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This whole situation has gotten ridiculous. Outside of CK himself and the family, I think this situation has become an Auburn vs Alabama competition for the fans. I don't think the majority of the people joining his Facebook page or flooding forums/blogs/Twitter with posts about him actually care the HE, the person, goes to the school of their choice. It's a "BOOM YEAH IN YOUR FACE TURDS/BARNERS WE GOT HIM YOUR SCHOOL BLOWS!" ***** they are seeking.

Edited for language

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If CK ends up going to UA, our offensive line will still be great. But even in this society of it being okay to change your mind, doing it this way just doesn't look good and leads to speculation. I hope he makes the best decision for him, but it just won't look great to go to UA at this point.

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I understand them not knowing all of the recruiting ropes although they went through it last year.  But Coach McGregor should have strongly encouraged the parents to join him on his Official Visit last weekend. 

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This whole situation has gotten ridiculous. Outside of CK himself and the family, I think this situation has become an Auburn vs Alabama competition for the fans. I don't think the majority of the people joining his Facebook page or flooding forums/blogs/Twitter with posts about him actually care the HE, the person, goes to the school of their choice. It's a "BOOM YEAH IN YOUR FACE TURDS/BARNERS WE GOT HIM YOUR SCHOOL BLOWS!" ****** they are seeking.

Good Point,  Also I feel the winner of CK will end up being "percieved" as winning the 2011 recruiting year.   

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Not sure if someone has posted this or not.  This is a quote from Cyrus on ESPNS rumors page.

"My heart told me to go Auburn and it just rolled out of my tongue," he said about his announcement. "And my brain is starting to kick in right now and I'm trying to have them agree. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to have my brain and my heart agree."

It's a quote so I'm pretty sure I can post that.  If not, my bad.

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I understand them not knowing all of the recruiting ropes although they went through it last year.  But Coach McGregor should have strongly encouraged the parents to join him on his Official Visit last weekend.

I honestly think it was one of those situations where nobody coaches, family members, even CK himself thought Auburn was a major player at that time. I think the just sent him thinking it was just a visit just to visit, but he was still bammer bound with big brother. Then CK got to AU and loved it and made him want to be there. Along with the other OLinemen that were coming with this class that already had a bond with CK.

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Arie possibly visiting home today doesn't necessarily mean they won't still make it down here.  It is possibly for them to still make it this weekend or even at a later date.  Earlier, I hinted at the fact that it's a good possibility that they visit and there still is a good possibility, guys.  I didn't say it would for sure happen but there's still a good chance it will.

Why would Arie fly to Maryland from Alabama, just to turn around and fly back?

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Arie possibly visiting home today doesn't necessarily mean they won't still make it down here.  It is possibly for them to still make it this weekend or even at a later date.  Earlier, I hinted at the fact that it's a good possibility that they visit and there still is a good possibility, guys.  I didn't say it would for sure happen but there's still a good chance it will.

Why would Arie fly to Maryland from Alabama, just to turn around and fly back?

Why not?  He wouldn't be there long regardless if he had classes to attend on Monday.
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Arie possibly visiting home today doesn't necessarily mean they won't still make it down here.  It is possibly for them to still make it this weekend or even at a later date.  Earlier, I hinted at the fact that it's a good possibility that they visit and there still is a good possibility, guys.  I didn't say it would for sure happen but there's still a good chance it will.

Why would Arie fly to Maryland from Alabama, just to turn around and fly back?

I think we are trying to over analyze every single little thing. Let's just sit back and let things play out.

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I understand them not knowing all of the recruiting ropes although they went through it last year.  But Coach McGregor should have strongly encouraged the parents to join him on his Official Visit last weekend.

I honestly think it was one of those situations where nobody coaches, family members, even CK himself thought Auburn was a major player at that time. I think the just sent him thinking it was just a visit just to visit, but he was still bammer bound with big brother. Then CK got to AU and loved it and made him want to be there. Along with the other OLinemen that were coming with this class that already had a bond with CK.

You are correct, IMO.  When CK was at the UA All Star Game he became friends with Dismukes, Westerman and O'Reilly.  Then the coaches started giving him alot of attention at home.  I think the parents thought he was making the visit for the coaches and his new friends.  He may not have known himself that it would affect him the way it did.  

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Arie possibly visiting home today doesn't necessarily mean they won't still make it down here.  It is possibly for them to still make it this weekend or even at a later date.  Earlier, I hinted at the fact that it's a good possibility that they visit and there still is a good possibility, guys.  I didn't say it would for sure happen but there's still a good chance it will.

Why would Arie fly to Maryland from Alabama, just to turn around and fly back?

I think we are trying to over analyze every single little thing. Let's just sit back and let things play out.

I'm simply passing along info that I know to be true.  Take it or leave it, guys.
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Arie possibly visiting home today doesn't necessarily mean they won't still make it down here.  It is possibly for them to still make it this weekend or even at a later date.  Earlier, I hinted at the fact that it's a good possibility that they visit and there still is a good possibility, guys.  I didn't say it would for sure happen but there's still a good chance it will.

Why would Arie fly to Maryland from Alabama, just to turn around and fly back?

I think we are trying to over analyze every single little thing. Let's just sit back and let things play out.

I'm simply passing along info that I know to be true.  Take it or leave it, guys.

We will TAKE IT! Im coming to the point where I'm not that bothered about this anymore. If he join us great but I won't be upset if he doesn't. This is not an insult to Cyrus just the situation.

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Yes, Ellitor!  Let it all play out...and pray out.  

