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At this point I am fine with our coaching staff telling CK "Thanks but we've decided to move on. We wish you the best in your future endeavours". Wherever he decides to go will be considered the "highest bidder" no matter what has actaully gone into the decision making process. IMHO no player is worth being played the way everyone involved is being played right now. I understand this is a big decision for this young man but we did well enough with OL that want to be Auburn Men this year that we don't need to fawn over someone that is obviously struggling mightily to make a decision. There will be other great OL next year that won't think twice about being an Auburn Tiger. FWIW.

At this point I am fine with our MODS telling people that make posts like this "Thanks but we've decided to move on. We wish you the best in your endeavors". Wherever he decides to go, pretending that you don't care about one of the top 5 players in the country coming to play football for your team is just silly. IMHO any player that could become an Auburn player is worth taking a few extra days to let them be sure they want to be here. I understand that our line will be great without him, but it could be one of the best to ever come together on one team if we can just affirm Ck that he will be happy here. There will be other great OL next year and they will also have hard decisions to make and hopefully it will happen just as it has in this situation if that's what it takes to get the very best players to Auburn University. FWIW.

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"Ready to move on"...... Get real!  We would love to have CK with us in the Auburn Family!  Don't try to act above it when you know good and well we would all be glad if he signs with AU!  War Eagle Cyrus!


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CyKo has just invited another 72 hours of craziness upon himself and his family.  What he should do is say that he is going to make a decision on Monday and then quietly send in his LOI to Auburn.  That way when Saban sends in the Alabama National Guard on Monday it will be too late.  Genius I say, genius.

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CyKo has just invited another 72 hours of craziness upon himself and his family.  What he should do is say that he is going to make a decision on Monday and then quietly send in his LOI to Auburn.  That way when Saban sends in the Alabama National Guard on Monday it will be too late.  Genius I say, genius.

This is actually funny.  In a very dark twisted way.  I am sure he and his family are as sick of the drama as anyone.  +2 to casatiger

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just FYI. He said reports of announcing on the Auburn Eagle facebook page.
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"Ready to move on"...... Get real!  We would love to have CK with us in the Auburn Family!  Don't try to act above it when you know good and well we would all be glad if he signs with AU!  War Eagle Cyrus!


Yep - this works real good in life too.

"Is  Katie ready?"

"She'll be down in a couple minutes."

"I know we're engaged but, you know, tell her too bad - I'm outta here."


"Honey, you ready to leave for the opera?"

"I'll be right down."

Uh, leave right then.  Come home.  Find your stuff, once on inside of house on outside of house.

Welcome to the real world. Yikes.

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just FYI. He said reports of announcing on the Auburn Eagle facebook page.

I have read it both ways.

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Well if he's not announcing until Monday is there any chance if there being an in-home visit or is there still a dead period going on?

We are now in a Quiet Period. During a NCAA-mandated "Quiet Period," in-person recruiting activity is limited to contact on campus, as part of an official or unofficial recruiting visit.

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Is anyone concerned that ST did not include his confidence level in the most recent pinned update????

That only means that his confidence level has not changed. 

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You know what they say, nobody has more confidence in bammer than an Auburn fan.

That is signature quote worthy!  Kudos :laugh:

It is so true!  :laugh:

I agree and it makes me sick to my stomach. Auburn fans who are that way should take a deep look at themselves!!
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None of this will matter in two weeks. He's either in or out and it's his decision. I got better things to worry about like being the best husband I can be no matter what it takes. Also I'm going to eat some good ole BBQ no matter how rainy it is tonight  :wareagle:

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Well if he's not announcing until Monday is there any chance if there being an in-home visit or is there still a dead period going on?

We are now in a Quiet Period. During a NCAA-mandated "Quiet Period," in-person recruiting activity is limited to contact on campus, as part of an official or unofficial recruiting visit.

Correct...but that isn't stopping SPuat from having one of their recruiters setting up shop in Maryland.  And by recruiter, I'm talking about one of their reporters.  They've recruited for SPuat, twice, that we know of.  What is to stop them from doing it again.

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i'm basing  this comment on a source that has been right more than wrong....he is not perfect but better than most "expert sources"......bug c will be a tiger

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"Ready to move on"...... Get real!  We would love to have CK with us in the Auburn Family!  Don't try to act above it when you know good and well we would all be glad if he signs with AU!  War Eagle Cyrus!


Yep - this works real good in life too.

"Is  Katie ready?"

"She'll be down in a couple minutes."

"I know we're engaged but, you know, tell her too bad - I'm outta here."


"Honey, you ready to leave for the opera?"

"I'll be right down."

Uh, leave right then.  Come home.  Find your stuff, once on inside of house on outside of house.

Welcome to the real world. Yikes.

Or...just don't get married and you can keep all of your stuff inside your house. I like that real world much better than yours.

As a bonus......no opera.

Or Barry Manilow.     ;D

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My Prediction: The next thing we will hear is that the family is under too much pressure and plans to get out of the house and go to an undisclosed location the weekend to think about things....

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He really have til April 1.

People should think about this statement more.  CK doesn't owe anyone a commitment *now*.  The entire National Signing Day fiasco is just a media driven circus.  It's the first day players can sign, but they are under no obligation to do so.  How many normal college kids figure out where they're going by this time of the school year?  Heck, I didn't know where I was going for college until May or June.  

If CK needs the time to decide on his future, then the kid should take the time.

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just FYI. He said reports of announcing on the Auburn Eagle facebook page.

Thanks ellitor, I didn't look on facebook.  I was just trying to stop everyone from melting down from "woe is us, he will have an anouncement which means he is going to turdville."

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My Prediction: The next thing we will hear is that the family is under too much pressure and plans to get out of the house and go to an undisclosed location the weekend to think about things....

As long as they don't go to Peaches house in Russelville, I'm ok with this

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