdom and knowlege of God's will for you and recieve all of His blessings! It is soooo great to see hard work and great values rewarded. Coach Rocker is a great coach, mentor and role model for us all. If he takes the job he will be missed.

I would caution everyone on saying he should or shouldn't take the job. There are many things more important than pay and title. IMHO happiness and work environment was worth at least 25% of my salary.

I am a little warped ... ok a lot warped, but that is just my $.02.

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Would the possible NFL lockout affect his decision?  If there was a good possibility of not playing next year, why would he want to leave?

Right now, it looks like a lockout followed by a almost-full season anyway, so I doubt it's much of a problem.  Plus, as has been pointed out, he gets paid anyway.  Also, any lockout time would give him more time to get integrated with the rest of the coaching staff, since it's not like they'd be busy coaching up the players.  

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Sounds like they want him.

It's what I call a vocational decision.  What sort of life does he want?  He can stay at Auburn, doing good work and making outstanding money, until he retires.  Whereas if he goes to Nashville, how long will it be before he has to move again?

On the other hand, maybe he wants to make more money.  Maybe he's interested in the NFL.  Maybe he wants to be a coordinator or a head coach. 

I could see it either way.

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Thanks for all you've done at AU, Coach Rocker.  You're an AU man through and through..I look forward to following your career in the NFL.

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Half serious, half joking: What would you guys think about Mike Dubose?

Do the assistant coaches have a shower in their office? Does Little Debbies have a concession contract with Auburn?

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I can in no way fault Coach Rocker for wanting to move to the NFL.  Now if it had been to another school that would be different but as it is I wish Coach Rocker all the success in the world and give him my thanks for all he has done for Auburn.

I’ll also say with what this staff has done in two years and especially after winning a NC I am absolutely amazed that we have only lost one assistant coach from the original staff.  That in and of itself should show everyone the level of dedication this staff has to Auburn.

War Eagle coach and best of luck to you!

:wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle: :wareagle:

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I haven't heard of any names surfacing yet but I would like to see us look real hard at Clint Hurtt from Louisville.  'Dude is a great recruiter and has A LOT of pull down in South Florida.

Great suggestion!!!

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