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We may break 100 pages on this topic before CK signs.

reply 924

925!!! lol but seriously i hope cyrus makes the decision best for him.  hopefully that decision is  :wareagle: but who are we to decide what's best for him and his family.  :wedance: to cyrus and i wish him the best wherever he decides to play ball.

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I spoke to a friend of mine who used to be a missionary in West Africa and we were talking about the CK issue.  He told me the culture there is a young man does not go against his father's wishes.  He thought was that if the dad said it's uat, it's uat.

I think that fact alone is what is making this decision so difficult for him. I/we can only hope that the father tells him to follow his heart as well and to make his own decision.

I guess nobody is believing me when I say his parents are not pushing Cyrus to bama as strongly as most people believe...They are just now taking Auburn seriously and getting to know about Auburn.

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ellitor, do you think they are visiting AU or are we visiting them? :we:

It is a quiet period so we can not visit...and I do not think they are coming down. They just have to get comfortable with Auburn and the idea of Cyrus going there.
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I thought quiet period ended on NSD. Are you sure? :dunno:

Dead period ended on NSD. The quiet period started on February 3rd.

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If they don't visit this weekend, I don't understand why they wouldn't? It sure is a beautiful day here on the Plains today. It's cold, but the sun is finally out! I wish they would make the trip down to see first hand what Cyrus sees in Auburn.

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What facinates me is that all the focus is on football. Where can Cyrus play earliest? What coach will treat him better? Which team will do the best over the next few years? , etc.

Last I heard, college was about getting an education. Alabama doesn't even have the program of study this young man is interested in. Listening to all the fans and talking heads, one would think that all 5 star recruits become first round draft picks, none of them ever get hurt, and all have long productive NFL careers well into their seventies.

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What facinates me is that all the focus is on football. Where can Cyrus play earliest? What coach will treat him better? Which team will do the best over the next few years? , etc.

Last I heard, college was about getting an education. Alabama doesn't even have the program of study this young man is interested in. Listening to all the fans and talking heads, one would think that all 5 star recruits become first round draft picks, none of them ever get hurt, and all have long productive NFL careers well into their seventies.

I agree.  I've said in several postings that UAT shouldn't even be in the equation because they don't offer what he wants to major in. 

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What facinates me is that all the focus is on football. Where can Cyrus play earliest? What coach will treat him better? Which team will do the best over the next few years? , etc.

Last I heard, college was about getting an education. Alabama doesn't even have the program of study this young man is interested in. Listening to all the fans and talking heads, one would think that all 5 star recruits become first round draft picks, none of them ever get hurt, and all have long productive NFL careers well into their seventies.

At this level, it's rare to find a football player who cares about school. All these big prospects want to go to the NFL, so they will go somewhere that will help them do that, not somewhere that offers good classes. College football has become a business, a minor league for the NFL.

If academics was of major importance, Stanford and Vanderbilt would be perennial national powers

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What facinates me is that all the focus is on football. Where can Cyrus play earliest? What coach will treat him better? Which team will do the best over the next few years? , etc.

Last I heard, college was about getting an education. Alabama doesn't even have the program of study this young man is interested in. Listening to all the fans and talking heads, one would think that all 5 star recruits become first round draft picks, none of them ever get hurt, and all have long productive NFL careers well into their seventies.

Well CK has basically said he only plans on being in college for 3 years. He is looking to go pro.

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For what its worth, here is my opinion.  Based on what i read, CK's parents are first generation immigrants.  They also live in Maryland which has a much more diverse  college sports scene than we have here.  Hockey, Soccer, Lacrosse all have large followings in that area (I lived in Rockville, Md. for 10 years)  Immigrants are MUCH more family oriented than even we are.  I work with immigrants every day.

I'm sure his parents were all for CK taking visits to anywhere he wanted to go but in the back of their mind he would pick family (his brother's companionship) over anywhere else.  CK visits Auburn and is struck by how "family" oriented Auburn is and is comfortable there.  His brother evidently while maybe liking Alabama doesn't have the same feelings about the Capstone.  CK wanting to be his own man chooses Auburn.

His parents don't get it because there are plenty of sports their son can play but he is going to somewhere that is the archrival to his brother.  It seems against family to them.  They don't see playing college football as that big a deal and say whoa!  The fact that it has taken this long is promising for Auburn.  That means iMHO that CK is VERY serious about coming to Auburn.  The parents see this as a HUGE move in their family having their two sons not be together when they have the chance to be together.  Hopefully they will or have come to see it not as splitting their sons up or dishonoring the family or being disrespectful to his brother, but as each making a choice which is LIFE CHANGING.  Its a big deal to us; I doubt that college football is that big a deal to them.  

That's just my take on it.  Your mileage may vary!

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I understand, but what percentage of 5 star prospects make enough money in the NFL to support them their entire lives? How can the educational aspirations be ignored even if it's just a back up plan. Maybe somebody out there has  statistics for five star recruits that make it to the NFL. If it's 90%, I'll stand corrected.

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If you're on a 3yr plan, which even his father suggested, then you don't want to go to bama where your success means your brother's 3yr plan is undermined. Or vice versa. With bama's depth, Big C could sit out a year or back up and threatens the viability of the 3yr plan. In this assessment, the 3yr plan for both brothers is paramount to the college attended--arch rivals or not. Grimes is a great OL coach and we are sending a couple quality OL into the NFL this year. Under this line of thinking AU is a pretty clear choice.

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You guys are waaaaayyyyyy overanalyzing this thing.  This has nothing to do with CK, his family, or courses of study.  This is all about the mods at AE wanting to maximize the number of hits on their website.  It's a ploy to keep us in suspense and checking in every 30 seconds for as long as they can.   ;D

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