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Sounds like some gumps were insinuating that something shady was going on in this situation. This statement "Ok, this might be my last post because this is turning into something ugly in here and everywhere else." also tells me it was just gumps being gumps. I hope this gets passed along in the decision making process.

BlueTunaTiger has written a whole new saga, rivaling Redfish's epic fiction about McGregor, Lowder, and the gambling ties to Auburn's pay for play scheme.  It should be clear by now to even the most casual observer that this is the Bama m.o.  The gambling thing didn't pan out.  In fact, several of the tide "insiders" got trolled last night and were exposed as frauds when they asserted the legitimacy of a thread on the subject that the OP later admitted was completely made up.  This is not new for them.  They did the same thing with Calloway.  Remember when he comitted to AU, they immediately started the "he was induced" to commit to AU.  They fabricated some fairly detailed myths about who had gotten money from whom.  Interestingly, no one has thrown that back at them now that BC has signed with bama.  Now, they don't have a supposed "lock" sewn up, so someone must be paying for CK.  Since they can't attack the family while they still have a chance to land him, they've gone after his HS coach.

I've been telling y'all, this is what happens when the entitled person doesn't get his "entitlement."  The arrogance of some that believe bama superiority is a birthright is quite remarkable.  In their minds, there is no way little ol Auburn could ever stay on the field with them.  Now, since I know we have some guests and trolls here who know me from other forums, I will say that not every bama fan is this way.  I even have family members who are tiders and not everything is a conspiracy to them.  But there are enough of them out there that do think this way to have an influence on public perception of Auburn.  That's why my new mantra has become accountability.  I think it's time these nuts stop getting a free ride on every ridiculous thing they write.  There needs to be a moment where they are called to account for their irresponsible public assassination of the character of people and a univeristy.

What the Bama Truck Stop Mafia continues to do with our players and staff (specifically Coach Taylor) should be an outrage to the AU family. I hate Bama fans...and to sugarcoat this rivalry is to ignore reality.  Chizik has stepped up and gone nose-to-nose with Saban..and looked like the better man for it.

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Sounds like some gumps were insinuating that something shady was going on in this situation. This statement "Ok, this might be my last post because this is turning into something ugly in here and everywhere else." also tells me it was just gumps being gumps. I hope this gets passed along in the decision making process.

BlueTunaTiger has written a whole new saga, rivaling Redfish's epic fiction about McGregor, Lowder, and the gambling ties to Auburn's pay for play scheme.  It should be clear by now to even the most casual observer that this is the Bama m.o.  The gambling thing didn't pan out.  In fact, several of the tide "insiders" got trolled last night and were exposed as frauds when they asserted the legitimacy of a thread on the subject that the OP later admitted was completely made up.  This is not new for them.  They did the same thing with Calloway.  Remember when he comitted to AU, they immediately started the "he was induced" to commit to AU.  They fabricated some fairly detailed myths about who had gotten money from whom.  Interestingly, no one has thrown that back at them now that BC has signed with bama.  Now, they don't have a supposed "lock" sewn up, so someone must be paying for CK.  Since they can't attack the family while they still have a chance to land him, they've gone after his HS coach.

I've been telling y'all, this is what happens when the entitled person doesn't get his "entitlement."  The arrogance of some that believe bama superiority is a birthright is quite remarkable.  In their minds, there is no way little ol Auburn could ever stay on the field with them.  Now, since I know we have some guests and trolls here who know me from other forums, I will say that not every bama fan is this way.  I even have family members who are tiders and not everything is a conspiracy to them.  But there are enough of them out there that do think this way to have an influence on public perception of Auburn.  That's why my new mantra has become accountability.  I think it's time these nuts stop getting a free ride on every ridiculous thing they write.  There needs to be a moment where they are called to account for their irresponsible public assassination of the character of people and a univeristy.

What the Bama Truck Stop Mafia continues to do with our players and staff (specifically Coach Taylor) should be an outrage to the AU family. I hate Bama fans...and to sugarcoat this rivalry is to ignore reality.  Chizik has stepped up and gone nose-to-nose with Saban..and looked like the better man for it.

