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New QB of the Future. LMAO.


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Well he does go to the same high school as Angelo Blackson and we also offered a junior there. Hopefully that is a pipeline in the making because its a good private school. I really want our pipeline to Carver to start again, oh and Dillard high school

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Not this again.  I really hope this staff doesn't start doing crap like offering kids that haven't even started playing high school ball yet.  Leave that to Kiffin.

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Don't expect a pipeline. The school (Red Lion Christian Academy) is in it deep with the Delaware High school athletic association for recruiting players and offering scholarships to players, neither of which is allowed in Delaware. And this is coming from my high school athletic trainer / athletic director who is part of the state athletic board.

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I saw an expose on the Red Lion Acadamy a couple of months ago on TV and the father of the 14 year old QB is pumping a bunch of money ($100K+) into the school, the facilities, and a workout/training facility where top athletes can train.  The father is basically trying to surround his son with top talent to insure his success.  It may have been cheaper just to pay for him to go to USCw......

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Read the last sentence on the bottom.

Update: Sills' father tells the Times that the Tigers did not extend an offer. Clarkson maintained that Auburn has extended a scholarship offer to a different Times reporter.

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Clarkson is just looking for a buzz around his pupil.  Sills own father said he doesn't have an offer from AU.  Nothing to see here other than a private QB coach that wants some publicity and a sports news outlet that even though they know the truth wants to keep up the misleading headline.

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great pic chaotic!!

Thanks, I made it in the style of the Action Sports Art paintings. I realize it's not close but that wasn't my plan. Again thanks for noticing.

After I posted the tweet the news hit that it was false. I'll tell you what, Journalism or lack there of is really becoming an issue in sports these days.

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