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My Wife Says I have too much Auburn Stuff......She is putting her foot down?


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And you guys gave me a hard time over my comment in the "recruits i wish we had gotten" thread?!!  What hypocrites!!

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Well now....we don't have the whole story here. The much-abused-by-AE-posters wife could have her reasons. There are reasons could even be valid. Perhaps she'd like room in the house for her children's beds, or an unobstructed path to the bathroom. Or maybe even some wall space for family photos. Maybe all she wants is one little corner for her own things, and for her children to have just a small place to sleep and play. Is that asking too much? :dunno:

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Guest shirley4au9

There's really no such thing as too much...

I'm CONSTANTLY buying Auburn-related pictures and decor for my house. I've got an unhealthy obsession for autographed stuff..bought a ton of stuff from some of the people on this board, actually! So yeah...if you lose and need to sell some stuff..you know where to find me lol

I'm in..I'll take some things off your hands.

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Play the emotions:

Guilt: There are kids all over the world going to bed tonight without Auburn stuff.  The shame of it. 

Romance: Tell her you think of her when you look at it.

Fear: Get drunk and burn a corndog in the oven. Tell her to be thankful you're not lsu. 

Pride: Tell her the Auburn gear reminds you that you're a man - lest you become, um, otherwise....

Common sense!: Sell your stuff and put the money towards a luxury suite in Jordan-Hare.

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Play the emotions:

Guilt: There are kids all over the world going to bed tonight without Auburn stuff.  The shame of it. 

Romance: Tell her you think of her when you look at it.

Fear: Get drunk and burn a corndog in the oven. Tell her to be thankful you're not lsu. 

Pride: Tell her the Auburn gear reminds you that you're a man - lest you become, um, otherwise....

Common sense!: Sell your stuff and put the money towards a luxury suite in Jordan-Hare.

AH HA!  Some new tricks revealed by a master manipulator! You men think you're so smart.....

If you burned a corn dog in the oven....you'd have to eat it for dinner and then clean up the mess you made. 


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You can never have enough Auburn gear. I have an Auburn hood cover, mats, and head rest just for my car. I won't even talk about what I have in my game room and the signatures I'm collecting. I usually wear an Auburn polo to work 1-2 times a week. This gear is just second nature.

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That's kind of like saying you've had too much sex, ice cream, or apple pie. ;D

Is there such a thing?  :dunno:

Yes... too much of the last two can lead to a serious reduction in the first... and I don't even want to think about the results of too much of the first..........

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