Hate's a pretty strong word.

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Tweet from AUQBDad -- "Feeling more confident this morning, concerning our current situation. Thanks to all the AU family for your class and character."

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Sounds like some gumps were insinuating that something shady was going on in this situation. This statement "Ok, this might be my last post because this is turning into something ugly in here and everywhere else." also tells me it was just gumps being gumps. I hope this gets passed along in the decision making process.

BlueTunaTiger has written a whole new saga, rivaling Redfish's epic fiction about McGregor, Lowder, and the gambling ties to Auburn's pay for play scheme.  It should be clear by now to even the most casual observer that this is the Bama m.o.  The gambling thing didn't pan out.  In fact, several of the tide "insiders" got trolled last night and were exposed as frauds when they asserted the legitimacy of a thread on the subject that the OP later admitted was completely made up.  This is not new for them.  They did the same thing with Calloway.  Remember when he comitted to AU, they immediately started the "he was induced" to commit to AU.  They fabricated some fairly detailed myths about who had gotten money from whom.  Interestingly, no one has thrown that back at them now that BC has signed with bama.  Now, they don't have a supposed "lock" sewn up, so someone must be paying for CK.  Since they can't attack the family while they still have a chance to land him, they've gone after his HS coach.

I've been telling y'all, this is what happens when the entitled person doesn't get his "entitlement."  The arrogance of some that believe bama superiority is a birthright is quite remarkable.  In their minds, there is no way little ol Auburn could ever stay on the field with them.  Now, since I know we have some guests and trolls here who know me from other forums, I will say that not every bama fan is this way.  I even have family members who are tiders and not everything is a conspiracy to them.  But there are enough of them out there that do think this way to have an influence on public perception of Auburn.  That's why my new mantra has become accountability.  I think it's time these nuts stop getting a free ride on every ridiculous thing they write.  There needs to be a moment where they are called to account for their irresponsible public assassination of the character of people and a univeristy.

What the Bama Truck Stop Mafia continues to do with our players and staff (specifically Coach Taylor) should be an outrage to the AU family. I hate Bama fans...and to sugarcoat this rivalry is to ignore reality.  Chizik has stepped up and gone nose-to-nose with Saban..and looked like the better man for it.

Hate's a pretty strong word.

It's a very strong word.  I don't hate anyone, but I do despise how some of these people treat others and are allowed free run at anyone or anything associated with Auburn.

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Sounds like some gumps were insinuating that something shady was going on in this situation. This statement "Ok, this might be my last post because this is turning into something ugly in here and everywhere else." also tells me it was just gumps being gumps. I hope this gets passed along in the decision making process.

BlueTunaTiger has written a whole new saga, rivaling Redfish's epic fiction about McGregor, Lowder, and the gambling ties to Auburn's pay for play scheme.  It should be clear by now to even the most casual observer that this is the Bama m.o.  The gambling thing didn't pan out.  In fact, several of the tide "insiders" got trolled last night and were exposed as frauds when they asserted the legitimacy of a thread on the subject that the OP later admitted was completely made up.  This is not new for them.  They did the same thing with Calloway.  Remember when he comitted to AU, they immediately started the "he was induced" to commit to AU.  They fabricated some fairly detailed myths about who had gotten money from whom.  Interestingly, no one has thrown that back at them now that BC has signed with bama.  Now, they don't have a supposed "lock" sewn up, so someone must be paying for CK.  Since they can't attack the family while they still have a chance to land him, they've gone after his HS coach.

I've been telling y'all, this is what happens when the entitled person doesn't get his "entitlement."  The arrogance of some that believe bama superiority is a birthright is quite remarkable.  In their minds, there is no way little ol Auburn could ever stay on the field with them.  Now, since I know we have some guests and trolls here who know me from other forums, I will say that not every bama fan is this way.  I even have family members who are tiders and not everything is a conspiracy to them.  But there are enough of them out there that do think this way to have an influence on public perception of Auburn.  That's why my new mantra has become accountability.  I think it's time these nuts stop getting a free ride on every ridiculous thing they write.  There needs to be a moment where they are called to account for their irresponsible public assassination of the character of people and a univeristy.