That little quote from CK about "head and heart agreeing" (which I also read in an article this morning, thanks for posting)...sounds just like the spiritual tug-of-war that goes on in each of us.  Nothing from our heart ever makes sense to our head, and they do wrestle.  Key is...getting them on the same page and going against the grain if need be.  That's where leaders are often born.

That ONE Voice to which CK needs to listen...may that one be his chosen direction.  It's down to free will now, which we each have!

Regardless of his free choice, the ultimate good of anyone or any team that sets out to bring God glory is a surety. I STILL love Ziemba's summation on Celebration Day..."No one remembers the trophies..." (or the stats or ranking class, etc.)"...down the road...it's all about family."

Play out, pray out, play on, pray on!  

Have a GREAT Friday, everyone...it's always great to be an Auburn Tiger!!

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Yes, Ellitor!  Let it all play out...and pray out.  

That little quote from CK about "head and heart agreeing" (which I also read in an article this morning, thanks for posting)...sounds just like the spiritual tug-of-war that goes on in each of us.  Nothing from our heart ever makes sense to our head, and they do wrestle.  Key is...getting them on the same page and going against the grain if need be.  That's where leaders are often born.

That ONE Voice to which CK needs to listen...may that one be his chosen direction.  It's down to free will now, which we each have!

Regardless of his free choice, the ultimate good of anyone or any team that sets out to bring God glory is a surety. I STILL love Ziemba's summation on Celebration Day..."No one remembers the trophies..." (or the stats or ranking class, etc.)"...down the road...it's all about family."

Play out, pray out, play on, pray on!  

Have a GREAT Friday, everyone...it's always great to be an Auburn Tiger!!

I posted this yesterday, I'll post again today - for him specifically:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please help Cyrus and his family.  Grant them wisdom and peace.  Strengthen them together and allow us to show grace even as you've shown grace to us.  Help those that work with them to be pure in motive and heart, honest and true.  And as Cyrus starts his collegiate and athletic endeavors, let him find good friends, help him achieve academically, keep him safe from injury. 

As in all things, let us all put you first. 

In Jesus Name

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I agree with AFE on why his parents didn't come.  But I think the whole doubting comes from the reaction from his family.  I think he went into the decision with the tought and understanding that it was his decision only and that his parents were fine with what ever he decided.  (the parents didn't think to interject because they believed he was choosing UA).  After he made his decision, it scared him the reaction he got from his parents.  

Now he has just got to show his family why he wants to come to Auburn and get them comfortable with it.  The best way to do this is to get them on campus.  I know this all seems very obvious, but thought it was worth stating.  I don't believe it was just a knee jerk reaction in picking AU.  He just needs to make sure he gets the coaches involved in the AU sell to his parents.

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Arie possibly visiting home today doesn't necessarily mean they won't still make it down here.  It is possibly for them to still make it this weekend or even at a later date.  Earlier, I hinted at the fact that it's a good possibility that they visit and there still is a good possibility, guys.  I didn't say it would for sure happen but there's still a good chance it will.

Why would Arie fly to Maryland from Alabama, just to turn around and fly back?

I think we are trying to over analyze every single little thing. Let's just sit back and let things play out.

I'm simply passing along info that I know to be true.  Take it or leave it, guys.

We will TAKE IT! Im coming to the point where I'm not that bothered about this anymore. If he join us great but I won't be upset if he doesn't. This is not an insult to Cyrus just the situation.

No, I want Cyrus on the Plains bad! He is a gamechanger. His highschool film is ridiculous! We need him alot because we just lost the four seniors, and Greene & Moseley are gone next year....But, Alabama may need him even more than we do. I think their plan is for Fluker will play RT and Arie will play inside. They lost their LT this year and Cyrus is who they want to fill that position. If we can get Cyrus to Auburn he will start from day one AND it will leave bama very thin at the position.

Two months ago I didn't think we had a shot. But now, this is probably the most important recruit since Gene Chizik got here.

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Arie flying back home =  Arie get your butt home and talk some sense to your brother Cyrus.  Bottomline, if anyone should be flying it should be the parents visiting Auburn this weekend.  At least make an attempt and learn about the university, football program, coaches, top notch architecture program, etc.  "Before making an informed decision/opinion one should have all the info infront of them".

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There's two sides two every argument.  His family is on Bama and the clearly make CK on Auburn.  So you think about it CK is having to defend his choice than he clearly wants to be a TIGER.

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Arie possibly visiting home today doesn't necessarily mean they won't still make it down here.  It is possibly for them to still make it this weekend or even at a later date.  Earlier, I hinted at the fact that it's a good possibility that they visit and there still is a good possibility, guys.  I didn't say it would for sure happen but there's still a good chance it will.

Why would Arie fly to Maryland from Alabama, just to turn around and fly back?

I think we are trying to over analyze every single little thing. Let's just sit back and let things play out.

I'm simply passing along info that I know to be true.  Take it or leave it, guys.

I was on your side J-S. It was more to the poster that was questioning you.
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Arie possibly visiting home today doesn't necessarily mean they won't still make it down here.  It is possibly for them to still make it this weekend or even at a later date.  Earlier, I hinted at the fact that it's a good possibility that they visit and there still is a good possibility, guys.  I didn't say it would for sure happen but there's still a good chance it will.

Why would Arie fly to Maryland from Alabama, just to turn around and fly back?

I think we are trying to over analyze every single little thing. Let's just sit back and let things play out.

I'm simply passing along info that I know to be true.  Take it or leave it, guys.

I was on your side J-S. It was more to the poster that was questioning you.

Oh, I know.  I was more or less making a general statement.  Ya'll just need to sit back and let it play out for sure.  I'm still hearing very positive stuff.
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