What the Bama Truck Stop Mafia continues to do with our players and staff (specifically Coach Taylor) should be an outrage to the AU family. I hate Bama fans...and to sugarcoat this rivalry is to ignore reality.  Chizik has stepped up and gone nose-to-nose with Saban..and looked like the better man for it.

Hate's a pretty strong word.

yep, it is. 

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Tweet from AUQBDad -- "Feeling more confident this morning, concerning our current situation. Thanks to all the AU family for your class and character."

I want CK and his family to WANT to be at AU.  If not, he needs to go where his heart takes him.  That is all ANYONE can ask...Also, i'll be glad when it's done!!

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what you do not understand are these people will do things like this throughout all aspects of there lives with no concerne or care for another human!

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Was about to post Senor (can't do the spanish squiggly thing above the 'n') Beach just tweeted/err twittered..er twate..er..w/e the hip lingo is..but saw it above....I would like to think that's good news hopefully...I trust his 'sources' a heck of a lot more than...well pretty much anyone elses (tough call on the Brent Flipflopaway tho...but still)..so keep thinking positive ! (Says that to myself)

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If CK signs with AU he will definately want to be here.  Why would he sign with us if he didn't want to be here?  Even if his family doesn;t like his decision at first I am confident that they would come around once they visited and got to know our coaches better.

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BlueTunaTiger has written a whole new saga, rivaling Redfish's epic fiction about McGregor, Lowder, and the gambling ties to Auburn's pay for play scheme.  It should be clear by now to even the most casual observer that this is the Bama m.o.  The gambling thing didn't pan out.  In fact, several of the tide "insiders" got trolled last night and were exposed as frauds when they asserted the legitimacy of a thread on the subject that the OP later admitted was completely made up.  This is not new for them.  They did the same thing with Calloway.  Remember when he comitted to AU, they immediately started the "he was induced" to commit to AU.  They fabricated some fairly detailed myths about who had gotten money from whom.  Interestingly, no one has thrown that back at them now that BC has signed with bama.  Now, they don't have a supposed "lock" sewn up, so someone must be paying for CK.  Since they can't attack the family while they still have a chance to land him, they've gone after his HS coach.

I've been telling y'all, this is what happens when the entitled person doesn't get his "entitlement."  The arrogance of some that believe bama superiority is a birthright is quite remarkable.  In their minds, there is no way little ol Auburn could ever stay on the field with them.  Now, since I know we have some guests and trolls here who know me from other forums, I will say that not every bama fan is this way.  I even have family members who are tiders and not everything is a conspiracy to them.  But there are enough of them out there that do think this way to have an influence on public perception of Auburn.  That's why my new mantra has become accountability.  I think it's time these nuts stop getting a free ride on every ridiculous thing they write.  There needs to be a moment where they are called to account for their irresponsible public assassination of the character of people and a univeristy.

My nominee for most well thought out and articulated post of the week.  Dead [freakin'] on.

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Is his annoucement going to be public the second go around? Or is it going to be a phone call and a fax to our office...or a office.

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Does anybody have any idea what time today CK is going to make his decision known? I really hope he chooses us, because he would be a great addition to the OL for AU; but, I am worried that the longer this takes, the more it doesn't favor AU. I don't know why I feel that way, but I do.

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Does anybody have any idea what time today CK is going to make his decision known? I really hope he chooses us, because he would be a great addition to the OL for AU; but, I am worried that the longer this takes, the more it doesn't favor AU. I don't know why I feel that way, but I do.

I could be wrong but I don't believe there is an actual time this go around.

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Does anybody have any idea what time today CK is going to make his decision known? I really hope he chooses us, because he would be a great addition to the OL for AU; but, I am worried that the longer this takes, the more it doesn't favor AU. I don't know why I feel that way, but I do.

My only thing is, I feel that if he was headed to bammer, he would have already faxed in his letter. I think it favors Auburn that it has taken a little while longer, but I could be wrong.

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Is it actually confirmed that he is going to make his final decision today?  Or is this just speculation?  Last I read his high school coach wasn't sure when it would be.

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Sounds like some gumps were insinuating that something shady was going on in this situation. This statement "Ok, this might be my last post because this is turning into something ugly in here and everywhere else." also tells me it was just gumps being gumps. I hope this gets passed along in the decision making process.

BlueTunaTiger has written a whole new saga, rivaling Redfish's epic fiction about McGregor, Lowder, and the gambling ties to Auburn's pay for play scheme.  It should be clear by now to even the most casual observer that this is the Bama m.o.  The gambling thing didn't pan out.  In fact, several of the tide "insiders" got trolled last night and were exposed as frauds when they asserted the legitimacy of a thread on the subject that the OP later admitted was completely made up.  This is not new for them.  They did the same thing with Calloway.  Remember when he comitted to AU, they immediately started the "he was induced" to commit to AU.  They fabricated some fairly detailed myths about who had gotten money from whom.  Interestingly, no one has thrown that back at them now that BC has signed with bama.  Now, they don't have a supposed "lock" sewn up, so someone must be paying for CK.  Since they can't attack the family while they still have a chance to land him, they've gone after his HS coach.

I've been telling y'all, this is what happens when the entitled person doesn't get his "entitlement."  The arrogance of some that believe bama superiority is a birthright is quite remarkable.  In their minds, there is no way little ol Auburn could ever stay on the field with them.  Now, since I know we have some guests and trolls here who know me from other forums, I will say that not every bama fan is this way.  I even have family members who are tiders and not everything is a conspiracy to them.  But there are enough of them out there that do think this way to have an influence on public perception of Auburn.  That's why my new mantra has become accountability.  I think it's time these nuts stop getting a free ride on every ridiculous thing they write.  There needs to be a moment where they are called to account for their irresponsible public assassination of the character of people and a univeristy.

Well, it's common knowledge that Cyrus' high school, Bill McGregor, is Milton McGregor's cousin.  ;):laugh:

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Does anybody have any idea what time today CK is going to make his decision known? I really hope he chooses us, because he would be a great addition to the OL for AU; but, I am worried that the longer this takes, the more it doesn't favor AU. I don't know why I feel that way, but I do.

My only thing is, I feel that if he was headed to bammer, he would have already faxed in his letter. I think it favors Auburn that it has taken a little while longer, but I could be wrong.

I agree with this.  Seems like if he would have given in to his family's original wishes, he would ahve already done it.  In my opinion, he has taken the time to convince his family why AU is the place for him (though they may also be realizing that the mistake was made last year on NSD  ;) )

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Does anybody have any idea what time today CK is going to make his decision known? I really hope he chooses us, because he would be a great addition to the OL for AU; but, I am worried that the longer this takes, the more it doesn't favor AU. I don't know why I feel that way, but I do.

My only thing is, I feel that if he was headed to bammer, he would have already faxed in his letter. I think it favors Auburn that it has taken a little while longer, but I could be wrong.

I agree with this.  Seems like if he would have given in to his family's original wishes, he would ahve already done it.  In my opinion, he has taken the time to convince his family why AU is the place for him (though they may also be realizing that the mistake was made last year on NSD  ;) )


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ok, now I am not one to focus or care about what bammers have to say but I thought everyone could use a good laugh this morning.  This is what someone seriously posted on alabama's rivals message board...

"i would be asking some tough questions about what went on at aubarn, maybe even getting some bloodwork done,to see if someone slipped something in his drink while he was at the chameleon niteclub..."

seriously dude?

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I'm sure this is what we all already, know but read this on SI / fannation

Cyrus Kouandjio said., "My brother called me like, 'Brah, what are you doing?'" Cyrus Kouandjio said his brother holds "a lot" of sway over his college choice. "That's one thing that's tough about it because he wants me to go down to Alabama a lot," he said.

If accurate, sounds like he wants Auburn but his family wants him to go to Alabama. So he will either do what his family wants or what he wants. We'll know based on his decision.

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